
Cyberpunk Edgerunners: David, the Runner

David's Father never died, instead, they had a nasty split. His mother didn't have the money to hire a lawyer unlike his wealthy Father, but even David at a young age preferred his Mother, so his 'allowance' was secretly sent to his Mother in its entirety... But he did get something from living with his Father, access to resources that came with living with a wealthy family. David had known his plan since he was ten years old, the moment he turned eighteen he would move out and move in with his Mother, so he prepared for moving into Night City, the crime capital of that region, so he trained. From business to fighting, all the way to even building a reputation for himself as an Edgerunner from a young age. He made sure he would be prepared, and he already had a crew picked out to meet... It turns out, his Mother also knew this crew as well. --- Hi everyone! Yeah, another Fanfic that rattles in my head that I had to begin writing and because despite Gloria being a very hot woman, I haven't really seen all that many fanfics with her 'Included' So Additional tags! -Incest -Torture -Strong from Start -No Bad Endings

BuloDolu · Anime e quadrinhos
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3 Chs

Right out of a Fairy Tale

As David swerved to keep room for everyone else, he got out in a fluid motion, his Mother following him as he got out and moved to his Trunk.

''David, are you... Sure you should be doing this? This is Biotechnica, I work sometimes with them, they don't fuck around.'' She asked just as the trunk of his car opened, and when she saw what was inside? She second-guessed herself.

Did her son fuck around?

David reached forward, grabbing the first pistol in the row he checked its chamber before he chambered a round, sliding it into the holster that he grabbed as well, putting it on along with a few backup magazines.

''Mom, you see that device right there, looks like an old fashion shield. Place it under your clothes over the armor on your stomach, it should magnetize right to the armor.'' David said as he then grabbed an Ajax rifle along with two backup mags for it.

She did as he instructed, lifting her shirt to put the shield near it, she felt the sudden jerk as it left her hand and magnetized to her suit. When it did she felt a soft vibration that caused her to giggle.

''What is this?''

''An experimental shield module, rare and expensive tech. But it stops bullets and anything else deemed harmful, I tinkered with it a bit to increase its overall efficiency and battery life, and with the suit, it will last even longer but still, stay behind me.''

David then slung the rifle over his shoulder just as the others pulled up, everyone coming out to look at what he had in his trunk, and everyone had different reactions.

Lucy reached forward, plucking a few of the available mods and lifting the back of her hair to slot them in, when she did her eyes flickered a bit. ''Wow, this stuff is... top of the line.''

''I don't use anything but the best, and if I can't buy the best, I make the best.''

Rebecca burst into giggles as she pulled out an Overturn revolver from the rack of weapons. Grabbing some extra ammo as well.

''Aim center mass, grip with both hands and prepare for a kick.'' That was all David said and she practically moaned at him in response as Dorio grinned, sliding on what looked to be golden brass knuckles.

''I remember seeing you use these once, how do you activate the one thing?''

''The sparks? Slam them together, careful though. It tingles.'' David answered as he tapped his wrist twice, a screen-like hologram appearing as he downloaded the blueprints of the building, sending them to the rest.

''There is an active door open on the top floor, I think that's where our scout is.'' David said as he examined the map, everyone had grabbed something from his trunk and he shut it once they began to move.

''Our scout?'' Maine asked.

''I believe in professionalism. I agreed to be a part of your team, which meant the moment my feet hit Night City soil, you were family.'' David said as he brought the rifle around, chambering a round as he began to move.

The others moved with him, his Mother having grabbed a nue pistol for herself, since it was the only one she knew how to use, putting a few mags for herself in her jacket pocket as she moved up with them, staying behind David like he instructed, finding it somewhat hard to go against him since he moved with such a...

Practiced precision.

He didn't bother trying to hide that he was armed when he entered the building, directly putting a hand against the glass his hand seemed to release a soft pulse of energy before the glass door shattered, the thick planes of bulletproof glass falling to the ground.

Before the first pane of glass hit the ground, he had pulled his trigger twice, a burst of two rounds leaving his rifle twice as he dropped the two security guards at the front desk.

He already had a deamon up and in the system that would hide their faces and whip records immediately as they went, so he could be as loud and aggressive as he wanted to, as long as he was out of here before more people got here.

He continued to advance with the others, but they didn't move as 'Trained' as David seemed to be, they all moved with instinctual skill, a lot of it as well, as they reached the elevator and hit the button it showed access denied.

David was turning to Lucy before she spoke.

''Already got it, it's heading down now.''

''Dorio, Pillar you stay here and watch the ground floor, Kiwi, Lucy. You find a place to make the most use of your skills, I'll take the elevator and head up with David.''

Everyone nodded as they began to move, only for David to stop as he lifted his wrist, another hologram appearing but this time it was what looked to be a camera feed, having already highjacked the basic systems. Just as what looked to be a module for a cyberdeck ejected from the back of his neck, it was smoking before it seemed to self-destruct.

The camera showed a fight going on in the office Sasha was in.

''Fuck, the elevator won't be fast enough to get to her before something might happen... FUCK!'' Maine cursed, starting to message Sasha to get out of there.

''I got it, I'll use the stairs.'' David said.

''How will using the stai-'' Maine stopped as his eyes played a trick on him, David was there for one moment.

Then gone the next.

Already at the Tenth floor, he seemed to 'Reappear' in a blur of motion from the stairs, having killed quite a few robots on his way up here. He switched to his pistol just as he checked the camera again, it seemed Sasha was pretty good at close combat, even when she was still jacked in to a terminal, but more robots were starting to appear.

David continued to move just as he watched her burst through the glass, when he saw the starting explosion, he vanished again.

He cursed beneath his breath, even with the Sandevistan* he was running, he wouldn't be able to make it in time all the way up, so he got to the fifteenth floor and headed down the hallway. Moving at full speed he didn't hesitate to unload the full auto pistol into the glass window to weaken it, ejecting a clip and reloading to dump another magazine into it before he burst through the glass himself.

Just as he holstered the pistol and reached out to catch the falling woman, time for him resumed normally as his Sandevistan shut off again, heat expelling rapidly from the back of his suit noticeably hazed the air due to the heat.

The woman seemed surprised she had been caught, though through her blurry eyes, she was able to make out the handsome face of David, her confusion evident as she stared at him.

''Names 'Mr. Suit.' I'm your new Edgerunner, hell... If I had known whole Princesses fell out of the sky? I'd have come to Night City sooner.'' He flirted.

Sasha's mind was muddled from all the information she had taken in, and then the explosion but she giggled her vision clouding as she passed out in his arms.

He began to freefall from the fifteenth floor, looking down his optics zoomed in on a face near a plain vehicle, it was Falco. The driver of the crew was staring at him with widened eyes.

David shot him a text simply saying 'Back up.' which, Falco did without thinking.

As David neared the ground his suit suddenly glew bright. Power seemed to suddenly push off him as he brought Sasha close to his body, holding her in such a way that she wouldn't suddenly jerk.

Just as David landed on top of the plain-looking car, crushing the roof of it in and causing it to sink down a few feet into itself.

Once David's suit calmed down, he stood. Seemingly fine now as he stepped off the car.

Falco let out a slow, long whistle.

''Damn, they said you were good... But not jumping out of a building, catching a woman, and then free-falling 15 floors to land just fine good... What kind of food you eating to be able to do that?'' Falco joked.

David chuckled softly, shaking his head. ''It's the suit, energy dispersal. That's why the car is crushed.''

''Well, I hope you got a car I can hitch a ride in, that was mine.'' Falco laughed out loud and David turned to look at the car as he sent a message to the crew to pull back, he was able to grab Sasha.

''Sorry, but I'll make it up to you, Are you a muscle, or a sports kind of guy?'' David asked as he turned back to Falco who just grinned.



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Sandevistan is a cyberwear that increases the users perception to such a degree that it makes everyone else seem like their moving in slow motion, this is the tech that David uses in the anime, all thought similar.

The one this David has is a bit... More, so to speak.