
Chasing after my destiny

'Chasing after my destiny' is a fantasy story about a boy whose parents had all the powers one could possibly ask for, but never got the chance to enjoy even the tiniest bit of it. He takes advantage of the major enemy the world is facing, to get his own 'power'.

Golden_Joseph_7861 · Fantasy
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48 Chs

A real leader

"Ready guys? This will be a tough one, but we can't give up now. Elites win war before going to the battlefield and not expecting to win just when they reach the battlefield. We are the Elites, we would have to prove that here and now." Jade stated. "Attack!!"

Seven of them charged straight towards the multitudes of groggs. Jade was fearlessly going for their leader, Sagha, despite the information about them.

And the battle began. Some distance between Jade and Sagha, the other groggs covered her view from him and was attacking.

This caused him to start battling the normal groggs. Some groggs were using fire abilities while others were using bony axe and swords.

It was a bizarre battle, one against hundreds though Kell and Mark was backing up in long range.

The fight was getting more intense by the time. And that was all they needed to turn the tides, time.

After running wild, the six of them attacking heard a signal that Mark gave and quickly retreated a bit.

Seconds later, an explosion was heard from different parts of the field, flinging thousands of groggs to the sky.

During the period the others were battling, Mark was also busy planting mines everywhere on the field and as they were retreating the groggs were moving closer to the mines.

To top it off, the mines were all filled with the disintegrator. These caused the groggs to greatly slow down in their pace as it was destroying their cells rapidly like an acid.

After some time the effects of the disintegrators were wearing out and the groggs were still up to thousands.

The commander was still standing behind, watching the fight while Jade was making his way through the groggs. He kicked one up in the air, lighting it up in fire, punched another in it left chest.

Everything was happening In a flash and Jade knew if it continues like this he would be out of stamina and energy before getting to the leader but there was no other way.

In all the plans Jade was making, he had never included the other villages or should I say it never came to his mind to include them.

To him he believed that the other villages would just be as useless as his own but he was wrong.

The Razekian and Manekian couldn't sit back and watch the Takekian soldiers fight their battles for them, they came forth and engaged, reducing the intensity of the fight.

Jade was a bit relieved from the ordinary groggs, he returned to his track, running towards Sagha.

With the additional troop Sagha had also charged towards Jade and the two collided. Jade threw a punch but what happened next was never even in his widest dream.

Sagha had blocked the punch covered in fire with a hardened arm and punched her right fist covered in fire towards Jade, flinging him backward.

"Two abilities?!" Jade couldn't help but exclaimed. "How's that possible."

"Hahahaha, I bet you didn't see that coming. What were you thinking? That I'd be like them?!"Sagha asked.

Jade stood up and was trying to figure out what to do next but it seems like the situation didn't allow that as soon he was punched again.

The speed of Sagha compared to normal groggs was supernatural even more than the Razekians and Jade never accounted for it.

She punched out a ball of fire towards Jade which he dodged by the skin of his tooth. She was fast at hardening, there basically wasn't any chance of attacking.

'How did they even get their hands on the Maneki's ability, this people!' Jade thought, thinking deeply.

"Getting distracted at a time like this? You sure are underestimating me" Sagha taunted, throwing another ball of fire.

The fight has been going on for hours and the groggs were slowly reducing in number since it wasn't all the fighters that was effective against them.

Jade was panting, trying to hold his ground against Sagha who kept playing with him like a toy.

A beam fired towards Sagha from behind Jade. Jade turned to confirm what he was thinking. Mark was there as he fired another one.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm trying to help. I think I've figured out there weakness." Mark stated.

"Really, what is it then?" Jade asked, turning to Sagha.

"Well, just keep fighting as you were and it'll show itself." Mark replied.

The two continued the fight against Sagha. Jade punched Sagha right on her face as she got distracted by Mark who previously fired a beam as a distraction.

What didn't go unnoticed was Sagha's speed which Jade's was now able to match but the hardening was still a disadvantage.

If a hardened punch covered in fire gets to hit Jade that's game over, Jade knew this and was trying to keep his distance.

Soon the groggs were dying from the effects of the disintegrative weapons Jade's team were using, turning each part of their body into dust till their whole body was gone.

Sagha couldn't concentrate on her fight anymore as she didn't understand what was going on with her army.

She became serious with the fight, using her speed to get close to Mark that was a little behind, she hardened her fist and also covered it in fire as punched him dead in the face.

Mark couldn't see what had happened, the only thing that came out in his vision were the bright blue sky and soon everything went dark.

Sagha was making her way to where the other opponents were, flinging away everything in her way. Jade was trying to keep up with her speed but it looked like he was up against another new leader.

She got to where Peter and the rest were and attacking each one of them one by one. As they weren't that much it didn't take her long to finish the battle alone.

The groggs that were still remaining were about five hundred to seven hundred.

"Head for the vill...." Sagha groaned as she was about to give her next order.

She was feeling an intense pain from inside her body, as she looked at her body an arrow was right in her belly. She was getting numbed and paralyzed by the minute.

Without realizing it, when sagha was running berserk Kell had managed to fire an arrow in, successfully hitting Sagha. Kell only had ten arrows made for her since Rhen wasn't done with the remaining but she was carefully retrieving them.

"Retreat!" Sagha shouted and they all began to run back towards the East. Jade didn't know what was happening as all he was concerned were his team mate.

He carefully took each one of them back to the camp and lay them in their. Though they were severely injured just like him, non of them were dead.

Sagha was running towards the East with great speed, she knew something was killing her from the inside and couldn't bear the pain. All thanks to her strong system, she was able to make it back to the lab where Byag was.

"It seems like I was right, she did underestimate her opponents!" Byag said to the king. They both were watching Sagha staggered towards the lab through the cameras

"(Sighs) I guess she never learns." The king commented.

The door shut open and Sagha walked in.

"Wait! Were you acting or something cause... you are not too injured to me!" Dr Byag said, trying to examine Sagha.

"In..side (groans)"

"Inside! Like a poison or something?" Byag stated as he cut a piece of Sagha's finger to examine but within seconds the finger turned to dust. ' Damn it, it's a cell disintegrator. How will I create an antidote. Sagha, I'm not sure I can actually save you. They really are one step ahead.' Byag thought.

"Sagha, I don't think you can survive till I find an antidote for this thing, it's going to take me some time." Byag informed, standing up.

"If that's the case...promise me you'd avenge me." Sagha asked as her feet were becoming dust from beneath.

"I promise you that. The humans will regret this." Byag said, walking towards the tubes. "My Lord, I guess we'll have to strike now before they recover."



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