
Chronicles of Zetari

This young Saiyan loves to train and fight and encounters Goku who takes him under his wing to train him. he continues to grow in power and even participates in the Tournament of Power with his friends but soon after a great evil awakens that threatens the entire existence of their universe. Note: i do not own the cover photo

shola_noah · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
63 Chs

The Power of Family

The three pursued Zetari and caught up to him easily. Zetari tried his best to outmaneuver them, but they knew the forest better than he did. He finally crashed into a rock and the three surrounded him.

"Hey boy what were you doing over there? Were you watching us? Who hired you boy?" Piccolo questioned him.

Zetari was nervous as the questions flew at him.

"Don't you think we should take a lighter approach?" Goku asked.

"Foolish Kakarot, it's your kind heart that would end up getting you killed. Things like this should be dealt with with an iron hand" Vegeta spoke.

"I'll take it from here. Hey boy you better start talking or I'm going to beat it out of you" Vegeta said with a stone-cold tone.

"Beat me out of it? I'd like to see you try" Zetari said proudly as he stepped his left foot out and placed his right foot back.

He was facing him sideways with his right hand making a fist that he held up next to his face and stretching out his forearm with fist facing the right side. Vegeta saw this and smirked as he also got into his fighting stance.

"Seems we've got a fighter on our hands. Things just got interesting" he said with a proud look on his face before he powered up as a pale white glow surrounded him.

Zetari did the same as well as they flew at each other getting their arms ready for a punch. Their punch collided sending a shockwave throughout the forest as well as making cracks on the ground.

"We better get some distance" Piccolo suggested to Goku as they flew to a safe distance.

"It seems you're quite strong yourself" Vegeta told the young Saiyan.

"You haven't seen anything yet" Zetari responded with a sense of pride.

"Is that so, please don't hold back because I wouldn't either"

"Noted" Zetari replied.

After they gazed into each other's eyes for some seconds, Zetari followed through with his left hand as he attempted to catch Vegeta off guard. Vegeta pushed back dodging the attack as Zetari followed him with a flurry of punches that he parried and dodged. Vegeta spun away from a punch and delivered a spinning kick to the side of his sending him into a mountain. As Zetari regained his thoughts, Vegeta flew at him with blistering speed to deliver another serious blow, but Zetari reacted quickly as he leaped above him. Vegeta punched the mountain making a huge hole on it then went after the Saiyan. They exchanged blows and kicks as Zetari displayed he was capable of keeping up with him. The two then interlocked fingers as Vegeta began to show the gap between their physical strength as he pushed the younger Saiyan slowly. Zetari used his explosive wave technique to push the other away as he wasn't expecting it. He capitalized on the situation quickly as he gave Vegeta an uppercut followed by a strong right punch that created a shockwave before Vegeta flew through the mountain from earlier.

Vegeta angered by this shot numerous ki balls at his opponent who flew quickly to avoid getting hit. As he flew around Vegeta, five ki balls appeared over his shoulder and head as they increased to the size of a soccer ball before flying towards Vegeta. Vegeta didn't see it coming with his focus being on Zetari and not on the attack. Vegeta couldn't see Zetari coming thanks to the smoke created from the blast of the attack. Zetari channeled a good amount of ki to his right fist and delivered a strong right punch to Vegeta's head sending him feet away as a crater was created on impact.

"Should we go and help?" Goku asked wanting to help his friend.

"I don't think so Goku, you know how Vegeta is about people interfering with his fights" Piccolo replied.

"Yeah, you're right"

"But that kid can sure hold his own" Goku added.

"Apparently he can but it seems Vegeta might want to transform now after that punch" Piccolo pointed out with groans coming from Vegeta's position.

Vegeta screamed loudly as he charged up angrily into his super Saiyan form. His hair and eyebrows turned golden with his eyes going emerald green and a golden aura appeared around him.

"You're dead meat boy" Vegeta said with a furious voice.

Zetari knew that his power had increased by fifty-fold, and he was nowhere near his power level now. The form looked like the one his father told him stories about; a form called the super Saiyan. No time to think about that now, Vegeta was coming for him. Quickly he powered up and took to the sky with Vegeta hot in pursuit as they both now had serious looks on their faces. Vegeta caught up and threw punches and kicks at him. His attacks were significantly stronger and faster and the young Saiyan got caught repeatedly by his attacks before being grabbed by the leg and thrown into the ground. Zetari sunk two feet into the ground before he could recover, Vegeta sent a beam of energy to him. This sent him two more feet into the ground and Vegeta hovered towards where he was.

The dust settled to see Zetari staggering to his feet with groans and bruises on his body. He got back to his feet and back to his fighting stance and powered up.

"You really are a fighter. Tell me boy, what is your name?" Vegeta asked.

"My name's Zetari" he replied with confidence.

"Hmmm, you shall be remembered for trying and failing at trying to take me down. Now, let's end this" Vegeta said before he flew at him.

As the super Saiyan charged towards him, he kept his cool and once he was within striking range, Zetari spun in a clockwise rotation sending the heel of his right leg into Vegeta's right cheek. Vegeta got sent back and Zetari followed up with his Ki disc attack. He covered a ki ball with an energy disc (sort of like a rasenshuriken) capable of cutting through stone and threw it at Vegeta. Vegeta blocked it with his hands as he crossed them into an X shape. Zetari bursted through the smoke and punched his crossed arms repeatedly creating steam from his opponent's hand and forcefully pushed him back. He then channeled a huge amount of ki into his left fist to send Vegeta with his hands still crossed but his feet dug into the ground as he moved back. Steam emanating from his hand after tanking that attack.

"You're skilled kid, I'll tell you that, but this ends now!" Vegeta said powering up and charging at the kid.

He overwhelmed him with his physical attacks and his increased strength. Vegeta grabbed him by the leg and threw him into the ground repeatedly then threw him up as he charged up for his galic gun attack. He fired at Zetari who's eyes opened in shock at he was hit with the beam attack. After the beam went on for about five seconds, Zetari dropped from the sky with parts of his shirt and trouser torn. Vegeta hovered above him charging up a ki ball in his hand for the final blow.

"To think you can actually beat me in a fight, you must be sad that you'll never get to live your life to the fullest. The fight was fun but it's time to come to an end. Your names Zetari right? Time to deliver your body to your parents and watch them cry as I laugh at them for raising such a proud weakling. I think I might even kill them for the disrespectful act their child commited and even your siblings if you have any" Vegeta said with a cocky tone.

The thought of his body brought to his parent's doorstep and them bursting into tears, the idea of his family being killed by this man before him made him really, really mad and then imagining him killing his sister was the last straw.

The shot was fired and was a direct hit making a massive crater in the ground and Vegeta landed on the ground awaiting the smoke to clear out so that he could see the kid's dead body but was very very surprised.

"What?! He's still alive?!" Vegeta said surprised that the kid was still standing.

"He's still standing?!" Goku exclaimed surprised as well.

"How is this even possible?" Piccolo said stunned.

"How dare you bring my parents into this! How dare you threaten my family! I will not allow you kill them even if it means me dying to protect them! You are going to pay for saying that. You're going to PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Zetari exclaimed at the top of his voice as he drew more power from himself than he could even imagine.

He had tapped into a realm of power that he didn't even know existed and never felt before. He continued to draw from this new power as a bright glow came from him. It continued to get brighter and brighter and brighter as the three put their hands out to shield their eyes from the bright light and then his aura shot up into the sky before ending to reveal his transformation. He had a golden aura around him that seemed to flow as his hair and eyebrows becoming gold and eyes changed to an emerald green color. Four bangs of hair remained facing down as the others stood straight up, his muscle toning and size had increased a bit and he felt fifty times as strong as he was before. The threats sent to his family from this man had driven him unlock a new power within himself that he never knew existed at all. The other three looked at him surprised as he had just transformed to what they called super Saiyan.

"Wait did he just go?"

"Yes, he just went super Saiyan" Goku finished Piccolo's statement.

"Another super Saiyan? How can this be" Vegeta questioned in his mind.

As he still questioned himself, Zetari flew at him using his new speed to his advantage and engaged a shaken Vegeta in combat. Vegeta used his experience in the form to his advantage as Zetari continued to attack him. They were trading blows and kicks with each other before Zetari caught his punch and pulled Vegeta to himself and hit him in the gut with his knee then kicked him in the chin sending back. He then used his Ultra sphere move again but this time made ten ki balls two times the size of a soccer ball and launched them at the other Saiyan. He used that as cover as he charged up for his energy beam attack. He supercharged a ki ball and shot it out in a beam of energy, the attack is so strong that it rips off pieces of the ground as it moves. The longer he charges the ball up, the stronger the beam would be. Once Vegeta got out from the Ultra sphere attack, he was met by the beam hurling towards him. He quickly powered up to his super Saiyan 2 form and moved quickly avoiding the beam as it followed him closely. Vegeta then quickly turned into a cave trying to escape the beam but it caught up to him. The impact of the beam collapsed the whole mountain reducing it to rubble.

"Wow, that kids really strong" Goku said with a bit of excitement.

Zetari walked to the rubble looking for Vegeta as the golden aura around him vanished. As he got closer, stones began to move, and Vegeta emerged from the rubble with bruises and parts of his clothes torn.

"I've got to hand it to you kid, you're pretty strong for your fist time as a super Saiyan" Vegeta said panting as he was now in his base form.

"So that's what this form is called. You're pretty skilled in it too but it's a shame that I'll have to end you now after threatening to kill my family now" Zetari said with a straight tone.

Vegeta laughed after hearing his words.

"You talk a lot boy. If only we had met on different conditions, I would have taught you how to control this power but I'm afraid that's not happening" Vegeta said lifting up his hands into the usual powering up pose as he went back to super Saiyan 2.

Their eyes locked for some seconds before they charged at each other for the last time.

"This is truly an entertaining battle" Goku said.

"You got that right; I've never seen Vegeta enjoy a battle like this in a long time" Piccolo added.

They continued to land blows and kicks on each other until they clash punches again. The two Saiyans move backward before powering up and heading at it again. This time the power of super Saiyan 2 was evident as Vegeta dominated this time around. He was able to counter most of his attacks effectively as he parried his punches and replied with some of his own. After Vegeta delivered a kick to the gut, it put some distance between as they charged up for their beam attacks again. This time Vegeta went with his final flash attack and Zetari stuck with his Energy beam. The two attacks clashed in the sky sending some sticks and some stones flying about. It was stale mate as the beams were equally matched then Vegeta began to add more power to his final flash which resulted in it pushing back Zetari's energy beam. He also added more power to his own attack as it started to push back slowly, and it became a tug of war with neither willing to give up. Alas super Saiyan 2 was just too much for super Saiyan Zetari as the added power it gave Vegeta made him push his energy beam effectively after seconds of loud screams and groans. The final flash attack swallowed up Zetari who kept on pushing despite him already being overpowered by the other. Soon a loud explosion was heard as Zetari was sent flying through the air unconscious and powering down to his base form. Goku was quick to use instant transmission to catch him as he fell from the sky like a log.