

Have you ever thought that you could live somewhere else? A place like a city that knows no evil, there is no hate, jealousy or envy There is only happiness, peace of mind, and a king who does not hate Or a place among the clouds where there is no death, there is the rarest of minerals, where the earth is gold and the stones are sapphires, and lives forever. Or a forest with the colors of autumn, whose trees bear fruit every day, whose leaves carry all kinds of food, its rivers of milk, and whose people are heartless. Or a place where you can see the color of the eclipse If given the chance, what price would you pay? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today? If everyone around you is the same, how do you know that you are different? If you had to live with a disease, what disease would you prefer to live with? If everyone around you hates you, who will you love? Itsuki is a boy looking for the Ultra and during his journey helps those around him and sometimes cooks food for those who need it and hopes one day to kill all kinds of life in this world

Kay_11 · Fantasia
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11 Chs

Chapter Four: Autumn Yul, Page Two

After they went to the publishing house, Yul decided to go to the World Tree, so Yul asked Caro what she would do from now on, and she replied that at the present time she would wait for his return from inside the World Tree to see which books he would choose.

Yul headed towards the gate but it didn't open but Yul kept walking even through the gate as if he had sunk into it

Yul paused for a moment at a white, empty space with nothing

After a few seconds, he found himself inside a huge library, and the invitation was still around his neck. Books were everywhere, and the bookshelves did not seem to have an end. Yoel noticed that the place had more than one floor for storing books, so he looked up to see how big this place was, and there did not seem to be an end. Stairs upstairs

Yul was dazzled by what he saw and thought then, if all those books were here, how would someone find a book he was looking for, it would be like finding a needle in a haystack, and suddenly information began to appear in Yul's mind about this library. The names of the books and their whereabouts became clear before his eyes.

And then Yul decided to go up to the highest floor he could reach in the library, and when he reached the 45th floor, he started searching among the books until he climbed one of the stairs and said (it seems to be this book)

When Yul placed his hand on the book, another person placed his hand on the same book, and when Yul looked at it, Hiroshi was the first viceroy, and the invitation around his neck was the same.

(Hiroshi what are you doing here)

(Isn't it obvious to take a book of course so hurry up and get your dirty hand off that book)

(Not today, O One-Eyed One, this book belongs to me, and I will not give it to you.)

(Huh, I didn't know your little brain could absorb reading books)

(And does that matter to you, you bastard? I'll take that book anyway, so get out of my face right now.)

Yul kicked the ladder Hiroshi was standing on and fell to the ground from a height of two and a half meters

(Or, damn it, is this how you treat those above you, little child)

(Ha, since you are the viceroy of the king, I thought that such a fall would not affect you.)

Hiroshi gave up on the idea of ​​taking the book that Yul was holding and took another book he was in and said to him, "You can keep that rotten novel, I got a much better book."

(Never mind, I wasn't going to give it to you anyway)

Yule walked out of the World Tree, and as soon as he came out, the invitation around his neck disappeared

He went to meet Caro, and when he found her, he started telling her about what he saw inside

That's when Caro asked him about the book he decided to take, and he said

(Oh, about this, I decided to give it to you after thinking about it. I am not interested in reading books or stories, and since you love it so much, I decided to bring it to you. Take it, because it is the novel that the Four Seasons told me about)

Caro was surprised by his saying that she could not accept such a precious gift, so Yul insisted on giving it to her, and if she did not accept it, he would throw it in the trash.

That's when Caro accepted the book

And when Yul extended his hand to give her the book, he noticed that Caro had two books that he had not noticed before around her waist, so Yul suddenly stopped and said to her:

(Caro, can you tell me where you got those books from)

Caro paused for a moment and replied with a cold smile (What would it help you if you knew)

It was then that Yul realized what had been going on all along and replied

(When I met you, you told me that you came from Leuma village one day before

Leuma village is very far from Uralia, and it usually takes about a week of travel to get here, but when I saw you, you did not show signs of travel or fatigue.)

(what are you trying to say)

I want to ask you how many lies you've told me since we met

The village of Yuma was annihilated a month ago, and no one survived from that village, so why do you claim that you came from that village?

Everyone knows that it was a village for humans, and yet you lie and claim that you are from the elves and say that you lost your horn in an accident. This is stupidity.

I have been fighting elves for two years and until now I have not seen a sane elves without a horn.

(If you knew that from the beginning but you were playing with me to know why I do it then it is true like what you say I am not a elves I am a human and I am not from the village of Yuma but from a place near here and yet that is not all I discovered is it)

(Your dream about wanting to be a writer was a lie, right)

(what makes you say that)

(Because you wanted to get that book, didn't you? You saw it in your bag. Your invitation. You got an invitation. But you haven't entered the tree yet. Why did you do that

you not the type to sell something like an invitation because you're really interested in books. The only reason that comes to my mind is that you wanted two books, but you got confused about which book to choose, so you had the idea of ​​deceiving me. That way, to sympathize with you and bring you the book you want, isn't that right?)

Caro clapped for Yol, saying, (You did a good job, as expected of you, although it was not an accurate analysis, but you are right in most of what you said. You are right. This book was what I wanted from the beginning, but it is not just it. If it was, I would not have worked for two years for this day."

Yule was surprised by what Caro said, and he replied to her (it was not an accurate analysis. Did I make a mistake, and what do you mean that you did not only want this book)

(Yol, you are a smart and intelligent man, but you ignore some details easily, but I am sure that you can learn more than this if you focus a little, so I give you the opportunity to try again

So I'm going to give you some hints, how much do you think I've been planning this since when do you think I started thinking about it)

‏Yule was confused by what Caro was saying and stepped back with a frightened face and started to think about it some more

("How long ago and how could I have known in the first place why she told such obvious lies? If she wanted to get the book, it was her plan to succeed, and then I would give her the book...")

Yul realized something important then

("Give her the book Wait a minute Was I really going to give her the book No from the beginning Why did you follow her until this moment Right That's it

She knew that I would not care for her for a long time, so she had to give me a reason to follow her and listen to her talk, so I deliberately forgot her bag at that time in the restaurant to see her invitation.

This way it will make me want to know more about it. No, that's not all

Remember well why this girl caught my attention at first because she had that hardworking face and also the death of that person in front of her

Impossible, but I'm sure I saw her at that. She wasn't carrying anything in her hand. She hit it normally, so how?

Caro smiled and said to him (Did you discover anything)

Yol answered her with sweat running down his face (How did you kill that person? I know now. You know everything about me. I don't know how, but it's true. You knew that the hardworking and those who aim to achieve their dreams are the people I hate the most and are jealous of them. That's why I played that role in front of me, but even so I didn't. It would not have made me follow you, but the killing of that person was the thing that drew my attention the most towards you, so I ask you how you killed that person.

Caro looked at him with a disappointed face and said to him (You have discovered all this and you do not yet know how you killed him. Are you serious, so what is the point of leaving the evidence behind)

(guide ?)

(I saw it in the bag, don't you remember)

(Don't say that iron wire, but how)

(It is very simple, if you remember the road that the victim and I were walking on. It was not a pedestrian path, was it so, that is why the place around it was empty this morning. He tied the iron wire around the fountain that was in the middle of the city, and tied the other end to one of the big worn-out mill stones that were At the end of the street, then I fixed the middle of the wire at the point where the victim and I hit it

To simplify the matter, I placed explosives at the top of the old mill in a way that made the stone to which I tied the iron wire fly strongly in the other direction to pull the wire with a force sufficient to cut off the head of a person in a few seconds. At the moment when the victim stood in front of the wire, I detonated the bomb, and what I saw happened, cutting the iron wire, because I tied it to the strongest place in the fountain, and the mill was a little far away, so it was difficult to notice what happened.)

When Yul heard Caro's words about what happened, he had goosebumps and felt some enthusiasm in his heart. All that was going on in his mind was how wonderful what that girl had done. He said (Wait a moment, how did you know that he would pass that road? You said that it was not a pedestrian road, and also how did you know that I I'll be there at the same time)

(Because a person who betrays even the closest people to him cannot trust anyone, so that person went that way because he was afraid that a bystander would betray him or get to know him. After all, that person was a great traitor to the first king who worked for Koken. As for you, it was It is easy to calculate the duration of your arrival here and put some obstacles on your way to reach at the required time.

(Obstacles? Do you mean the bandits who attacked us in the middle of the road, the death of two horses and the loss of some goods, all of which you did)

‏(Yeah, after all, I should have arranged everything here before you arrived, but don't worry, I'll make up for it later.)

But now let's go back to our topic. In fact, I did not think that you would discover all this much. I am really impressed with you, but unfortunately that was not all. Really, I did not think that you are so bad at recognizing the faces of your colleagues, Knight Yul)

Then Caro took out her black wig and postman's hat and put them on in front of him

Yule was surprised by what he saw and said to her (You are the one who works in distributing mail at the headquarters of the First King's Army. I do not believe that. How did I not realize that)

(Right, let's go back to your first question, where did you get these two books from? You got them with planning effort during these last two years. Well, I doubt you'll notice that, so let's explain it to you.

First, remember that each invitation has the right to obtain one book, right? Well, remember this well

Secondly, I told you before that it is not possible to change the ownership of the invitation unless it is in the hands of the gatekeeper and I told him the word get rid. In fact, this was a lie, whether it was in your hand or with the gatekeeper.As soon as you say the word "discard" in front of the gate guard, your property will be cancelled.

(Oh, right, I remember yelling that in front of the guard, but how did you know I would choose that word)

(At that time, you sympathized with me at that time, although you realized my truth, but you really wanted to give me the invitation, and since you knew that nothing would happen since I was from the elves and the invitation was still in your hand, you shouted that word as a kind of joke, and this made me lie about being an elves)

‏(I can't believe you were even expecting things like this are you really human)

(I will continue my speech after you relinquished ownership of the invitation. Your name and information were still engraved on the invitation, and here comes the role of the second word, change.

I told you before that it is to change your surname or to change your information, but it is considered an essential step when selling the invitation

When abandoning the invitation, your name and information will remain engraved on it, and here comes the role of the second word, change, so that the invitation becomes the property of the one who buys it. He changes his name and all the information in it

To change the name, the guard puts a sticky gel on the invitation capable of changing the name and other information in a few seconds once it is exposed to some moisture.

Two weeks ago I came here and asked the guard to change the name on my invitation to another name and before he did that I removed the sticky substance and kept it and waited until your invitation arrived and when it arrived I covered it with the gel and handed it to you)

(That's right, you're the one who gave me the invitation two days ago)

Now you understand what happened, don't you?

Now, if a person enters the world tree with an invitation that does not belong to him, but his name and information are on it, what happens in your opinion?

(I am not sure, but if he succeeds in entering, the invitation will return to him as if nothing happened.)

(This is absolutely true that's why I prevented this from happening

The moment you entered the library, the name change material interacted with the humidity in the library and changed your name to mine, but you had already entered, so what do you think happened? Right Wrong I caused an error in the world tree system

Since you and the invitation have two different names, the world tree considers you two separate people. I told you before that every invitation deserves to get a book, but since you are inside the tree without an invitation, you were treated as a special invitation.

Usually the invitation disappears as soon as the person enters the library, but since this invitation was its owner, who is me, who was not inside the library, the invitation replaced me there as an independent person

At the moment you left the library, the tree would not allow the invitation to leave without taking a book of the same value as its own, so at that moment all the books in the library appeared before my eyes and gave me the opportunity to choose a book from among them and take it for myself, so I chose this book

"The Moon Was Born," as you can see, is just an ordinary novel

As I said before that every invitation has a specific value, so what would happen in your opinion if the person who invited took a book of less value than the invitation?)

(what will happen)

‏(In the event that this happens, the world tree searches for the book that it took and sees all the books that are related to it or that were written by the same author in a certain period, so it chooses a book from them and gives it to the person who invited him to equal the value of the invitation)

(You mean he takes two books of little value to equal the value of a valuable invitation like the one I had)

(True, and this is where the second error occurred in the world tree

As you can see, this novel had nothing to do with it or books written at the same time as it was written. There was only one book written by the same author. These two books were his only works, but the second book was not an ordinary book. It was considered one of the rarest books in this world, and of course He wouldn't let someone like you or me take it

When I took this novel, the library had a glitch, and its laws were disrupted for a moment. That was when they gave me that second book, "The Allen and the Elian." Not everything was perfect as I had planned, but this is what happened. I took three books from that library in exchange for your invitation.)

All Yul could think about at that moment was how amazing what that girl had done

("Is this possible? Basically, I don't know anything about the world tree or the laws it bears, but I'm sure that breaking its laws is not possible. It protects many dangerous books that should not fall into the wrong hands after all. But after you explained it to me, it became It is clear that this girl is not an ordinary person, she is frighteningly smart.")

(Caro, you said you got three books, but I still have the third book. How will you get it from me after you told me all that)

Caro started laughing so hard and said to him, "Why do you think I wasted my time explaining to you

How am I going to take it from you Why do I have to do something like this You are the one who will give it to me yourself)

‏Yule was greatly surprised by Caro's response

(Everything you've done so far is in my plan, including explaining the plan to you here. Now you're not angry, scared, or even confused. All you're thinking about now is how amazing you've done and how something could happen. But I did it. You're thinking you want to give me the book. To complete that feat that you have done, is it not, Mr. Right Yule?

("Oh my God my heart is pounding so hard is this excitement every word she says is so amazingly true I was going to give her the book at the end but I didn't expect her to even know about these feelings but something is wrong if she knows all this stuff then she definitely knows it's useless then Why")

While Caro was showing off her intelligence, Yule slowly advanced towards her, with signs of anger on his face, and when he reached her, he slapped her hard on the face.

Caro looked bewildered and afraid of what had happened

As Yul stared at her angrily, he said, "You're absolutely right about everything you've said so far, but even so, as I expected, I hate people like you.

Yul took Caro's two books and said, "Normally I don't forgive people like you, but let's consider it a draw now."

(Wait a minute, that can't be right. It wasn't according to plan.)

(Huh, you really are annoying. You think that everything will go according to your plan because you are a bit smart. I do not advise you to try to get these books. You killed a person in the square several hours ago, and whoever that person was, this does not change the fact that you are a murderer now, meaning that I have every right to kill you here)

Caro felt afraid of what Yul said. She stepped back with signs of fear and great sadness on her face and said in a calm voice

(sorry about that seems to have gone a little too far I wasn't trying to control you or undervalue you but I had to do it at any cost I had to get them any way but this was the first and last time I promise I will never do something like this again so I really I'm sorry, please forgive me)

(Then tell me why you did it all, you planned it all knowing it was useless

So why did you choose the hard way You could just ask me normally Then you wouldn't have to plan for all that You knew I wasn't interested in the library anyway So if you had asked me normally I would have gladly given it to you But you didn't because you couldn't trust anyone right like that )

Caro was surprised by what Yeul said and replied while looking down (How do you know that)

(It was clear from the moment I met you that you were always afraid to look me in the eyes and until now you still do and now that you told me all that I am sure that none of what you told me until now was true and by that I mean even your name you were afraid that I would look for you afterwards or try Revenge if things work out here)

Yul sighed in frustration and told her with a warm smile

(Take these are your two books. I'm sorry for dealing with you in a violent way, but I wanted to make sure of your feelings. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me.)

Caro was surprised by what Yul said and replied, "Aren't you really angry after everything I did to you?"

(I can't say I really enjoyed talking to you. I'll keep this book for the time being, so you don't flatter yourself anymore, but in the end it will be yours.)

(Wait a minute, it's the most important book among them, so at least)

(No objection, consider it the price of deceiving me)

(OK I get it, I know this isn't enough, but I'm really sorry)

(Instead of apologizing to me, could you tell me your real name, girl genius)

(Ha, you are really good at choosing your words. Listen carefully, ordinary knight. I have the highest IQ in this world. The greatest investigator in the history of this world. My name is Hawa Alia leah.)

(That was another lie, wasn't it)

(Yes, I'm sorry, my name is sherlock. Nice to meet you.)

(sherlock is like Sherlock Holmes isn't she)

(Huh, don't compare me to that silly detective, I'm no ordinary detective

I can even prove it to you now)

(So tell me, great detective, from now on, what am I going to do, what am I supposed to do, and will one day find the thing I want to do)

(I can't see that far but I can help you find that thing you're looking for)

(help me how)

(First, leave the army of the first king, you don't need that useless fight, second, from now on, travel with me, then you will find your destiny)

(My fate what are you talking about.)

(If you understand what I told you, collect your things and let's start our journey)

(oh wait a minute)

And so another story began

_4 end_