
Chasing after my destiny

'Chasing after my destiny' is a fantasy story about a boy whose parents had all the powers one could possibly ask for, but never got the chance to enjoy even the tiniest bit of it. He takes advantage of the major enemy the world is facing, to get his own 'power'.

Golden_Joseph_7861 · Fantasy
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48 Chs


The 'elite squad' as they now call themselves has gotten to the village and handed the groggs to captain Drek as ordered by the king.

Captain Drek took them to the tomb for interrogation. After so many torturing one was spitting out what he knew.

"How many are you and who's your boss?" Captain Drek asked.

"We were millions when we came." A groggs that was still standing without much injury said.

The rest of them had been beaten so close to death due to them not willing to give any answer.

"And your boss."

"He resides in the East." The grogg said.

"What is he like?"

"He's like us but far stronger and even faster."

"How do you groggs keep multiplying and now even have abilities?."

"One of the leaders is a scientist,"

"And what about him?"

"I don't know anything about him, I only saw him the day I hatched and the day of our election."

"How many main leaders do you have?"

"Three, the army commander, the scientist and the king."

"And how strong is this your king?"

"Strong enough to take on the whole three village, but he's being treated right now."

"I'm surprised, you are leaking information about your people like it's nothing and why's that?." Captain Drek asked.

"Because even your new little hero can't take on a real leader not to talk of the whole groggs. So I'm more worried for your people." The grogg stated proudly.

"You are underestimating we humans huh, what happened to your planet? Why did you groggs have to come here?." Captain Drek asked.

"Can't you at least take a break, you humans! "The grogg complained. Immediately captain Drek stabbed him with an hot iron heated in fire.


"(Agrr) damn it! There was war...in our planet. Two contestants for kingship had to battle each other but when it got out of control, it led to the planet's destruction and we assumed the contestant that came out alive was our king." The grogg explained.

"So the other contestant was confirm dead?" Captain Drek asked.

"Not really, like our king he might have just gotten injured but if he was to come back.... Earth is doomed." The grogg said, scarily.

"How would he know your king was here?"

"How do you think they keep sending more soldiers here each time we get defeated? We have signals, weak, normal and strong signals. Right now I believe they are already preparing more soldiers." The grogg said. "All this is to weaken the human's army. If you want to stop us then you will have to kill the commander, then the scientist." The grogg smirked at Drek which got him really annoyed as he smacked his hands on the groggs face.

'shit, what can we even do to these creatures?' captain Drek thought, leaving the tomb.

He reported everything to the king and the rest of the pillars, which sounded like their fate had been sealed.


The queen has been summoned to the palace and was about to be questioned at the presence of the five pillars and Jade's group.

"My queen, this kid standing right in front of me said Zenn is his sister. I want you to explain how that is possible and remember, any false information means treason." The king stated.

Taking a deep breath the queen said..."He is my son.... Before you came to me that day, I had given birth at Visgard. I couldn't bring him back so I wanted him to grow up and find his father."

"What! You had a son and you never told me?"The king shouted angrily. Everybody in the room were all watching in bewilderment.

"Wait, my mom's the queen of Razeki village?" Jade asked himself in confusion.

"Jade calm down, maybe this was why your father hid it from you."Mark said, holding onto Jade who was breathing uncontrollably.

"I'm not going to take this any further." The king said standing up. "You've given birth to two kids for me but I'll ask you to choose, go with him or you remain here as a queen."

There was an intense silence in the room and the pillars were all waiting for someone to break it.

"Answer me." The king shouted.

"I... I'll stay here." The queen answered with tears in our eyes. She couldn't look at Jade's face even for a second.

Jade was heartbroken the moment he heard those words, he couldn't believe his own mother had just disowned him right in his front .

No one in the room was saying anything, it was a perfect silence, they were wondering what would happen next.

"A queen huh.." Jade repeated after a considerable amount of time and then walked out of the palace with Rhen and Mark.

What he meant by those words, no one knew.

In the palace no one said anything till Jade left the village before they even thought of coming out.

Joe drove Jade back to Takeki while Rhen and Mark who have been provided with a bike also followed. Through out the journey there was no word spoken to each other.

Getting to Takeki village, Jade went straight to his room and locked himself in. The king demanded for a report which Mark gave.

It was like the more their problems was the lesser the help.

Three Days came and went, with Jade still lamenting in his room, only coming out at night. Rhen would usually come to visit and console him.

But the forth day he came out with a different vibe like he was totally different. He went straight to the palace to see the king.

Getting there he requested for the information they got from the groggs which captain Drek fed him.

"So what's the plan?" Jade asked. "If I can't win are we supposed to give up without a fight?"

"Jade, sorry but none of us is super human like you are." Captain Drek replied. "Maybe it's better we live our lives to the fullest till they come than go there and shorten it."

"Your majesty, if you've given up then you are not fit to be a king. Maybe you should assign to me the elite squad I formed and leave the rest of your life to its fullest."Jade said, angrily.

"Do as you wish as long as you don't force them." The king answered.

Jade left the palace immediately and the first place he visited was Mark's house. Fortunately Mark's father was also at home.

Mark house was full of technology, most running on hydrostatic energy, weapons and science books.

Jade after knocking, entered before anyone could even answer.

"Hey Jade! What's the rush?" Mark asked, coming to open the door. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. The king said I can have the elite squad. We'll need to improve in our skills, speed, strength and stamina. The groggs are really stronger than we expected and now he's given up." Jade blurted out immediately.

"Wow! Jade calm down. We've all been told everything."Mark said sadly. "If that's true, and the groggs king is being treated, it's either we strike now or it's over but we don't have the power yet."

"Jade, how would you even get to the king if you can't defeat their commander. Tomorrow they'll be here again, if you defeat them nobody improves except from you." Dr Bryan explained, drinking a bottle of wine on his couch.

"I have a plan, for our squad. I think you'd be interested!" Jade informed, wearing a serious face.



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