
Chapter eighteen: Possessive husband

"Every time you speak with that sweet mouth of yours and that plump lips, God! I don't know if I can survive without touching you. I wanted to touch you, to feel your body against mine, and to make you completely mine, but I can't and I'm trying not to because I know you're still not ready for it."

My face turned in a deep shade of red after hearing his words. My mouth fell open and I don't know how to respond from it. We both fell into silence when he started again the engine and started to drive. His gripping the steering wheel and his knuckles turning in white.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

"Our sun-date tomorrow, actually it's for us girls only. No boys allowed." I only speak when he parked in front of my apartment. We are still in the car and his head snapped at me.

"No boys allowed." he repeats not in a question form without looking at me.

"Yes. No boys allowed."

"What time are you going out?" he asked now facing me.

"I think, before lunch until 9 to 10 pm probably."

"That long?" his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Yeah. Actually it's still short. You know girls time... we can hang out the entire day around without being exhausted."

His mouth shaped an 'O' but didn't say anything. He opened his door side before he walked over to open mine. I waited for him this time, because I know he hated it when I didn't wait for him to open my door. So, I just sit there and watch him doing his part of being a true gentleman.

I smiled at him before taking his hand that is in front of me.

"Thank you."  I don't forget to say thank you even in every small things that he does, like opening my car door, closing it, walking to the door, giving me food and some other small things. Although he always telling me that I really don't need to say thank you because it's his job for being my husband.

"So... I can't even have you for lunch tomorrow?" he asked while were walking. His palm placed on my lower back that creating hot tingles to all my senses. His eyes having a hopeful glimpse. We stopped at the doorway.

I sighed. Why does he have to be handsome?

"Maybe tomorrow night if you're not busy or have nothing to do, you can drop by here and I'll cook something for you. How's that sound?" I smiled at him at hold his hand from my waste.

"You can cook?" his eyes were round and looked surprised.

"Yeah. I can cook. I can definitely cook for the whole town." I answered with a wink.

"Uhm... sounds tempting, but add some more convincing idea."

I rolled my eyes on his grinning face. "How about after dinner we can watch a movie and eat some popcorn in the living room."

"Hmm...."  he put his right thumb on his chin as if he's really thinking if he would agree.

"Oh! Never mind mister, I'd changed my mind. I better go to sleep tomorrow night. That would be better." and now his grin immediately become frown.

"Don't you dare left me hanging on a cliff, woman."

"Because you're really taking so long for your answer.  It's just a simple yes or a no."

"Fine. What time are you coming home?"

"Uhm.. I don't know. I'll just text you an hour before so I could still prepare for dinner." I turned around to insert my key to the keyhole, but he snatched it from me and he's inserted it himself. I entered the living room with him behind me. He closed the door behind him.

"I'll text you from time to time."

"What?" I instantly turned around. "What am I, a five-year-old kid for you to monitor from time to time?" I put my bag on the couch before I go to the kitchen to get some water. He followed me there and get the glass from my hand after I drink. I didn't empty the glass so it still has a half content of water on it. He drinks it in two gulps while his eyes were looking at me.

My breath hitched at the sight of his lips fully covered the side of the mouth glass. My mouth and throat feel dry. I moved my eyes from his lips to his eyes and I found him staring at me, smirking. My face turned flushed at the idea that he caught me staring at his lips.

-'Why is it so hard and complicated like this? He's my freaking husband, forgodsake!'-

"So, about your question Mrs. Smith." he put the glass on the table and take a step forward so his now invading my private space. Our breaths mixing with each other and it almost stops me from breathing. I can smell his cologne filling my nostrils.

"I will text you from time to time to know you were safe..." he paused and place his lips on the crock of my neck, giving me feather-like kisses. I take a deep breath because of the sensation he's also giving me.

"And I don't want other man gawking at you.." his lips were moving up to the back of my ear. He bite it and I gripped the hem of his shirt to stop my moan. His hands drawing circles on my waist. "So, if you're busy talking with your friends while you're also busy on your phone texting me, they will get the message. that you're taken." his lips were about to capture mine but I pushed him and I glared at him.

He looks confused and surprised.

"Oh... is that so, Mr. Smith?" I throw my hand in the air and the other is on my hip. "Jeez, Alex! How can I supposed to hang out and talk to my friends properly of you're texting me from time to time? I am starting to get annoyed.

"I just want to-----"

"You just want to what?" I looked at him in the eyes. "Alex, if you want us to work, you have to put your trust in me first!" he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

Seeing his reaction, I think of a joke to try his mood.

"You know what, if you're going to be like this every time I am going to hang out with my friends, I am planning not to tell you the next time." I tried (tried) to walk passed at him only to be just pulled back from where I stand and slightly pushed me to the wall. He caged me with his two solid arms.

"Don't you dare think of doing that, sweetheart. If you don't want me to drag you back and tied you on my hips just for me to know your whereabouts!"

His eyes are sending daggers to my face. I bite my tongue to control my smile that is going to break from my lips.

"Why? I didn't remember asking you to tell me your God damned whereabouts! So, why do you want to know mine?" I continue to tease him.

"Because I am sure I can protect myself-----"

"Yeah, right! You can protect yourself from the goons, but you're willingly preying yourself to those alligator woman! So, what's the difference of me being-------ohh.." that's all I can say when his lips trapped me from speaking. He nibbled my bottom lip seeking for entrance, but of course being me -- a tease-- I didn't give him that. I continue to close my mouth.

But the next thing he did made me gasped and he instantly plagued his tongue inside my mouth. He pressed me hard to his body and to his growing erection. He's hands kneading my butt and I moaned. He lifted my thighs and I wrapped my legs on his waist while my back is still on the wall.

He held me still. His tongue moving down to my jaws to my throat and to my neck. I turned my head to the side to give him more access to it. My hands keep on caressing his hair while his teeth nibbling and sucking my skin, and when he found my sweet spot, I can't help the moan escaped from me again. I made a fist of ball on his hair and slid my hand down to his back kneading his muscles on my palms. And he grunted me a small groan.

He slid down one of my dress sleeves and continue his assaults on my shoulder blade that I also need to grip hard his shoulder to stop another moan of pleasure that is willing to escape again. His lips now back to my lips and he kissed me hungrily as if his life depends on that kiss. We lost in our own world of making out that we both didn't notice the front door opened and Cari walked to the kitchen with Ryan (again) trailing behind her.

"Holy cow! I'm sorry!" she instantly disappeared from the kitchen.

-'De Ja Vu'-

My eyes widened in realization and I unwrapped my legs from Alex's waist, but he didn't let me. I am blushing a thousands shades of tomato and I hide my cheeks on his chest. When he found my discomfort, he wrapped his hands around me and sit to the nearest chair with me on his lap.

"This is so embarrassing." I whispered to his neck. I keep my fave hiding on the crock of his neck. He just chuckled with my statement.

"Baby, there's no point to feel embarrassed, we're a couple. And when they see husband and wife making out, it's completely normal." he said still chucking.

-'Wow! why do we always end up making out in the kitchen and Cari and Ryan always caught us? Forgodsake!"

"Let's walk you to bed. Can you walk?" I looked up at him.

"Of course. I'm not paralyzed!" he laughed again.

"I'm just asking, though. After they found us making out in your kitchen, I supposed you can't handle a walk of shame." I punched his chest while standing up and glared at him.

"Ohh.. trust me my dear husband! This will be our last making out in my kitchen and everywhere. And this will be your last kiss that you will receive from me, ever!"  after saying that, I walked out from him not without witnessing his wide eyes and a look of disbelief on his face.

"Oh, no! Baby, tell me you're just kidding." I heard him shouting behind me.

"The hell I am!" I shouted not looking back at him. When I walked passed to the open-mouthed Cari and smirking Ryan, I winked at them. Cari give me an arched eyebrow. They know that I am just acting. Stomping my feet, I make my way to the stairs not even bothering to get my bag and cellphone from the couch.

But before I could close my bedroom door, Alex is now in front of me stopping the door to close. So, I let him in. I walked directly to the bathroom, but I didn't even take a few steps, I was pulled back into a hard chest.

I let out a squeal as he hugged me from behind.

"Tell me you don't mean it, baby." I tried to take his hand off from my waist. But the truth is, I am so much enjoying it.

"Oh, I mean it. All of it!"

"No! you can't!" he placed his head on my neck and I almost give in. But I continue my stunt.

"And why? It's just a kiss, Alex. You can survive without a kiss in your life!" I say trying myself not to laugh.

He spins me around to look into my eyes and I was shocked... he's pouting. Seeing him pouting makes me want to kiss him so hard. And I peck his lips, I can't control myself not doing it because he is so cute. I wish I can capture it with my phone.

"Just kidding, baby." I laughed when I see his eyes lightened up when I called him the endearment he often used to me. But not a split of seconds, his expression changed.

"Ahh... you little tease." he said with a mischievous smile.

"Peace?" I made a sign of peace on my finger while still grinning.

"No." he said shaking his head. I want to take a step back but he's always fast. He scoops me by my legs and he seated at the edge of the bed. My legs spreading on both side of his waist and my eyes widened when I felt his bulged poking my butt.

"Whoah! You're...." I can't finish my thought as he nodded while grinning.

"Yes, baby. Can you feel that? that's what you do to me."

"Huh!" I gasped.

"Don't worry, I promised I won't force you on this. Not... if you insisted me to take my rights on you. And to consummate our marriage. You can always ask me and I'm willing to obey." my face turning into red again but he just laugh at my state.

We started making out again, until sleeps takeover on us. We sleep together in my room with me in his arms for the first time. I want to whisper him those three words, but I stopped myself. We're not yet on a stable situation and I don't know what would be his reaction if he knows my feelings. I also don't know if he has the same feeling as mine. I closed my eyes with a smile on my lips. I snuggled more on to his chest and his arm on holding my waist tightened.

"Goodnight, Alex."

"Goodnight, baby." and he kissed me on my forehead before we dozed off.