

Have you ever thought that you could live somewhere else? A place like a city that knows no evil, there is no hate, jealousy or envy There is only happiness, peace of mind, and a king who does not hate Or a place among the clouds where there is no death, there is the rarest of minerals, where the earth is gold and the stones are sapphires, and lives forever. Or a forest with the colors of autumn, whose trees bear fruit every day, whose leaves carry all kinds of food, its rivers of milk, and whose people are heartless. Or a place where you can see the color of the eclipse If given the chance, what price would you pay? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today? If everyone around you is the same, how do you know that you are different? If you had to live with a disease, what disease would you prefer to live with? If everyone around you hates you, who will you love? Itsuki is a boy looking for the Ultra and during his journey helps those around him and sometimes cooks food for those who need it and hopes one day to kill all kinds of life in this world

Kay_11 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter Three: Autumn Yul, first page

In a city in the east, after a battle between Koken and the king's army, Yul stands on top of a pile of corpses

With empty eyes and a frowning face, these were the thoughts he had upon seeing this scene

Every time I see these scenes I have these questions

Why are there wars What is the point of killing each other

For what reason do all these people, young adults, women, children, all die?

It becomes ashes after the fires of these wars pass

I thought I would never fight. I saw no reason to kill anyone

This was a long time ago

But when I had a reason, I became the one who kills the most because I want to achieve something. I began to take life without hesitation

At that time, I thought, maybe this is the reason for wars, because everyone has a desire, but there are those who prevent him from achieving it, so people kill each other

It's a nasty, silly cause that's nothing worth killing for, so the people who kill are the worst

I consider myself the least valuable person in this life, just scum killing for his own desires

I am sure that my death will save many people so I hope...

After returning to the army headquarters in Uroa, Yul heads to meet the army commander, Gars, but

The postman stops him and gives him a special invitation

(Mr. Yule, you received this invitation from the city of Uralia)

(To me I invite

For what reason I am invited, and to what party I do not remember knowing anyone there or doing anything worthy of being invited.

(Well, this is something I am not aware of. Please accompany me to fill out your signature receipt for the application

(Okay )

As they walked he noticed that the postman was somehow different every time he saw him

("This guy, did he have that long hair? Looking at him closely, he looks like a girl. I can't believe I've been living here for two years and I didn't notice.")

Yul went to present the report to Army Commander Gars

(You're on your own again yol, that must be hard for you)

(Yes, I am sorry, Commander. On the battlefield, I saw my friends die several times, and I could not do anything. I am a failed soldier.)

(You don't need to be so hard on yourself every time

And also, stop apologizing to me, okay? I always tell you that your comrades' deaths are not your fault. On the other hand, I'm glad you're still alive, well done yol)

Okay )

(In the last month a lot of things have happened

The massacre of the village of lyuma and the emergence of a fifth king put the whole world in a state of confusion and made the Koken army reduce its attacks in recent weeks, and this gives us an opportunity to prepare for the coming days.

(Yes, the massacre of the village of Yuma is a terrible thing, but thanks to what happened, we can finally prepare well before the fight)

‏Oh sorry I wasn't talking about you I was talking about us

What do you think about taking a vacation?

(I don't need a vacation...)

(Hey, have you looked in the mirror lately, your face is so pale, you've been fighting since the day you joined the army without taking a day off, I'm worried about your health

I always wanted to ask you, do you sleep at night? Definitely don't even do it to someone like you. Murder is not something you can forget.)

(Commander, you are wrong, I am not like that, believe me, I am fine)

(I got it, isn't it? An invitation from Oralia. Do you know what this invitation is for)

(yeah i have no idea)

(To sum it up for you, it is to enter the eternal library, by obtaining this invitation, you have the right to take one book from that library. Well, when you arrive, you will understand everything.)

(But I didn't agree to go that...)

(The conversation is over. It has been decided now. You do not need the army. You can leave.)

Yul left the hall with signs of sadness and annoyance on his face. While he was leaving, someone entered the army commander's hall

Although he has talent, he is still a child in the end, doesn't Gars agree with me

When Gars heard the voice, he quickly stood up with a look of confusion on his face and said

King Hiroshi's aide, nice to see you're well.

(No need for all that formality, we're friends after all, right)

(That's right, but respect and appreciation should be given to people who naturally deserve it, and not fools' leaders

So what brings you here, Mister Hiroshi?

(Nothing no matter how much I was going to Aurelia and passing by to say hi to an old friend that's all

Anyway, I wanted to ask you why Yule is still an ordinary soldier. He is definitely one of our strongest fighters despite his young age, but he is smart and deals with the most difficult situations rationally. His speed in making the right decisions contributed to saving many soldiers, some of which led them to victory.

If he becomes the leader of a branch or department, he will achieve tremendous achievements in a short time. You realize that, and yet you do nothing. Why)

(Uh, I know that very well. If it happened and he was promoted to commander, I am sure that he will compete with Trader. No, he may surpass him in everything in a short time. But you say that because you did not see him fight that boy. No matter how difficult the situations were and no matter how intense the fight was, he would stand there steadfastly, as if it was an order. Normal not because he's strong or brave he's just not afraid of death he's always blank his eyes are always dead to everything nothing interests him you always see him trying to cling to life in any way he does anything to survive he's not afraid of death he's just thinking if he can live another day maybe he'll find meaning in his life

I'm tired of looking at his face, I want him to give up only if he sees his comrades always dying before his eyes, maybe he will eventually get tired and leave the army.

(I see that Commander Gars is finally getting old and is finally treating his soldiers like human beings

It was not like this in the past, now you look like a father afraid for his daughter)

(It is not like that, but when you watch a monster grow at the end, you will be afraid that it will devour you.)

(You're probably right anyway. Glad I came here. See you later, Gars. Take care of yourself

While Yul was on his way to Uralia, he was thinking about why he was invited and from whom, but at some point he gave up thinking about it and began trying to enjoy the trip so that he would not end up returning to the battlefield.

As Yul was walking around the city of Aurelia, he picked up the invitation and began examining it

(They even know my name really what this invitation is And also what is this goop around

But it looks really expensive. Is it gold? Perhaps selling it would be more valuable than going to that library.)

As Yul was walking slowly, a girl with long golden yellow hair and worn-out country clothes caught his attention. The girl was holding a book in her hands and writing in it while walking in the middle of the street.

She was floundering among passers-by until she ended up bumping into a young man, and when she raised her head to apologize, that young man's head was cut off and he fell dead on the ground. Blood splashed on the face of that girl, but she was not afraid or even tense, but rather she grabbed her book and continued her writing with more enthusiasm.

Yul wasn't surprised by that person's death, but by that girl's reaction

‏The king's knights gathered to find out what was happening, but there was no evidence or any tool for the crime. There was only the severed head and the body of that man and that girl who had hit him.

They began to ask the girl, but she was not listening. She was completing her writing, as if nothing had happened. They quickly accused her of being the killer, because there was no evidence of the real killer, and they began to search her.

That's when Yul arrived and stopped them and pushed them away from the girl

The knights shouted at him, accusing him of being her accomplice

Then he told them that he was one of the king's knights and that he had seen what happened and that this girl had nothing to do with the killing of that person

The knights believed Yul and let her go, but she was still standing there writing

Yule pulled her by the hand and took her to a nearby restaurant

(I am surprised by what happened. You weren't afraid. You would have died if I hadn't seen what happened.)

(Huh, why am I going to die? I didn't do anything wrong, but with that being said, I'm thankful for saving me from that mess. Thank you.)

(You're welcome, I was thinking, what is this thing you're writing with so much focus?)

The girl suddenly stopped writing and answered cheerfully

(Do you care that I am writing a fictional thriller and that person's death gave me a great idea to continue the story so I can't stop writing now)

(Oh, that's why you weren't freaked out by what I saw a while ago. Honestly, it's kind of amazing

This may seem like a strange question from someone I met a while ago, but why do you write stories, is it interesting, or are you just wasting your time, and are stories that interesting?

(Well, I don't know what to say to you

Are the stories interesting? This is something you decide. The reader is the one who gives value to the work, whether it is good or bad. This is something you decide

For me, stories are all I have. It's another world, a world for me alone. When I finished my first book, I felt an indescribable feeling. The story I read left in my heart a number of feelings towards it, but the most important of them was the happiness that I spent while I was reading it. Then I thought, maybe I can do that too, yeah. I want to write a story that gives happiness to everyone who reads it. This is what I thought of at the time. That is why I am writing.

("A story that gives happiness. If, as I expected, I don't understand what is needed in giving happiness to others, why would you do that")

(But it's not that easy. Writing a good story has never been easy, and yet I'm still trying...

Wait a moment, the one in your hand, is it an invitation?

‏(This I think so do you know anything about it)

(And whoever has not heard before about the World Tree, that it is the largest library in all parts of this universe, all the books that have been written and that will be written are in that library, and every fifteen years invitations are sent to those who deserve to enter it, and everyone who gets an invitation has the right to take a book with him when he comes out. Surely every writer's dream Oh how jealous I am of you

I wish I could get an invite one day

(I didn't expect it to be that important, I was thinking of selling it a while ago)

(You cannot do that. You do not know how many people wish to have it. Listen carefully. The library of the world does not only contain novels and stories in which all kinds of books are in this world. There are types of books that no one should touch. Some of them may lead to disasters that the world has not witnessed before. )

(Really, is this possible? Basically a book that destroys the world

So what happens if a bad person gets an invitation, aren't there rules for such cases)

(Yes, you are right, as you can see. There are many forms of invitation, including ordinary ones, expensive ones, and rare ones. A person's eligibility is evaluated according to the type of invitation he gets and the degree of merit he gets . The books he deserves to get are allocated. For example, if he takes an invitation from the cheap level, the books he deserves are allocated. Obtaining it and the books that he can see, and so on with each level. Looking at your invitation to see, I see that it is very expensive. With this, you can see 50% of the books in the library. This is really amazing)

(Really, on my part, I see that you, the amazing one, know all these things about that library, and you have never seen it before

It makes me think how many books I've read about it, how many people I've asked about it.

(No way, you're overestimating me. Everyone knows this general information.)

(Maybe you are right but it makes me think why someone like me got an invitation while someone like you got nothing Don't you find this strange)

(No, it is natural, perhaps you do not know, but the elves are forbidden to enter the world tree, after the contract that the king of the elves wrote, the elves were prevented from entering the world tree)

(Wait a moment, you are from the jinn, but where are your wings and where is that horn on your head)

(Oh about the horn it was an accident I lost the horn on my head so I hide it with hair and the wings are kinda embarrassing but my wings are simply too small so I hide them under my clothes)

(Oh, that's why, if it's true, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Hua Yul. I'm a soldier with the king. As you can see, what's your name?)

(Oh, and I also completely forgot about it. My name is Karu. I am a jan from Lioma village. I came here so that I could publish my story in the publishing house here and...)

‏Suddenly Karu froze in place

("The Village of Yuma!"

What happened are you alright )

(I forgot I had to submit my work to the publishing house an hour ago sorry I have to leave immediately see you later)

(Wait a minute, you forgot your bag!!

"Really what's wrong with her")

Yul looked into her bag and saw there a thin iron wire and several books beside it as well

(this ...)

yul quickly caught up with Carol and found her waiting outside the publishing house

(Why did you follow me, you don't have work to do)

(Unfortunately, it's Weibo's vacation. I'll be with you all day

Also, take it, you forgot your bag.

(Oh thanks for picking it up it really gave you trouble)

Then someone from the publishing house came out and told Caro you can come in

That's when Caro entered to meet the head of the publishing house, so Yul entered with her

After a few minutes, the chief threw Caro's story papers to her and said, "Rubbish! How can someone write such things? Really, there is no limit to stupidity!"

Yule picked up a piece of paper from the ground and replied

(I wonder how you can judge a complete story when you haven't even completed the introduction. Are you really the boss of this place)

(Huh, that's why ignorant people should shut their mouths. The book is known from its cover. I don't need to read it all to know that it's rubbish.)

(huh what do you mean by that)

Caro did not show any signs of disappointment or sadness, but was looking forward to writing another story and told him

(Garbage you might be right after all it was a side story that only took me a few weeks but I have another story I'm sure you'll like I've been working on it for years so please at least read it to the end)

When Yul saw what happened, he felt jealousy in the depths of his heart. Perseverance and effort to achieve something. Sadness and disappointment for your failure. Joy and happiness for achieving your goal. Anger, Regret, Enthusiasm, Tears.

These are all things that I won't be able to feel, was what Yul thought when he saw Karu's face at that time

He said to the president (just for your information, I am not an ordinary soldier here, in fact I may not look like that, but the army commander is like a friend to me, even the king's minister, I have a relationship with him , even I am acquainted with the first king

Here you accept other work, but you do not accept the work of this girl only, I can easily destroy this place and stop your publishing house in all parts of the land of dreams)

(Is that a threat, boy)

‏(You can consider it whatever you want. We do not ask you for anything special anyway. All you have to do is read this work and give it your opinion about it, not as if I forced you to publish it here.)

(Huh, I got it. I'll read it. You can leave now. Come back after four, then I'll have finished reading it.)

Caro was very happy when she heard what the president said

Yul smiled at her and walked out of the place, then Caro followed him and said to him

(Thank you, Yul, I don't know how to repay you for that favor.)

(If you think about a city tour, you can tell me about the world tree while we're walking, then we'll be even.)

(That's it

you got it )

(ok let's go)

Yul was at a loss as to what to do with the invitation, so he asked Caro

(Tell me, if you ever get invited, which book you would choose)

(Let's see, there are a lot of books that I want to read, but I think I would have chosen the novel The Four Seasons)

(Huh, what is that story about)

(Well, I haven't read it before, but I heard it's a very old story

It may not be difficult to obtain it in Utopia, but it is nonetheless one of the rarest written artifacts in this world

I want to get that book

(I don't understand why you want the same book when you can read it from other sources)

(It's weird, but I feel like if I did, it wouldn't make any sense.)

(I feel as if I understand you a little bit. You want to understand the feelings of the writer when he wrote them, and the meaning he wanted to convey, isn't that so)

(It is true that if I read it from a copy of the book or somewhere else, I feel that I will not understand anything

Forget that talk, tell me what book you're getting

(I don't know, but I'll decide when I get to the library

But isn't this strange, even though I put the invitation around my neck, no one tries to steal it, isn't it supposed to be very precious)

(Simply because no one would benefit from stealing it from you

Your name and information written on the invitation is correct)

(Yes thats right )

(In this way, the world tree determines who enters it. When you cross its gate, the world tree analyzes the name and information of the person who carries it. If the information does not match with the person, the invitation that he carries is taken away and returned to its original owner.)

(Wait a minute, so what's the point of selling it if he can't use it)

‏(Good question, follow me nearly there)

Yul and Karoo were heading towards the giant tree in the middle of Aurelia City, and when they reached it, there was a giant door in the middle of it, and there was a huge strange creature standing near the gate.

Yul was in awe of the guard's figure

And he said to Caro (Is this the great library, the world tree)

Caro laughed at Yul's saying and said to him (it's definitely not like that. The world tree is not a real tree)

(huh what does that mean)

(In other words, it is not a tangible body or something that you can locate. It is a sacred place that is not bound by time and place. People call it the world tree, because the doors through which invitees enter are embodied in trees like these.)

Karu pointed at the giant guard and said

(Here is where you can simply sell your invitation. Once you give the invitation to him, you can give up being the owner of the invitation and give it to whomever you want.

The guard does not do anything until he hears the word "get rid" from the mouth of the caller.

(Is this a password or a code)

(It is one of the only three words that the guard hears from the invitees and means giving up the right of ownership to the invitation)

(three words)

(In order to get rid of change and rejection

Haya refused to return the invitation in case you do not want to enter or sell it to anyone, and I doubt that someone used it

The book you get has your name engraved on it or the name on the invitation Change come on change that name in case you have a surname or another name and the last one I just explained but the guard won't do anything unless you give him the invitation to make sure you are serious about what you do

Actually, the guard doesn't listen to anyone, he doesn't listen to anyone, he just stands there protecting the entrance. Those three words are thethe only ones that move him. You can try saying something to him.)

(say something to him

Yul looked at the guard and said in a loud voice, get rid of it, but then the guard's eyes shone red, and he looked at Karu, but he didn't move or say anything

Caro noticed that it was late and decided to go back to the publishing house to see what happened to her story, so Yul accompanied her because he was worried about he

As they hurried back towards the publishing house, Caro suddenly stopped in front of the doo

Yul said to her, "Why did you suddenly stop, did something happen?

( oh nothing

(Nothing then why don't you come in you want to know what happened to your story right

(No need for that anymore, it's not that important anymore

While they were standing in front of the door, Yul noticed something in the trash can, so he approached it and looked inside it, and saw the story that Caro had given to the publishing house

Caro approached the trash can and sat down near it and said while her eyes overflowed with tears (I should have realized before that you were not born to be a writer. I wish I could give happiness to others through my stories, but I fail at this as I expected. Perhaps it is better to remain like this reader. Perhaps I am. I'm only bad at being a writer but..

but .

But however.

As I expected it is very difficult after all that I have done and all that I have suffered to write this story, all the nights I have stayed up and all the days that I have worked for it to end like this, it is really very difficult.

‏There was no sign of sadness or anger on Yul's face, he was looking at her calmly while she was crying and screamin

("As I expected, I am really jealous of her. This pain and this sadness, although it is so cruel, is so beautiful. Just by seeing this face, even someone like me can understand how hard she worked. Anyone can understand when they see those tears that she did everything she could to make her dream come true." This is something I don't hav

But I want him at any cost, even if it is harsh, even if it hurts someday. I want to feel those feelings.

Yul entered the publishing house and started punching everyone he saw in front of him until he reached the department head and started punching hi

But soon everyone in the department gathered on him and started beating hi

They grabbed him and threw him out the windo

Karu hurried to see what had happened to hi

She told him, "You didn't have to do that, it's not their fault.

I didn't do it for you, I just wanted to do i

So you have to do what you want to do, do not give up on your dream for whatever reason, and if it happens and give up on it, look for someone else. I really envy you. The pain of failure, the joy and happiness of success, these simple feelings that a person like me cannot feel. Perhaps you will not understand what I mean, but nevertheless you must continue to strive. Behind your dream, because if you give up somewhere, you will become an empty person who does not see value in his life, someone just like me

Yul stood in front of her with tears in her eyes. He extended his hand while holding her book and said to her, "So I hope you will do your best next time.

The sight of you doing your best to write was beautiful, even for someone like me

Caro took the book and held it tightly to her chest and said (Yes, I will do my best
