
Cyberpunk Edgerunners: David, the Runner

David's Father never died, instead, they had a nasty split. His mother didn't have the money to hire a lawyer unlike his wealthy Father, but even David at a young age preferred his Mother, so his 'allowance' was secretly sent to his Mother in its entirety... But he did get something from living with his Father, access to resources that came with living with a wealthy family. David had known his plan since he was ten years old, the moment he turned eighteen he would move out and move in with his Mother, so he prepared for moving into Night City, the crime capital of that region, so he trained. From business to fighting, all the way to even building a reputation for himself as an Edgerunner from a young age. He made sure he would be prepared, and he already had a crew picked out to meet... It turns out, his Mother also knew this crew as well. --- Hi everyone! Yeah, another Fanfic that rattles in my head that I had to begin writing and because despite Gloria being a very hot woman, I haven't really seen all that many fanfics with her 'Included' So Additional tags! -Incest -Torture -Strong from Start -No Bad Endings

BuloDolu · Anime e quadrinhos
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3 Chs

You smell that? Night City stinks

A little author note before I start that chapter! There are a lot of terms, and acronyms for Cyberpunk and I've seen a lot of comments on other fanfics about what they mean, so I will try my best to include a small description of each one at the end of a chapter to help, and if I ever miss one and someone has a question about it, please ask in the paragraph comments!

(End of Note)

Stepping off the AV* he took a deep breath in, before releasing it in a slow breath. ''Ah, that putrid Night City air, how I miss you.''

David chuckled a bit before he stepped forward, activating his neural hud* he called the car that was available to him that was dropped off near here.

Its Auto driver kicked in as its engine purred to life as David walked past the many others getting off the AV and headed for his car.

A Quadra Type-66 pulled up, a Dark frame and body with a raised spoiler, the car was a monster in its own right, having been specially customized to be a danger on the road, its name was ''Cthulhu'' a car he obtained by turning in an old favor from a racer he used to know.

Sampson lost that race of course, but to finally get out from under his favor of him? It was worth it.

He wanted to head directly for his Mother's apartment, but the crew he would be joining by recommendation was soon to be on a job, and he wanted to see how they ran.

David easily drove through the streets, despite it having been a long time, he remembers Night City like the back of his hand and within a little, under fifteen minutes he was able to pull up to the meeting spot, a small party area outside a few food trucks.

He spotted a large black man sitting on a large bench sipping a beer, Maine.

The leader of the crew he was joining, thankfully they had a pretty good rep sheet... That was until they started to take jobs from faraday.

Faraday was... a piece of work, while David was a part of the crew he would be turning in a few favors to start getting them better jobs so they leave Faraday's shadow but it would take some time.

Raising a hand to his wrist he pressed the two bracelet object he wore together. He is wearing a black dress shirt with its sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and a dark burgundy red vest.

He wore slacks and dress shoes as well since it was his own personal preference always to dress nice. A habit he picked up from his Father.

When the two bracelets connected there was a soft glow from each of them before what looked to be a skin-tight suit began to expand from them. Stretching up his arms as two hidden ones beneath his slacks at his ankles did the same.

Soon he was wearing specialized combat under armor, most of it hidden beneath his clothing but his arms did get covered with a black mesh, along with his hands.

His neck and most of his face getting covered as it only left his eyes, hair, and ears out in the open. Flexing a bit he got comfortable in the new suit before he rolled his sleeves down.

When they were down it looked like he was wearing a simple pair of black gloves.

Stepping out of his car he raised a hand to rub his fingers through his hair, ruffling it a bit as he did, keeping his hair kept well, but not perfectly.

An Edgerunner* with nice hair was always weird.

Moving through the party he passed a few other mercs and Edgerunnres as well, even two members of the crew, a tall lanky man with tech hands and a visor, and a large buff woman that was only a bit shorter then David himself.

He walked right up to Maine, causing a few eyes to follow them as he noticed his intent, one of them being Maine, subtly reaching for his sidearm.

''Can I help you, suit?'' Maine asked, ready to blast the guy away in case he meant any funny business.

''That's 'Mr' Suit to you.'' David responded with amusement in his voice, this caused Maine to freeze a moment before he laughed out, releasing the hold he had on his firearm as he stood up and opened his arms to David.

''The man himself! I was wondering when we'd get to see you, turns out you arrived a bit earlier than we agreed on, here take a beer.'' Maine said as he put a beer into David's hand and opened it for him before he threw a shoulder over David's broad shoulders.

''Gang, come meet our new member! A legend from over the Seas himself, 'Mr. Suit'!''

He did not choose the nickname, but walking around with a suit and his face covered and a lot of people just chose the nickname, that was fine since he planned to change it anyway, but he hated it until that changed.

Multiple people from the crowd stepped out, moving over to Maine as a few other bystanders whooped and hollered, claiming they had a 'Living' legend in their mix.

But despite some of the... Many things David's done, he wasn't prepared for a beautiful red-headed woman to step out of the crowd, wearing jeans that hugged her wide hips and shapely legs.

And what looked to be a black t-shirt and yellow coat, did little to hide the absolute rocking body beneath.

David's brows went up as the woman walked over to them, Maine introducing the rest of the people that had walked up.

Pointing to the tall lanky man first he spoke. ''This is our techie and turret guy, if we have enough time, and scrap. He can make sure we can defend a place to kingdom come, his name is Pilar.''

''Nice to meet you man, I seen what you did on the Bank Crest job, absolutely preem* work choom*!

''Thanks, it was one of my finest moments, even if I had to read a manual in the middle of it.'' David chuckled, his eyes holding his Mother's while he did though. Shaking Pillar's hands firmly, noting by the momentary touch to his suit, Pillar's hands were wearing down a bit, he would need to get new one soon.

''This beautiful big bitch is my right hand! Dorio.''

Dorio was a beautiful woman, and correctly named 'Big Bitch' as she had muscles tightly packed into her opened jacket that showed off her abdomen and breast. The look of admiration for the woman David gave her didn't go unnoticed.

She reached her hand forward, shaking David's hand with a firmer grip, she smiled as she noted the strength the man had, he was built really well. ''Also the woman who knocks his gonk* ass around when needed''

David nodded at her joke before the next one was introduced.

''This is Kiwi, one of our three resident netrunners, she's our overwatch.''

A tall much skinnier woman reached forward to rake him by the hand to give him a shake, she was beautiful, but stern looking. Much like David her mouth and nose was also covered, but by the brief contact she made with his suit, it was because she didn't have a nose or mouth, it looks like she was running a pretty decent Cyberdeck* and her security was top notch.

''This is Rebecca, our resident gun nut, and person who usually looks after our irons*''

Rebecca was a short and thick type, with beautiful thick legs and a small chest, where all her breast meat seemed to pack straight down to her ass she wore a large oversized coat that was unzipped to reveal her bikini wear.

She stuck out her hand with gusto and shook his hand a few times. ''Hey choom! The Overture that you used in that one shoot out, did you customize that yourself, if not who did?''

David laughed. ''It was my own work, I'll let you see all my goodies later.''

She leaned back on her heels as she put a hand over her heart. ''Oh he's new and he's already flirting with me! I might've fallen for him already!''

She laughed as Maine moved on to the next person. ''This is Lucy, our newest Netrunner that joined us through Kiwi's recommendation, nasty with a mano wire* and a wize at cracking ICE* and infiltration.''

Lucy reached forward, she was a hot piece of work herself with a nice grip. She wasn't as thick as Rebecca was, but she had some meat on her breast, wearing a white half coat and a netrunner suit with a lot of 'Breathing' room. His suit said despite her running a older model of Cyberdeck, her Mono-wire was top of the line, and her specs were crazy high despite the older deck. Security was tight as well.

''Hey, if Pilar tries anything, just fry his ass.''

''Hey, what the fuck Lucy?!'' Pillar responded as the group laughed.

''We have another Netrunner, her name is Sasha, but she's currently scouting the job location some more before we get, our driver Falco is with her, but our last unofficial member and the person who's patched us all up more times than we'd like to admit is Gloria-''

''Martinez, I know.'' David answered as he offered his hand to the woman, some confusion on her face.

''You know me?'' She responded as she shook his hand with confusion evident on her face.

David chuckled, his suit said she was in good health, and she was doing good helped him relax a bit. Before he reached up.

''Of course, I do, what son wouldn't recognize his own mother?'' David said as he tapped the mask covering his face, it descending as everyone got a good look at the handsome person who stood before them.

The suit masked his voice and hid him from any data that would recognize his appearance, and 'Mr Suit' had been quite adamant of never showing his face before. But that would change starting from now.

Gloria, bless her heart short-circuited as she held the hand of her son, staring at him. She knew it was him, he looked exactly like her son, he was supposed to be here later today, he had the same pretty brown eyes as hers and the brown hair of his bastard of a father...

''David...?'' She whispered, excitement welling up first as she launched at him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and lifting herself up to hug him tightly.

Oh, she felt better to hold than he remembered as he lifted her up, hugging his arms around her waist and lower back and lifting her up with ease to do so.

He held her tightly, kissing her head as she snuggled into his neck. ''Hi mom.''

''Holy shit, she said her son was a looker but DAMN!'' Rebecca commented, getting a snicker out of Kiwi and Dorio.

Lucy however was lost as well... Because when she escaped from Arasaka and wondered... She did meet one person, who really helped her out, who she believed to be some random person who was just, really kind.

The person that had given her hope that maybe not 'Everyone' was a fucking asshole. She knew his name was David, but never connected the dots, until all hunk of the man was standing in front of her, hugging the woman who always bragged about how her son was doing.


Feel I could've done better? Let me know!

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Slang and terms below!

AV is a type of flying car, there seen a lot in the game if you just look up

Neural hud is an implant that almost everyone has, it's pretty much just like a phone.

An Edgerunner is a sort of mercenary

Preem is a slank for nice, cool, etc.

Choom is slank for friends, buddies, ol' pal, and the like.

Gonk is a term for idiot

Cyberdeck is an onboard hacking tool that most netrunners have, and anyone who wishes to prevent their brain from getting fried. That's how they hack people during combat. You can also 'jack in' to a larger chair to increase just how much a normal cyberdeck can do, like hooking up your VR headset to a beast of a computer to run better games... Which is a weird analogy I guess.

Irons is slang for guns

Mano-wire is a type of 'Melee' weapon used in cyberpunk. Think a garrot wire on steroids, can be laced with poison, superheated to slice through things like butter, and many other versions. Their incredibly powerful in the game, and if you've watched the anime. Lucy is capable of wrapping someone up before they even realized they're fucked.

ICE is a 'Firewall' that prevents people from breaking in, most netrunners have some level of skill to get around it, it's an acronym for Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics