
Chronicles of Zetari

This young Saiyan loves to train and fight and encounters Goku who takes him under his wing to train him. he continues to grow in power and even participates in the Tournament of Power with his friends but soon after a great evil awakens that threatens the entire existence of their universe. Note: i do not own the cover photo

shola_noah · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

My Training Begins

Zetari was kept in a room on a hospital bed and tied down with weights and heavy titanium chains. He woke up to see Goku, Vegeta and Bulma having a talk right next to him. He tried to get up but was stopped by the chains and weights.

"What the hell is this?!" He exclaimed as he tried to get out of the chains.

"Look who's awake" Vegeta said as the other two turned to look at him.

"You're finally awake Zetari, I'm Goku, nice to meet you" he told the boy.

"Don't get acquainted Kakarot, we still to find out who he truly is" Vegeta butted in.

"He's the delivery guy from this morning!" Bulma exclaimed after taking a hard look at his face.

"Wait you mean this is a delivery guy? I can't believe it; this guy just went super Saiyan and was keeping up with Vegeta and you're telling me that he's just a delivery guy? That's amazing" Goku said intrigued.

"Bulma that cannot be, this guy was keeping up with me even in my super Saiyan form so there has to be more than him being a delivery guy"

"I'm telling you Vegeta he's the delivery guy from this morning. If you don't believe me, ask him yourself" Bulma told her husband.

"Is this true?" Vegeta asked.

"Yes, I'm a delivery man and I delivered a package to this address this morning, so can you please get me out of these chains?" Zetari pleaded.

"If you are just a delivery guy, how did you get so good at fighting?" Goku asked.

"My aunt Jade trained me. She's opened gyms and training centers across the galaxy and is pretty good at what she does. She's been training me ever since I was five, so I've had thirteen years of training" He explained.

"No wonder he was able to adapt and keep up so well" Goku added.

"Wait did you say your aunt? How many Saiyans do you know exactly?" Vegeta asked surprised that a relation like his aunt could still be alive.

"Well, there's my parents, sister, aunt Jade, Toma, his parents and that's seven more Saiyans minus me off course" he stated.

"Wow that's a lot. You think there are still more out there?" Goku asked him.

"Yeah, I think I overheard my dad talking with some of them over a communicator but I'm not sure of the numbers"

"Well at least I know it's not just Kakarot and I that are the last Saiyans alive" Vegeta said a bit relieved.

"Now that I'm done explaining, can you get me out of these things?" Zetari asked.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about those" Bulma said.

She finally freed him, and he was treated to earth's finest delicacies.

"This is so good; I've never tasted anything like this before" Zetari said with a stuffed mouth as he continued to eat.

"Thought as much. I read about your aunt, and she seems pretty successful as a trainer" Bulma stated while bringing more food for him.

"You think I can train with her some time?" Goku asked.

"Sure, I can talk with her, and she can make time to spar with you" Zetari replied before going back to his food.

"So Zetari what do you think about training with us?" Goku asked.

"Training with you guys? That would be awesome. Maybe I can have a rematch against Vegeta over here" Zetari replied with enthusiasm and a wide grin on his face.

"Great, training starts tomorrow" Goku said before walking out of the house.

"Where do I find you?" He asked.

"Same place as today" Goku said before leaving the house and going home.


Bulma was able to get his space craft and park it somewhere and also gave him a place to stay while he's on earth. He still needed to adapt to their way of life but was more than happy to take some cuts as long as he would get to train. First thing in the morning he did his warm-up sessions and went out to the forest to meet up with Goku to train. Zetari arrived to meet Goku already doing some jumping jacks.

"You're already here?" Zetari said shocked.

"Of course, I am, will do anything to train" Goku replied.

"So are you ready?" Goku asked getting into his iconic fighting stance.

"Hell yeah!" The other exclaimed as he also got into his fighting stance but was wearing a red and black tracksuit.

"Let's go!" Goku charged flying towards the other.

Zetari flew at him as their forearms clashed with loud thump sound. They proceeded to launch a flurry of attacks at each other as any Dragon Ball fight would go. Zetari dodged a punch moving over to the side then gave Goku a side kick to the gut then did a back flip but stuck out his legs to hit the Saiyan. Zetari continued to deliver blows to Goku who blocked with his crossed hands. Goku timed his counter strike to perfection catching one of his punches and then using his knee to his gut then began to punch him over and over and over then threw him into the ground making Zetari groan loudly. The young Saiyan laid on his back as Goku prepared to fire ki blasts at him. His eyes popped open as he heard the sound of it charging up and immediately made a run for it with the other still firing at him. He moved swiftly dodging the balls and branches of trees within the forest. He went behind a mountain and things got silent before the sound of something rotating at high speeds was heard and a large ki disc appeared as he launched it at Goku. The ki disc travelled at immense speeds as Goku powered up quickly and made a run for it as the attack still followed him. Zetari followed his attack as it continued to chase after Goku who now charged up a Kamehameha and shot at the attack. The ki disc kept on moving and got closer and closer to Goku but Goku pushed back hard which resulted in a large explosion that shook the entire forest and intense gusts of wind. Goku and Zetari both shielded their faces from debris as the gusts continued. The winds died down as it revealed a large crater made in the ground.

"I wasn't expecting that at all, let's say we take this to another level kid" Goku said with a more serious tone now.

"Oh yeah" Zetari replied he said with a bit of excitement.

Both powered to super Saiyan and flew at each other landing blows and kicks repeatedly trying gain the upper hand. Zetari threw a punch at Goku which spun around to dodge and kicked him on the head sending him to the ground. Goku flew quickly down to punch him, but Zetari countered with a ki fist making a crater and another shockwave. They moved with fluid motions across the ground throwing punches and kicks before kicking each other away. Zetari charged for his energy beam while Goku charged up another Kamehameha and they shot at each other with the two attacks clashing. Producing strong winds and carrying decent sizes of stones through the air. Both powered up to bring out the golden aura around their bodies with agonizing screams they pushed their beams forward which resulted in a stale mate situation with no beam advancing for about five seconds then the Kamehameha showed it's worth and slowly advanced. The harder they pushed, the stronger winds were produced, and people located at the edge of the city began to feel them though not as potent.

"Come on Zetari, we can do this. Haaaaaaa.......!!!!!" He screamed pushing harder now and his energy beam slowly began to push the Kamehameha back.

Goku seeing this reacted accordingly with equal screams as he began to push also. The clash lasted relatively long for close to a minute and a half or so with Vegeta able to sense what was going on. The winds were now in the city blowing things away as neither Saiyan wanted to back down and their moves ultimately exploded in their faces sending each of them to the ground in their base forms. They crashed into the ground and after that session they knew they needed to rest up.

"That was a whole lot of fun" Goku said getting back to his feet. He then started walking towards him.

"It sure was" Zetari said sitting up slowly from the ground.

He still had much to learn about his super Saiyan abilities. With adequate training and mentoring from Goku and Vegeta, he was sure that he was going to master the form with time but one thing he understood was the stamina drain the form took.

"Here, take this" Goku said stretching out his hand being something inside.

Zetari stretched out his bean and a green looking thing dropped into his palm.

"What is this?" Zetari asked while examining the thing in his palm.

"It's a senzu bean. It will replenish all your energy and you'll be good to go almost immediately" Goku explained.

"Just pop one in and see the magic happen"

Zetari slowly put it into his mouth and chewed it. Immediately after swallowing he got back on his feet with his energy restored.

"Wow, that would sure come in handy in a battle" Zetari remarked.

"Yeah, just say the word and I could help you with some"

"Thank you" Zetari said.


He returned to his home and showered before flopping on his bed to sleep and give his body time to heal. After four hours, he got up and was feeling hungry. He got to the kitchen and opened the cupboards to see food that he didn't know how to cook.

"Don't know how any of these things taste but I'll try my best not to accidentally kill myself" he said with a bit of fear as he carried out some boxes of cereal, a carton of milk, sugar, flour, candy, carrots and celery and began to mix them up into some funny looking substance.

"Here goes nothing" he said taking a spoon of it.

Immediately he spat it out.

"That is disgusting" he said pouring the mixture into the sink.

The only thing he was able to make successfully was a bowl of cereal and he feared that is what he was going to live on for his time on earth.