
Cyberpunk Edgerunners: David, the Runner

Autor: BuloDolu
Anime & Comics
Contínuo · 33.8K Modos de exibição
  • 3 Chs
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What is Cyberpunk Edgerunners: David, the Runner

Leia o romance Cyberpunk Edgerunners: David, the Runner escrito pelo autor BuloDolu publicado no WebNovel. David's Father never died, instead, they had a nasty split. His mother didn't have the money to hire a lawyer unlike his wealthy Father, but even David at a young age preferred his Mother, so his 'all...


David's Father never died, instead, they had a nasty split. His mother didn't have the money to hire a lawyer unlike his wealthy Father, but even David at a young age preferred his Mother, so his 'allowance' was secretly sent to his Mother in its entirety... But he did get something from living with his Father, access to resources that came with living with a wealthy family. David had known his plan since he was ten years old, the moment he turned eighteen he would move out and move in with his Mother, so he prepared for moving into Night City, the crime capital of that region, so he trained. From business to fighting, all the way to even building a reputation for himself as an Edgerunner from a young age. He made sure he would be prepared, and he already had a crew picked out to meet... It turns out, his Mother also knew this crew as well. --- Hi everyone! Yeah, another Fanfic that rattles in my head that I had to begin writing and because despite Gloria being a very hot woman, I haven't really seen all that many fanfics with her 'Included' So Additional tags! -Incest -Torture -Strong from Start -No Bad Endings

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I personally like the idea of not a bad ending for the whole crew almost like in the anime honestly thought a few more would live


I'm looking forward to this it sounds like it'll be good


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No One 17 and Under Admittedmature rating