
Cyberpunk Edgerunners: David, the Runner

David's Father never died, instead, they had a nasty split. His mother didn't have the money to hire a lawyer unlike his wealthy Father, but even David at a young age preferred his Mother, so his 'allowance' was secretly sent to his Mother in its entirety... But he did get something from living with his Father, access to resources that came with living with a wealthy family. David had known his plan since he was ten years old, the moment he turned eighteen he would move out and move in with his Mother, so he prepared for moving into Night City, the crime capital of that region, so he trained. From business to fighting, all the way to even building a reputation for himself as an Edgerunner from a young age. He made sure he would be prepared, and he already had a crew picked out to meet... It turns out, his Mother also knew this crew as well. --- Hi everyone! Yeah, another Fanfic that rattles in my head that I had to begin writing and because despite Gloria being a very hot woman, I haven't really seen all that many fanfics with her 'Included' So Additional tags! -Incest -Torture -Strong from Start -No Bad Endings

BuloDolu · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Night City might stink... But you?

David held his Mother tightly, breathing her scent in slightly. A lot of memories rushed forth.

His mother was a good woman, who worked hard. That included on keeping up with her appearance the best she could.

Her scent brought a lot of comfort to him as he held her for a few moments longer before prying her off him.

''I miss you to Mom, but come on, in front of the gang?''

''Hey choom, don't mind us! A son who can't hug his mother like that no matter who they're around? Ain't no son I'd want!'' Dorio laughed out as she slapped at his shoulder, stopping only momentarily as she felt the muscle beneath, holy shit.

He was hiding a lot beneath that suit.

''That's... Surprising man, who would've thought? Gloria, did you know your son was one of the legends over the seas? His name carries weight!'' Maine laughed as he stared at them.

''No, I had no idea at all... I knew his pendejo of a Father was involved with some unsavory types...''

''No, He had no involvement in me becoming an Edgerunner, technically. You did Mom.''

''I did?'' Gloria looked up at him confused.

''Night city, crime capitol in this region? I knew ever since the split that I wanted to be with you. But when I turned ten? I made a plan, that plan made sure that I was ready to be at your side, and to protect you no matter the circumstance... So I trained, and I trained hard.''

Gloria swallowed, she was... Upset, but at the same time it left a warm feeling in her chest... But now she hated her Ex that much more. The whole reason she didn't fall apart when David left was that he would have a better life, a life away from crime.

But he still got involved in it.

''Hold on, call from Falco.'' Maine turned a bit away from the group and the party as a whole as he listened in on the call before he turned around quickly.

''They need our help, it looks like the scouting mission went wrong, we need to go.''

Everyone nodded and moved to their versions of transport, Gloria was about to begin moving before David caught her hand and pulled her with him as he got into his car. Gloria's eyes widened as she stared at the ride, she wasn't as car-savvy as some of the people from the Valentinos*, but growing up around them, and you pick up a thing or two, like being able to spot a monster of a car.

Sliding into the passenger seat she relaxed as she felt the seats were heated, David opened a call between everyone as he already had them added to his contacts as he moved behind the steering wheel.

''Where are they?''

''A Biotechna building not too far from here actually, they were originally scouting the place, grab a few files. Then get out, seems the security was tripped somehow.'' Maine spoke first as David pulled out of the parking spot and spun the car around with skilled hands.

Changing the gear he began to rapidly accelerate as he switched gears as he needed.

''Biotechna? That means Andriod security. Kiwi, Lucy, I recommend stuns and a blackout if you have it, Suicides won't work on them because it's not programmed into them.''

''Will EMPs work?'' Pilar questioned

''Doubtful, EMP shielding might be expensive, but companies usually always have them. If you have something that can release a concentrated burst of electricity that would be recommended.''

''What about for us fighters?'' Dorio questioned.

''Andriods usually don't have the best armor shielding around joints, their neck, or their eyes. If you find yourself in close combat with them, with a knife they have parts in their chest where if you can slip a knife in and swipe it like a credit card you'll be able to get a lot of wires, that should destroy some of their motor skills to make them easier to get more attacks in.

If you're using a sword or something, their necks have a thick sort of rubbery tube, if you cut that it will cut off their cooling system, and all that liquid running down their circuits will cause them to short circuit.

If you're going fists, and you're strong, you should be able to actually rip their joins off them with a strong enough tug, and if you can get the plating to their chest open. There is a core around their abdomen section where the solar plexus would be, if you pull that out you have about 7 seconds until it detonates in a small electrical explosion.''

''Man, you do know a lot.'' Maine chuckled out across the call as Gloria just watched her son, was it weird to think her son looked kind of cool right now?

''I don't have anything like a stun right now, I left those modules* at home,'' Lucy spoke up.

Most of them were behind David, simply because his car could outpace their vehicles as well as his skills at driving through traffic were unmatched, and if he ever got to a point where he would be blocked off, or somewhere where he couldn't drive, he already knew another route to continue getting to the location he needed.

''Check my trunk, I just synced up all of your biometrics with it. If you need better firepower, a better blade, or some modules, check it once you get there.''

David reached across his Mother and opened the glove department. Where he pulled out four similar black bracelets that he wore. Handing them to her. Speaking out loud and not over the call.

''Put one on each ankle and wrist, they should clip around easily. Once they do you'll feel something like a scan and some heat, don't worry about it.''

''What is it?'' She asked, even if she still started to put them on.

''Think of it as a high-tech armor.'' David spoke as he began to unbutton his dress shirt, showing off his chiseled chest as well as the armor he was speaking of, it was hard to notice but as he moved there were incredibly soft pulses of energy that seemed to wave off him starting from his core and reached outwards across the suit.

''Once you got them on, tape the ones on your wrist together, the first time is a bit uncomfortable so bare with it.''

David was still driving as he was able to pull off his shirt and toss it into the back, Gloria doing as he asked, she shivered a bit as she felt the suit expand, only to blush when she realized something.

It went even under her underwear.

''Mom, take the wheel.''

She reached over immediately, taking the wheel as David reclined back and began to quickly get out of his pants.

''Is it... Is it supposed to go beneath my underwear?'' She asked while watching the road.

David chuckled a bit at that. ''Yeah, it's like a superhero suit that you wear the speedo on the outside, that's why I just go commando.''

Gloria heard that and looked down, where David's crotch would be was right under her, he actually needed to lift his hips to get his pants off and it caused his pelvis to press up into her breast. She still had her jacket, shirt, bra, and even the armor now in the way, but the action made her self-conscious about something she was unsure of.

Once David got his clothes off he took the wheel again as he leaned forward, there was already a lot of security around the Biotechnica building and David whistled a bit.

''Looks like I might need to actually try a bit... That's a lot of security.''


Valentinos is a gang that exists in Nightcity, mostly Mexicans but their most known for keeping pretty peaceful, their main goals is to get hot women, and hot cars. They tend to love gold as well.

Modules, or 'Mods' are chips that can be clicked into a cyberdeck, that is basically just a 'quick-hack' on demand. For this fanfic they can be considered consumables, they only have so many uses before their not useful anymore.

Their also not the 'best' to use in a... High profile mission, because most security systems and ICE's will have protection against modules, unless you got something REAL special.

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