
Daede The Eternal!

What happened to the man who decided to never leave his home? He died. Well, kind of... Okay, at least not entirely... He almost destroyed the Earth, ruled a kingdom in space, survived Collassals fracturing reality and even Explored the abyssal sea on a mighty ship! His stories became eternal across the stars. Shall we hear them all? Join me and read about his rise and maybe even his fall. --------------------------------------------- I'm writing a new story and I don't know if my writing is good or not but I would appreciate it if you let me know if you like the book~! FYI I joined the fantasy carnival so if you support the book, I'll make sure to dish out them chaps. Thank you in advance! Also for those wondering it's pronounced ["De"-"Eh"-Dey"] Or so It sounds in my head. Day-day works too! Art: Jensen Art - free commercial use (edited)

MissingHeart · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Human x Fish

"Hmmm, I wonder what this does," Daede mumbled as he extended one of his mind tentacles.


Suddenly a presence was felt. It was an odd sensation but he felt the mind of the fish?

The feeling was creepy and he didn't like it. It felt like he was some parasite. It was creepy as could be to the usual one consciousness Daede.

He quickly cut off the connection with the fish.

"Interesting indeed. Wonder what that does." Daede mumbled.

As the fish swam through the deep abyss. It remained unaware of the giant human mind inside its stomach.

As such the days passed.

Morning rose and night fell.

"Hmmm. How long has it been?" Daede wondered as he was squiggling his mind tentacles all over the place.

The few days of experimenting with the fish led to some surprising discoveries.

"Who knew. I'd commandeer a fish... Hahahaha!" laughing at his predicament he suddenly started squirming harder.

If anyone saw what it looked like inside the fish right now. They would be terrified.

numerous tentacles were poking out of a shiny rock and attaching themselves to different areas of the fish by elongating their length when needed and forming a spider web connecting to the fish.

It was an absurdly weird sight yet there was a clear design for it.

"Hehe" Daede laughed.

As he had hypothesized, he was able to take control of the fish with his mind. It was a little new at first but with days of familiarizing himself, he had managed to scare the fish's consciousness aside. Even though it was a sea beast, it could hardly compare to the equivalent of a nuclear reactor of consciousness.

This was his second achievement in these new lands and he was getting excited at the thought of what other wonders he would discover.

The system of power he claimed to have found still takes the number one spot in his mind but this added bonus was quite refreshing.

"I wasn't the jelly king for no reason hehe."

He was able to perceive what the fish saw and even felt but he cut that part off when he didn't need it to steer the fish.

It felt weird feeling as though he was a fish.

He didn't want to lose himself in that type of situation since he was still quite unfamiliar with the long-term side effects.

"Now let's get the #$%^ out of here." Daede screeched with his new fish body.

This discovery alone led to him contemplating several ideas on getting a body but he wasn't sure yet what was the situation above so that remained his foremost goal.

While he was pirating the fish's body, he couldn't help but think of that so-called system of power.

It wasn't complete nor did Daede know much from it, the only reason he even knew It wasn't complete was simply from the damage the blobs of info had. As he was studying them, he saw pieces that were broken without feeling.

Taking the same example from before, some of the lightbulbs of information were turned off, dimmed or shattered glass.

However, all was not lost since he knew there was information. He just had to dig it out and study and analyze it. How much he wished for a system itself instead of a partial system of power.

But beggars can't be choosers they say. Let's make the best of the ruins and focus on the present.

The system seemed to relate to the use of the language of power. How? He wasn't aware of that yet but studying non-stop is a monotonous experience and sometimes you need a break. Especially after two years in the dark about even where the hell you are.

With that, another day or so passed as Daede studied his blobs of information and swam his pirated fish.

"Wish the fishy had a map. I have no idea where I'm even steering this thing." Daede mumbled as he was swimming while every now and then plopping his head up out of the water to find some land.

Eventually, his efforts proved worthwhile as when he emerged from the abyssal ocean, he finally saw a sign of land. In the distance, there were large mountains and somewhat of a shore filled with rocks. He doesn't know if it's just an island or a real continent yet but he was too excited to care.

As the wind blew and the waves roared, a giant fish with a human brain rock swam to land.

As Daede was moving towards the shore, he was thinking about his next steps as he does need the plan to continue on the land portion of his journey.

"Let's see what are some valid idea's... hmmm..." Daede started thinking.

"Hostile takeover of a land mammal?"

"Shiny rock that moves?"

"The holy rock from space?"

"Shoot, it seems I will most likely be considered a treasure, a tool or an oracle that moves. Hmm. Well if I were to pick, since I am clueless being a treasure that shuts up might get me more info but I don't even know what the people around here are like..."

With that said, he had a brilliant idea pop up.

"Yes, this is for the best." The fish shuddered when Daede thought this.

As they neared the shore, Daede popped his fish head out to see through its eyes. A dead-looking beach presented itself. The sand was dark grey, the trees seemed a little sickly and there were jagged rocks surrounding this part.

"Nope, not a chance I land here. Place just oozes trouble. Tsk, think again if I am running into an evil creature's maw the moment I land." Daede stared dead-eyed at the place and rerouted his fish ship.

"Let's swim a few days more around this place. I'm sure we can find something else. Yeah, something that doesn't immediately scream. " Death on landing". " Daede thought as he avoided the plagued beach as he now dubbed it.