
Comeet Legacy

[Hello, Levi] The synthetic, automated voice came again. Born a sickling and grew that way, Levi was never ready to bear the consequences and responsibilities of being the host to the construct that burrowed into his neck. Not only did it cure him from his lethal illness, it also granted him extreme abilities. With schemes and lies holding up what's left of the planet, Levi has to suffer loss, anger and betrayal in his endeavour to avenge the murder of his father. But the system doesn't only want Levi to satisfy his own anger-driven desires. It wants Levi to save the remaining population from another Ròkks raid and build a new civilization. What happens when this new intergalactic civilization start falling apart for the same reasons that once pushed him? How much more people—or rather, sentients of different anatomy—lose their lives before balance is restored? //: Every tag is or will be present in the novel:\\

MAXandMILLS · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
136 Chs

No Abby No Brody

Levi squinted his eyes and struggled his head. He couldn't feel his legs and his head hurt badly. He tried to move his body, to get up, but to no avail. He was surfaced with rocks! 

Levi breathed hard, seeing nothing but darkness. "Lexi?" He whispered. 

There was no answer.

"Lexi?" He called again. "Are you there?" 

[I am, Levi]

Levi sighed with relief as he tried to take in as much oxygen as he could. He groaned and attempted to move his hand to scratch his forehead that was itching. He couldn't do anything, his body was positioned awkwardly and pinned down by the rubble. Levi was surprised he was alive.

"What do we do about this, Lexi?" Levi asked.

[At the moment, I'm afraid we can't do anything, Levi]

"What?" Levi protested.

[I'm sorry, but we have to renew our covalence after the battle you had exerted yourself]

"Renew? How long will this renewal take?"

[I will try my best to ascertain. Here is the list of damages confirmed]

[Tachycardia, limb paralysis, slight concussion, multiple internal bleeding, external bruises and injuries, hazy vision, in fact I'm certain of tetraplegia now-]

"Okay, okay, I get it," Levi interfered. All the pain seemed to be appearing immediately Lexi mentioned them. 

[Do not worry, it would take a few minutes]

Few minutes before another regenerate comes creeping by and munching on his defenceless body. 

Levi traced his thoughts back to what transpired before he found himself buried by rocks. Abby? Brody? Where were they? He started to panic, they must've been separated after the ground had broken apart.

"Lexi? Search for vibrations and heat markers, if you can. Check if Abby and Brody are around."

[Indeed, Levi, I can sense someone in the vicinity right now]

"Really?" Levi beamed with hope. Suddenly, a rock above his head was lifted, the first rays of light peeked into his cramped spot. Not just rays of any light, rays of a ball of fire. Levi raised his head to see Box's stoic face looking down at him with his hand conjuring a ball of flame.

"Hey," Box spoke for the first time. His voice was extremely deep, not threatening, just deep and calm. His face was soiled, but he looked okay. He must've dropped in a better spot, unlike Levi.

"I heard you talking to yourself, or should I say to...Lexi," Box added, his other hand, holding the huge rock he had pulled out. "Can you move?" He asked Levi.

Levi only shook his head. Box sighed as he glanced at the heavy debris piled on Levi. He shook his hand, waving off the flame, he bent forward and grabbed Levi by the pits.

In unity, they both groaned, pulling Levi out of the hole. 

"Oh fuck, fuck! Fuck no," Levi cursed on seeing his legs, as soon as he was successfully pulled out. They were disfigured, bent disorientedly. 

Box smiled at Levi's visage as he walked around, with a ball of fire still on his palms, the only source of light in their location. Their location? Levi spun his head around, left and right, skimming the area. 

They were in some sort of an underground cave that resembled a canyon. Levi rested his head on a wall behind and tried to pull himself to sit up, still feeling numb in his legs. No Abby, no Brody, Levi noticed.

Box had walked a long distance and was drinking water from a little pool available there. Water! Levi suddenly felt tasty, how was he going to drink when he can't walk there. He watched as Box gathered little combustible objects and piling them like a camp. He was able to light them and illuminate the environment better. 

Box stood up and he and Levi shared a long stare. Box grimaced around, before sitting on the ground opposite, in the same way Levi was positioned. 

"I never got to congratulate you on your victory over me at The Colosseum," Box started, his voice reverberating. 

Levi chuckled. "I didn't do it alone, you know that," he replied.

"Yeah, even at that. Very nice ability you had there," Box praised. "And a better one now," he finished.

Levi smiled, "Never heard you talk before, I started to believe you were dumb." Levi had said and chuckled, his laugh trailed off when he noticed Box didn't laugh along. 

Levi opted to say something to disrupt the silence dawned on them. "You've never mentioned your real name, what is it?" Levi asked.

Box only rolled his eyes to the right, placing his gaze at the pile of rocks and rubble, leading to the top of the cave. "I prefer being called by my code name," Box replied, his straight face, unwavering.

Levi studied him carefully. He had a mixed complexion, black dropping hair on his square face. One wouldn't have to think much to conclude the boy must've had a rough childhood. Levi wondered how many more academics have had rougher childhood than him.

"Do you think they'll come looking for us?" Levi asked.

Box took up a brow and placed his arm on a raised knee. "Who?"

"The Academy?" Levi answered.

For the first time too, Levi witnessed Box smile a sarcastic smile as he moved his head sideways repeatedly, looking up. "The Academy," Box repeated Levi's words. "Do you think they'll come for us?" Box subsequently repeated Levi's question, stretching the word 'you'.

"I dunno," Levi said, shrugging. "We're their academics aren't we? They wouldn't want to let go of us that quickly, especially with two goldens. Right?" 

Box chuckled and got to his feet. He dusted the dirt off his bottom and looked at Levi. "If I were Robert right now, I would've pressed the button a long time ago, exploding our heads." 

Levi was drawn aback by his statement.

Box noticed his expression, "Wait, do you think The Academy gives a shit if we live?"