
Chasing after my destiny

'Chasing after my destiny' is a fantasy story about a boy whose parents had all the powers one could possibly ask for, but never got the chance to enjoy even the tiniest bit of it. He takes advantage of the major enemy the world is facing, to get his own 'power'.

Golden_Joseph_7861 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs

Crazy plan

"And what's your plan?" Mark asked skeptically.

"We can join all our strength on the squad I mean, utilize them. For instance, you can create an ability amplifier for us and then Dr Bryan here will make a speed abilities drug."

"Speed ability, where are we going to even find a Razekian, besides it will take years." Dr Bryan said.

"That's if you didn't collect the data's from the successful subject you had back then." Jade replied.

"Jade, the process would be different, the fire ability is an output while speed are in the cells." Mark explained.

"Hmm, then use me...use me. It will work right?!" Jade said out loud.

"You?! You want to be a lab rat... Except from the fact you want it which will also still take time. But it's not as easy as you think Jade." Dr Bryan said.

"(Thinking deeply) The groggs! Isn't there a way to disintegrate their cells, like make them breakdown from the inside. " Jade said enthusiastically.

"Eeh, so you are suggesting that we use the captured groggs and create a disintegrative drug?" Dr Bryan asked. "Hmm, and after that?"

"We can ask Rhen to forge us new set of weapons, that way you can mix the disintegrator in the process." Jade replied.

"That's lame! Would it even work?" Mark asked.

"We can always try it on the captured groggs!" Jade replied.

"(Sighs) I wonder if your friend is crazy or smart." Dr Bryan commented, looking at Mark.

"Alright, time for work!" Mark said, standing up while Jade was about to leave.

"Yikes I forgot! Wasn't Joe supposed to be here?" Jade asked.

"He went on a tour round the village." Mark answered.

"Oh! Ok."Jade said and was heading for the door.



"Good timing Rhen! I have a flawful plan. Though it's going to be tough but can you forge us nine different weapons for the group?" Jade asked Rhen who just came in.

"What!! I'm not yet that perfect at forgi...."

"I think you'd do a great job." Jade commented, cutting Rhen off.

"That aside, once we have a successful cell disintegrator you can begin the forging process." Dr Bryan stated.

"What's the idea?" Rhen asked.

"Jade wants us to create cells disintegrative weapons for the groggs." Mark answered.

"If it's possible can't we create some for the soldiers too?" Rhen asked, skeptically.

"That would have been possible if the king hadn't make them believe that living their lives to the fullest is the best." Jade answered in a serious tone. "So I think it's best to leave them to their beliefs."

"(Sighs) I guess so." Rhen said, leaning on the wall. "So you plan on fighting the groggs till we complete the project... besides, I'll need some help with the weapons."

"You can choose anyone of your choice, I and the rest will take on the groggs. Before I forget, make the knuckle spikes more sharper for my new gloves." Jade requested.


"Can you ask someone to get Mr Joe to come? we'll need his help." Dr Bryan asked, standing up from the couch.

"Sure, so! How long would it take to complete the process?" Jade asked.

"For the disintegrator, probably two weeks, if it's not too complicated." Dr Bryan replied.

"Forging nine different weapons, that'll take a month but with the help of my dad and the group I think three weeks will do." Rhen replied.

"That means I'll be facing seven consistent attacks from the groggs before you are done." Jade stated. "What are we waiting for? Time for work, Rhen, you have two weeks to rest and prepare."

Jade informed the rest of the squad, and the process begun. He and the others left for the west border and made a camp, he planned on protecting the three villages altogether and also wanted to improve himself along with the squad.

Everything was going on according to expectations until it appeared that the seventh attack didn't occur, it was a sign that something big was coming.

The disintegrator was a success and they were in the forging process, a week and some was all it would take to round up.

Jade and the rest at the border waited for two, three days, still no attack. They went back to the village to get updates, few weapons were still pending.

On returning to the border they saw the 'big thing' that was expected to happen. A great army of groggs were matching towards the villages, one greater than they've ever faced.

These set were all wearing a uniform, putting on blue pants, a helmet and an armor. Few were also carrying a bony weapons while others wore a gauntlet.

Seeing this, Jade along with the others rode back to the village to get the available weapons. On getting there they head straight to Rhen's smithy which was a part of her dad's own.

"Rhen, how long?" Jade asked Rhen who was forging away.

"I've told you, it gonna take a week to finish, it remains Peter's chains weapon, Kell's arrows and your gloves." Rhen answered.

"I guess we'll have to do with the ones we have. Give the available ones to them, the groggs are approaching the village and this time In full force, I think they are going for a genticide." Jade said. Rhen immediately went and brought the readied ones out.

They all equipped themselves and though it wasn't tested yet they'd have to do that in real time.

Seven of them prepared and rode to the west border, and waited for the groggs to cross over from the East while Rhen and her father, Hegs had to finish the weapons.

The swiftness in travelling were all thanks to the bikes provided by Dr Bryan, they were all powered by rechargeable batteries.

Few hours and the uncountable army of groggs were in the west pole. Jade and the remaining six were standing in a V shape, each of them had improved significantly since the last six attacks that took place, making them less fearful.

This was a really daunting situation they were in, a thousands against mere seven people, maybe that's what made them special from the rest of the village's army.

Not to mention that there was a real leader, the commander of the groggs army, a female grogg that looks more like a snake than a mammal having a serpent-like tongue. Wearing a complete set of armor and a helmet.


In a lab containing tubes filled with green liquid, having subjects of groggs in them were two people, one lying on a sick bed while the other was experimenting

"What do you think sagha will accomplish?" The man experimenting asked.

"Byag, Sagha is a warrior, maybe you should stop underestimating her." The other said.

"Or maybe you give her too much credit, she is as strong as any of us but she most likely always underestimate her opponents." Byag explained. "My Lord, you are likely to recover in a months or less, then we can take over everything at once and clarify the death of Hyris"

"(Coughs) He's dead, no doubt about it, his signal disappeared as soon as the planet crumbled back then.(coughs)." The king said.

"Alright, that's enough talk for now, take some rest. The north are on their last legs, nothing else to worry about." Byag said, adjusting the pillow on the bed. "World domination in a month time."



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