
Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Bro! You wouldn’t believe this! Everything was normal. Me and my bros doing some mining for mana gems for that old sockethole, Somanda like we always do all day, everyday. Me, Fractures, Bonet, Mono-socket, Broadbone and the gang. Then from nowhere, that ungrateful sockethole, Somanda tries to END me! Can you believe that?! I mean, I have told some questionable stories about him caressing my skull affectionately and deeming me his prized undead, but no need to axe a skeleton for something like that, right? RIGHT?! I managed to escape through one of the most convenient and contrived get-aways in all of undead history, even managing to pull a bony one on the Lich bastard by stealing two of his seemingly important possessions which I find out later to be better than I thought they’d be! From there it’s a just a SPIRAL of boneshit left and right! I can’t catch a break! What’s with this atrocious luck, bro?! A voice speaks to me about how I have qualified for something about a something that’s supposedly something’s something! Then I find myself in a new world that reeks of life and gives my bones a disgusted rattle. Powerful beasts and men are at every turn, all lining up to be a huge pain in my PELVIS! GAAAAH! Jeez this is happening too fast! However, even while I’m in the thick of this, the one saving grace is that I got something worth while! A new path of power! I can NOT be an undead! I can be something better than both the Living and the Dead! Immune to the antics from both sides. Well... most of them! I’m no longer on the path for Undeath! Only Lifelessness awaits me! I’m the one who transcends reality in this tale! I am... SKULLIUS! And I’m not an UNDEAD! ...... [Author’s Answers To Popular Readers’ Questions] Q: (IHateArjuun77) -Hey author, is your book trash?- A: (Author) -Haha, screw you dear reader. The answer is NO. The story has elements of comedy, action, magic, adventure and Brutality. Like it gets really dark sometimes. There’s a comprehensive story with characters that I tried my damndest to NOT make generic on top of a cool power system that’s for the most part easy to understand. So its not trash. Q: (IFreakingHateArjuun56) -Hey author why is your first volume so slow paced and... trash?- A: (Author) -Haha. It’s how I designed the First Volume to be. It’s a fun setup that doesn’t focus on many things other than the MC’s mentality, powers and route of progression. The next volumes are normal paced, focusing on the world, the villains and general expansion but all while still retaining the book theme and fun experience- Q: (ShadeIsAPervert001) -Hey author, I instinctively sense that I’ll hate this book, when should I drop? A: (Author) -Is this the same reader?! Anyway, I’ll give a range. Read a minimum of the first 20 chapters to a max of up to chapter 44 before you decide on anything too rash. I’ll hunt down this reader! --- Discord: [ https://discord.gg/8hcraTjzE9 ]

Shade_Arjuun · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1303 Chs

The Power System: Mana Cores, Classes & Stages

SPECIFICS: Mana Cores/Cores-

Developing a mana core from nothing happens naturally for most individuals, way before they even think to try out their Direction in a temple and become a combatant.

A mana core is tied to an individual's soul and body, and if they are interested in combat, it is as essential as the Stages or a Class.

There are four calibres of mana Cores represented through colour.

White, Blue, Purple and Gold.

White mana cores are the most common, and possess the most basic quality of mana.

When a mana core evolves from the natural white, the mana quality increases, and this affects the body's physical quality in turn.

Essentially, from white to blue, the overall value of mana quantity is divided/compressed 10 times, which means it is no longer inflated, but it will also possess more than 10x the quality per unit of mana.

For instance, if Human A has 1,000 units of basic mana (white), and their core becomes blue, their value of mana will become 100. However, EACH unit of the mana making up the 100, will be more than 10x more powerful it was when the overall value was 1000. This means, at the very least, Human A's mana quantity as a 100 (blue), if specified in terms of basic quality, amounts to 10,000 at the very least.

This effect is passed on to all physical stats as well.

When it comes to higher mana qualities, like Purple and Gold, mana compression and heightened quality is also expressed by 10x.

Additionally, since this story features a system, the depiction of Mana in its different qualities is different.

Basic mana and stat values are presented as:


Mana : 100


Blue quality is represented by;


MANA (I) : 100


Purple is depicted as MANA (II); and Gold as MANA (III).

Do remember evolving mana quality affects all stats, so all stats are affected by this dentition as well.




Classes are generally determinants of how one will be using their mana.

They come in three calibres which extend range and strength.

First and foremost are NORMAL Classes. For instance, Swordsman, Mage, Archer etc.

Second, a user of any Normal Class can evolve it to an ADVANCED Class through training and knowledge absorption. So the class can become, for instance; Mist Swordsman, Space Mage, Axis Archer. There are practically an infinite number of Advanced Classes.

The last calibre of Classes is a HIDDEN Class. Hidden Class are not restricted by the bounds of ordinary Class archetypes, and are only inherited from previous users through ancient legacies or inheritances left behind in Crypts, Labyrinths, Temples, Ruined Cities etc.


There are also three categories, or archetypes among Class users.

Energy Formers, Form Users and Arma Users.

<Energy Formers>

These are users of Classes that require an extensive understanding of mana and its derivatives or other forms of energy outside mana bounds. Among them, one can find Mages, Tamers, Diviners, Summoners, Shamans etc.

<Form Users>

These are users of Classes that mainly use the force from their bodies to inflict damage, or you could interpret it as using the body as the base for all abilities. Among them, you find Warriors, Blacksmiths, Mind Casters etc.

<Arma Users>

These rely on weapons for their abilities to shine. Essentially, Swordsmen, Archers, Spear wielders etc.




Stages are mainly considered in the world of Aigas as the strongest form of power because develop the body in a rather collective sense, unlike Classes for instance.

Humans and beasts accumulate mana from other existences they kill. Unlike atmospheric mana, the mana nurtured in another living body can be used to augment another. Thus, when one creature is killed, the mana within their body (not the core), is transferred to the killer.

This mana which is within the muscles, flesh and bone, even if it has been drawn from the mana core, mutates and has unique properties that work in another living body.

This is the basic principle behind the Stages.

Unlike beasts though, humans cannot grow through cumulative mana experience alone.

Stages are dictated by cumulative AND Tasks, which are assignments granted from the Deity one favours – the one they declare to the Priest. Tasks start out easy, but grow harder the further one grows. For EACH level, there is a Task, and a requirement of cumulative mana experience to meet before moving to the next.

The Stages begin from the Foundation Stage, Advancement Stage, Master Stage, Incandescent Stage, Transcendent Stage and Beyond the Veil Stage.

Asides from the Foundation Stage, every other Stage, on top of augmenting the body and soul, grants a unique power aspect shared among all the users of said Stage – Full Body Aura, Genuine Incarnation, Majestic Territory etc.

Users above the Incandescent Stage are extremely rare in the current timeline.