


When Styles left, Molly walked up to me. "I'm really sorry," she said, her voice filled with soft sobs.

"It's alright, Molly. You didn't have a choice. We'll be okay," I reassured her, hoping to provide some comfort. She continued to cry, but I knew we both needed to stay strong.

"Molly, how have you been these past few months?" I asked, trying to change the subject. She looked at me, smiled, and gently wiped away her tears.

"Boring," she replied, while still wiping her eyes. "I can imagine. It's never easy. How's the club?" I inquired. "Same old, same old. Nothing new," she replied, her expression filled with sadness.

"Ohh," I whispered in response.

"Yeah. Some gang members came looking for you, but I told them to fuck off," she said, causing me to chuckle softly.

"You shouldn't swear so much, Molly," I said, slightly frowning. She just stared at me, her gaze unwavering

"Are you serious, Amelia? We've got more important stuff to worry about, and all you're concerned about is my swearing?" she said, tears streaming down her face. I've gotten used to bad things happening around me instead of the nice ones. Plus, she swears a lot. I didn’t give a direct response and just stared at her. I think she can go a day without swearing so much.

Even though I feel this way, I know that once Molly finds out, she'll give me a thousand reasons not to feel that way.

"Fuck me..," Molly exclaimed, emphasizing the "me" while pulling at her hair.

"It's going to be okay, right?" I said, unsure if things will actually turn out fine.

"Yeah. It'll be fine. I hope," she whispered, just loud enough for me to hear. I smiled back at her.

"When am I leaving?" I asked, my gaze fixed on the window. I feel so burdened. I have so much to do, like paying back the money Molly spent on the hospital.

"I don't know... I think Styles will let you stay until you're fully recovered. Knowing him, he probably wants to show us off. You'll be here for a while," she replied with a soft smile.

"Oh... that's good?" I said, uncertainly.

"No, it's not, but we can't do anything about it," she said. I fell silent. There was nothing more to say. I need to repay the debt. Why would he take us to a party that's not safe for us? One thing's for sure... My birthday isn't going to be fun at all.


It’s been two weeks already since I woke up! I've been stuck in the hospital this whole time with not much to do. The doctor comes in the evenings for my breathing exercises, and sometimes I'm allowed to take a stroll around the hospital with Molly.

During these two weeks, Molly couldn't work as a stripper at the club. Instead, she's been bartending because Harry wants her to conserve her energy and make sure I recover smoothly. We even get meals here as if we're special guests of Harry.

After Harry left that day, his personal maid came in and told us that our punishment would start once I'm discharged. But until then, Molly and I have to take care of ourselves. We've been doing just that ever since.

When Molly told me what the maid said, we didn't really understand it at first. But the next day, we started getting treated extra nicely, and it all made sense. Molly doesn't want me to get into trouble, so I've been doing everything I'm told without questioning.


Today's the day I finally left the hospital. Molly and I are in our shared room. We both slept for a while after my discharge this morning.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Molly asks me repeatedly. I smile and assure her for the tenth time in 5 minutes.

"Are you okay, Molly? We haven't really talked much this past week. How are you feeling?" I inquire.

"I mean, I don't know... I'm okay?... Damn, I don't know, okay! It doesn't really matter. How about you? You're turning 17 in 2 days, how do you feel?" Molly paces around the small room.

How do I feel? Honestly, I don't feel much except pain and fear, but I try my best to hide it. December 21st has always brought me pain, so I don't expect anything good. As for turning 17... well, I feel older. They say age is just a number, right? I feel like an adult trapped in a 17-year-old body. I wonder what other girls my age do when they turn 17. Do they have boyfriends their age and have fun? I don't really see anything fun about my age or my birthday.

I could lie and say I like it, but deep down, it's just another day for me.

“Finally I am turning 17. I am happy tho" I said with a small smile on my face. "Just a little bit scared of probably meeting the deadliest man in the world."

"I know right?," Molly looked at me and came over to where I sat on the mat and sat with me

"You don't have to say you are okay when you are not. You know, right?"

"I'm fine Molly. I'm okay," she ran her fingers through my hair. " What do you think he's going to make us do?”

"Styles?" she asked, and I nodded,

"I don't know, Amelia. Screw him." I chuckled softly. "Are you hungry? I can go downstairs and grab you something. Do you need anything?" I replied.

"Nah, I'm good. I just want to take a walk, but I don't want to get caught..." Molly stared at me, lost in thought. After a while, she finally spoke.

"Screw it. Come on, let's go!" I was surprised, not because of her swearing (I've gotten used to that, I think?), but because I knew we could get into trouble. I pleaded,

"Molly, let's just go to sleep, it's already late." But she insisted, "You need to push yourself, let's head downstairs, okay?" I insisted again,

"No, really, I'm fine. Let's just get some sleep, it's late."

"Are you sure?" I was about to respond when suddenly there was a loud knock on the door. Fear gripped me because it was late and it was unusual for anyone to knock on the slave quarters at this hour. The knock came again, and I glanced at Molly, who appeared calm but I knew she wasn't. She got up, walked to the door, and opened it, revealing the gang member responsible for waking us up, wearing a smirk on his face.