
chapter 7

It was a few days after the incident in the 'other world'. We were finally not quarantined anymore and were allowed to enter the main agency as we finished our first Mission.

All of us were expecting to get along with the other teams but it wasn't really as easy as we thought.

Word got out that we were Team Black and now everyone kinda hates our guts...so much for making friends.

As we walked through the hallways, everyone would glare at us with a murderous intent. Me and Phina were the only ones paying attention to it though. Izanami and Kyo said they were used to it.

Suddenly, one guy walked towards me, bloodlust spilling out of him. I didn't know what was going on until he raised his hand to punch me but I, letting my instincts take over, blocked his punch and bent down to land a punch in his jaw, stopping millimetres before touching his face. Sweat dropped from his forehead.

"What makes you different from us? Why do you guys advance to Team Black without working hard at all?! Tell us!! How did you get boss to upgrade you so fast? Blackmail?" The guy started blurting out.

Slowly, the others surrounding him started to join in too. It was like a protest. We didn't know what to do. We didn't know why Ibenashi would give us this spot so we couldn't fight back. We just stood there slowly taking small steps back until our backs hit a solid surface.

"All teams report to the main hall now. I repeat, all teams report to the main hall now." Ibenashi announced.

Thank god for that announcement.

We all sighed in relief and headed to the main hall....

The main hall was filled with agitated people. Once we walked in they all glared at us again. To be honest, I had enough of this already. How long are they gonna keep it up?

When Ibenashi finally appeared on the stage, everyone started protesting and rioting. Jeez...did it really mean so much to them?

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Ibenashi screamed through the mic making me wince at how loud it was. The hall was suddenly quiet.

"Since you all disagree with my decisions, I'm gonna settle this right here and now!" She put her hands on her hips."Since you guys don't acknowledge them, I'll prove that they are worthy of the title."

I don't like where this is going..

"By duelling the people you guys think is capable of being named Team Black." They all started whispering amongst themselves.

"How about the current Team White?" A random guy shouted across the room. "They are the ones that worked the hardest and got top spot."

Everyone started agreeing and Ibenashi had an evil smirk on her face that slowly faded to a satisfactory smile.

"Okay then it's settled. If Team Black wins, you guys can't complain anymore. But if Team White wins....." Everyone waited in anticipation.".....they will be the new Team Black."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

I felt a sudden pressure loaded on me. If we lose then we'll no longer be in top spot.... And Team White is also the other highest ranking team, they cannot be taken lightly.

I looked at my teammates faces, they don't seem the least bit worried. Were they underestimating Team White? But I wouldn't worry about them, they're way better than me anyways. I should worry more about myself.

The people backed away to create a huge space in the middle of the whole hall.

"Alright! Both teams send the member who has the lowest kill count." My whole body shook. I'm going first?! FIRST?! I looked at my teammates, were all staring at me with eyes filled with anticipation.

"Show us what you got mate." Kyo pushed me towards the space.

I stared at the person I was facing. He was all pumped and ready, ready to kick some ass is how I would describe it but I don't sense that much Ena from him...

Izanami POV

To put it simply, the guys in the white team are way weaker than us so I wasn't too worried. They weren't as 'gifted' as us. I mean the rest of us were clearly thinking the same thing except for Zeke. That guy, he's very.....mysterious. I can't figure him out. He seems totally clueless about his abilities too.


It was Zeke's turn to summon him ENARMS. He did the same procedure as the rest of us. I still couldn't believe I got a scythe. It freaks me out. It was the same weapon my mother had. Anyways, back to Zeke. We waited for like two minutes, and finally white aura surrounded him. I'm quite curious about what weapon he would get.

As expected, an axe appeared in the air. Quite a good one I guess. Suddenly, it started changing into a bow, then to a scythe, to a battle hammer, then a crossbow, and a spear. It started changing at a quicker pace into various types of weapons. What is this?? What's happening? I looked towards Ibenashi but she was just as confused.

Finally, it stopped and it was two swords. Katanas? Zeke finally opened his eyes and seemed happy about then he stared at us. We all looked shocked. He looked at us confused. I didn't know what to say.

"Umm Zeke-kun...mmpf!" Ibenashi grabbed all of us and pulled us to the corner.

"I know you're probably really confused about what just happened. To be honest, I'm confused too. But never mention this to Zeke understand?" I wonder why.

But I simply just nodded and we were pulled back to Zeke.

End of flashback-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I snapped out of my thoughts and observed the upcoming battle. Zeke seems to have calmed down a bit. I guess he must've realized by now how little Ena the other guy has. Zeke is a force to be reckoned with, even I can't beat him in a sword fight, although he doesn't give himself that much credit. I respect him.

He whipped only one sword.

"Oooo..... He's going easy on him." Phina whispered right beside me.

No I don't think it's that.