


I watched Molly dash out of the hospital room, and a gentle smile spread across my face. Just a few minutes ago, I woke up and the intense white light felt like a million tiny needles poking my eyes all at once.

I thought I was going to die. How did she return and take me to a hospital? In a private ward. I feel so weird, I can't even lift my hand without trying several times. I feel so heavy . Where did Molly go?

As I turned my gaze towards the window, I found myself captivated by the beauty of the skies. It's such a peaceful sight.

Taking a deep breath, I feel grateful for the ventilator that was helping me breathe. It's amazing how much it can assist, especially when I couldn't do it on my own just yet.

Suddenly, I heard Molly's voice calling out my name from the door, so I turned my head in that direction. A smile spread across my face as I saw her standing there. I also noticed that she was accompanied by the doctor and another person. Could that person be her friend, perhaps?

The doctor entered the room, followed by a nurse carrying a tray. He made his way directly to my bed. I stared curiously

"How are you doing, Miss Amelia?" the doctor inquired.

"I feel a bit heavy and the lights are quite blinding, but overall, I'm alright," I responded with a voice that doesn't quite sound like mine.

"You feel heavy because you've been asleep for 2 months, and your eyes are just adjusting to the light. I'm going to give you an injection to help with your eyes and another one to assist with muscle movement. Sound good?"

Two months? How have I been asleep for 2 months is that even possible?

"Two months? How have I been asleep for that long? Is that even possible? The last thing I remember was waiting in Molly's room for her to bring me my pills." I said voicing my panicked thoughts.

"Yep, Amelia, you were indeed in a coma. I'm going to administer the injections now, alright?"

"Okay." I turned my gaze towards Molly, noticing a hint of tears in her eyes. The realization hit me - have I really been in a coma for that long? But wait, if I've been asleep for two months, shouldn't the doctor have stopped my treatment after just one month?

The girl who cooks in the kitchen with me lost her mom because she wouldn't wake up from a month-long coma. She mentioned something about it being a rule of the gang, not wasting treatment on someone who's already gone.

The man who came in with Molly, had a tight grip on her hair. Why? I widened my eyes when I noticed he was wearing the gang ring. I think he caught me staring because he smirked back at me.

"Hey, doctor, are you finished with the injections?" That's the first time he spoke since he entered the room.

"Yeah, Styles." Styles? I've heard some gang members say his name with fear.

"You can go now, Doc. Hey, Amelia." I remained silent as he released his grip on Molly and approached the bed, sitting beside me.

"Aren't you a lovely sight?" he remarked, running his fingers through my hair. Molly glanced at me and mouthed, "I'm sorry." In that moment, I realized that we were in serious trouble.

When Molly mouthed those words, a chill ran down my spine. It could mean trouble, as Molly is never afraid, or it could mean she's sorry for my two-month coma. But then, why would this gang member be running his finger through my hair with a sinister smile?

"Did you have a nice beauty sleep, Amelia? Because the next month and the years to come will be anything but restful," he sneered. I was confused by his words. Does he mean I'll pay for breaking the rules? But I don't think he has the power. Will he force me to be awake for months? He mentioned years... Who is he?

"Who are you?" I didn't know when it left my mouth. I hope he doesn't get angry and beats me up because even then Molly wouldn't be able to help me.

"Oh don't act like you don't know me darling. Take a wild guess" he replied a twisted smile playing on his lips.

I despised his calm demeanor; it sent shivers down my spine. I stayed silent, afraid to make a wrong guess and face the consequences. After a moment of eerie silence, he leaned in close, brushing my hair behind my ear.

"Hmm?" he taunted. The sound of Molly's muffled cries reached my ears, causing tears to well up in my eyes. Fear consumed me as I shook my head, signaling that I had no idea, hoping to avoid angering him further.

He brushed my hair back and leaned in closer to my ear. Molly's voice trembled as she pleaded, 'Please...'. My heart raced with fear, amplified by the beeping of the heart monitor. “She's terrified. She might have a p-panic attack if you continue,”Molly pleaded. He turned around for a moment, then bent down again and whispered

"Oh, she's okay, Barbie," he whispered, bending down once more. "Ever heard of Styles, Amelia?" he inquired, and I quickly shook my head, hoping to avoid any harm. He sighed disapprovingly. "I'm disappointed," he murmured, his words causing a tear to trickle down my cheek. "You haven't heard of the gang leader? I thought everyone knew me. Too bad we didn't cross paths in better circumstances." He proceeded to lick away the tear that had fallen. My fear intensified. "Shh, calm down, love. I don't want you slipping into a coma again. I have big plans for you and Molly."

He stood up and approached the window I had been gazing out of earlier. Leaning against the wall, he observed Molly and me.

"So, I checked your files. Your birthday is on the 21st of next month, right?" he asked.

"Yes," I managed to reply. I wish this was all just a dream. I long to wake up and discover that what I thought was my life was merely a nightmare. I want to wake up and see Mum, Dad, and Adrian. I miss Dad and Adrian so much. I feel so weak, it’s as if I wasn't meant to experience the world. I just want this to be a dream so I can wake up and laugh. I miss Nurse Jenna. It feels like she was just with me yesterday. I wish I could change everything. What did I do wrong? Could this be a punishment from Mum for her death? But Nurse Jenna said loved me so much, so why would she want to punish me?

I feel cold and alone.

"Good. You see Amelia. You are birthday mates with the man who runs the deadliest mafia in the world. He always throws a party on his birthday. You, Molly and I would be attending. We need to make friends with him. That's not your punishment though. That's part of it." He smiled at me and walked to Molly and said.

"Take care of her and yourself too. Don't try running away with her Molly you'd regret that. Think of yourselves as assets to the gang till the next month. I'd send a servant to show you both what to do"
With that he walked out of the room.
This is a nightmare right?..