

Have you ever thought that you could live somewhere else? A place like a city that knows no evil, there is no hate, jealousy or envy There is only happiness, peace of mind, and a king who does not hate Or a place among the clouds where there is no death, there is the rarest of minerals, where the earth is gold and the stones are sapphires, and lives forever. Or a forest with the colors of autumn, whose trees bear fruit every day, whose leaves carry all kinds of food, its rivers of milk, and whose people are heartless. Or a place where you can see the color of the eclipse If given the chance, what price would you pay? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today? If everyone around you is the same, how do you know that you are different? If you had to live with a disease, what disease would you prefer to live with? If everyone around you hates you, who will you love? Itsuki is a boy looking for the Ultra and during his journey helps those around him and sometimes cooks food for those who need it and hopes one day to kill all kinds of life in this world

Kay_11 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter Five: The Book of Remains

Hiroshi notes:

Several weeks after I entered the World Tree

I feel like my movements are being watched

Every time I walk around alone, I feel that someone is watching me. These things have started to increase recently, until I started to be subjected to assassination attempts.

I soon realized that because of the book I had taken, I didn't know it was so important. I only took it because I liked the cover image. It reminded me of a book I read when I was young.

But as time passed, the people watching me attacked me every time I was alone until he showed up

One of the Relic Guard, Aichi no Jin.

He asked me to hand over the book, but when I refused, he tried to cut off my head

I barely escaped with heavy injuries, but that person was not human

I'm now hiding in the army headquarters with the army commander Gars. I doubt anyone would think of going up against all the king's knights to get the book, so I guess I'm safe for the time being.

I tried to find out what is special about this book, so I read it, and it turned out that it is the key to reviving one of the disasters in this world

I didn't quite understand what this disaster was yet but I knew I had to keep him for the time being

Hiroshi Akari..

While Hiroshi was sitting in Commander Gars' room, one of the soldiers entered, saying that the hero Traidor had returned, so Gars told him to let him in.

Traidor entered the commander's room and saluted Gars and was surprised to see that Hiroshi had been seriously injured

Gars replied, "You're still arrogant as usual, so why did you come here?"

(You're tough as always, Mister Gars

In fact, I passed by when I heard what happened to Mr. Hiroshi, so I came to check on him.)

Hiroshi replied with a sarcastic face (Oya, were you really worried about me, Mr. Traidor? This is really an honor for me, but there is no need to worry. A wound like this will not kill me.)

(I'm glad you're okay. After all, I didn't expect King Hiroshi's minister to be defeated.)

Hiroshi sensed that Traidor was making fun of him and made an angry face

(You bastard, you came to laugh at me. What's that look on your face?)

(You always misunderstand me, all I meant was I was worried about you)

(I don't need you to worry you can get off my face)

(Can't you at least tell me what happened)

(Huh, as if I would tell someone like you, after all, I don't trust you. Whatever they say about you, I don't believe you.

What does unbeatable hero mean if you are so strong then why didn't you end this war

Traidor was enraged by Hiroshi's accusations and responded by shouting

(If strength is the criterion for winning this war, then why didn't the first king finish it? Isn't he the strongest person in this world)

Hiroshi paused for a moment as he thought about Traidor's words and responded

(You may be right, but that doesn't change the fact that you're a pretender. At least that's what I believe until I see otherwise. Until then, I don't trust you.)

(Where do you go if you come out with these wounds, you might die this time)

(Shut up, I told you before, I don't need you to worry.)

Garis was worried about Hiroshi, so he tried to send an escort with him, but Hiroshi noticed that and told Garris that he was going to Lake King for a little walk, and that there was no need to worry, he would be fine.

Traidor's face showed signs of sadness and he said in a calm tone of voice

(He seems to really hate me. I don't remember doing anything bad to him

Well, there's nothing I can do, Commander. Have I received messages?)

(As I expected, you only came to take these letters, right)

(Of course I tried to annoy Mister Hiroshi but it failed so I guess I'll take the letters and leave)

Sunset came, and at the King's Lake, Hiroshi sat staring at a small island in the middle of the lake. Hiroshi wondered what would make the pumpkin trees grow in the middle of that island in the middle of the water, even though no one planted anything on that island, and among the whispers of crickets, Hiroshi felt someone approaching him and stood up then and said

(Looks like my rest time is over. I was wondering why no one has attacked me since I left the Knights Hall. I didn't expect it to be someone like you.)

And among the leaves of the trees, a person with bloodstained clothes and signs of fatigue came forward, and in a rough voice he spoke to Hiroshi, saying:

(Dealing with all these people was annoying, but aren't you happy? You have become very famous. Everyone wants you, even people like us.)

(Heh, one of the followers of the "King of Despair." I did not expect the presence of a person like you in a place like this. Well, I think the reason is clear.)

(I hate being called a minion. I have a name, Pollack.)

Listen, I don't mean to waste time, just hand me the book and I'll be out of here.)

(You say it so easily, this book has its price, don't you see that taking it like this is considered theft)

(Do you think that this is the right time to discuss this matter with me so that we can shorten the matter? If you do not want to hand it over to me, I will take it from you by force. What do you say. ..)

Before Pollack finished speaking, Hiroshi had drawn his sword and tried to cut off his head, but Pollack calmly avoided it.

Hiroshi stepped back and with a smile full of despair said to him (You want to take him by force if he comes forward and take him you bastard)

The atmosphere surrounding Pollack changed, and a frightening black aura began to appear around him. His left eye turned black, and gloves resembling the shields of ancient warriors appeared on his hands.

(I think covering my hand is enough for you. I didn't want to go this far. There's no room for negotiation. Try to keep up with me, Viceroy, or I'll crush you unintentionally.)

When Hiroshi saw the energy around Pollack, he realized what was going on and a look of worry began to appear on his face

("As I expected from "yan", this is not good. Can I confront a person with superpowers? There is no time to think about that. I have to know the nature of his ability and try to find out his covenant.. .)

Pollack moved so quickly that Hiroshi could not see him, and with great impulse he punched Hiroshi's face. Hiroshi's body reacted to the attack and protected his face by using his sword as a shield, but Pollack's punch penetrated the sword and punched him in the face forcefully, causing blood to spurt from his mouth and nose.

Hiroshi was momentarily bewildered by what had happened but soon began analyzing what happened to him ("What happened? Did my sword break? No, my sword's fine. So did his hand cross through the sword? Is this the nature of his ability to pass through things? What an annoying ability. If that's what he meant by trying to keep up, there's nothing. room to defend and think I have no choice but to attack")

A few minutes later, Hiroshi was seriously injured and could barely stand. On the other hand, Pollack's wounds were only a few scratches.

(You are just an ordinary person, but you have the courage to confront me, not as if you do not know that you have no chance, but rather you refuse to comply with a request from me. I have impressed me, but this courage of yours will lead you to your death.

(Just a loser criminal praising me huh how arrogant you are maybe you can kill me here but just because you're stronger than me doesn't mean I'm begging someone like you to spare my life

As for the book, I told you before, go ahead and take it.

At the moment Hiroshi finished speaking, Polack had arrived behind him, and he wanted to cut off Hiroshi's head with a punch from his hand, so Hiroshi avoided it and planted his sword in Pollack's hand, so the glove on his left hand disappeared

Pollack grabbed Hiroshi's sword in his hand and smashed it into smithereens, grabbing Hiroshi's neck

and he said to him

(You fought so well that you are just an ordinary person.you don't need to give me the book. I'll take it from your dead body.)

Hiroshi smiled and replied

You are all just idiots who don't even try to think with their heads

Why do you think I would carry that book with me when I knew I might be attacked at any moment?"

(You mean you don't carry it with you)

(Did you just realize that? Well, even if I did find the book, I doubt someone like you would be able to take it from that person.

(You realize I'm not the only one seeking that book

Well, you wasted more time.)

Pollack hit Hiroshi with a punch that pierced his chest. Pollack took out his hand and threw Hiroshi into the river and left.

As he was falling Hiroshi thoughts were running through his mind

("Here I'm going to die if it's not that bad

In the end, I'm just human. The dream of changing the world was just an illusion in the end.")

As he was quietly sinking into the river huge blue eyes were watching Hiroshi as he dived into the lake

chapter five end.