
chapter 8

I've finally calmed down a bit, I mean the guy in front of me isn't really much of a threat if you judge him based on his Ena but I still don't want to take him lightly. I wonder why my teammates have so much faith in me....


A signal rang. The match started. I snapped out of my thoughts and suddenly I felt a throbbing pain on my cheek and I moved about 1 meter back. Well that took me by surprise, the crowd immediately started cheering really loudly, it's obvious who's side their on, but that just fired me up more. He was about to throw another punch but I dodged and punched his rib. He staggered a little but didn't fall, he let out a 'tch' and whipped out a mace. His ENARM? He aimed his mace towards me and slammed down , I parried with my sword and eventually overpowered him . He started to get angry and used some magic to grab me and pulled me toward him only to get slammed by a mace. I expected it to hurt more though. I easily broke free from the hands. I guess it's time to end this. There was a reason why I summoned only one sword and it was to use a trick I just learnt. White aura started to surround me, my coat and hair starts to flare up, I can see the clear fear on his face and to be honest it felt quite good. I took a step and immediately I was close enough to feel his breath, I started to dart around, created projections of myself and a white aura . I hit him with the back of my sword on his vital spots and soon enough he fell and I aimed my sword right at his neck.


I stopped my sword right before it touched him and immediately withdrew it.

" And I call that move the 'white flash'" I'm pretty proud of it.

"Good moves bro but can't ya think of a better name??" Kyo put his arm around me.

" oh shut up!" I softly punched his face.

The crowd was silent by immediately burst again when the next opponent went on the stage.

Were they not even fazed by the first defeat? Suddenly someone brushed past me. It was Phina, well I guess if we're going by kill counts she's the next lowest.

"Don't worry, I GOT THIS!" She raises a fist in the air and let's out her signature smile.

"Oh don't go thinking we're done here, I'm NOT about to let you win." Her opponent was a good looking guy, I guess that's why so many girls are cheering for him. "You may have taken one win but it's not over just yet." He smirked.

"Hehehe go ahead pretty boy show me what you've got!" Phina didn't have the highest kill count but she's definitely the number one sadist.

Soon enough the battle started. Phina's opponent summoned a rose. Huh? A rose? Is THAT his ENARM?! I mean I know it comes in different form but a rose? What's that gonna do for him?

Phina isn't letting her guard down, as expected and she whips out her shotgun. I don't know what's she's thinking whipping out a shotgun is such a short distance but she's never predictable that's one of her string points.

The pretty boy blows the rose and it's petals fly out like darts and head straight towards Phina. Being Phina, she dodges them all with ease, but the petals don't stop there, they perk up and start following Phina's direction again. Being caught by surpise, Phina manages to dodge most of them but two petals got to her, piercing her forearm. She winces at the sting but continues to focus. Suddenly, Phina feels a sudden pain in her forearm and kneels to the ground.

"Don't underestimate me just because of my ENARM. It's stronger than it looks, you see those petals have poison. A poison that makes whatever it hits paralysed. So you won't be using that arm for this fight."

Shit! Phina got careless! How's she gonna hold a huge shotgun with one arm?!

Then again, she puts on her sadistic smile. "Is that right? Well maybe you shouldn't underestimate me either, you see I have my own 'petals' too." She smirks this time.

"Huh?" Before he could even react two small bullets came flying toward him at full speed. Unable to dodge, each of the bullets hit both his shoulders. "So I guess now we're even?"

"You bitch!" He scowled at her but that didn't last long before it turned to a smirk.

Phina charged in to get a good hit at him but suddenly stopped. Someone from the audience had shot something at her leg. Phina fell forward and let go of her shotgun.

"Heh you can't even run properly? What possessed Master Ibenashi's mind to let you be in Team Black?" He had the most disgusting smile on his face.

That asshole! I wanna give him a piece on my mind!

Not long after, Phina got up and gave him an even more sadistic look. "Heh—" She summoned another pistol and shot at him twice missing him by a little. "HAHAHAHA you missed little princess, YOU MISSED!"

She smirked. The two bullets she sent flying towards him flew past him and headed toward the audience, but they dodged and one hit the ground, repelling the other bullet back toward him. "You think I'll fall for the same trick?!" He swiftly dodged the bullet again. "Sorry missy luck ain't on your side today, maybe you should go work on your aim.

Then the bullet hit the wire holding the lights on top of the opponent.

"Shut up fugly, I never miss."

Soon the lights started falling downwards, towards him. He jumped and cried for help. That lights so big, it's gonna kill him! He cowered in fear before the falling light. Suddenly, 'boom', Phina shot another bullet horizontally to the light, pushing it to the side a little, just narrowly missing the poor guy.

He slowly looked up.

"I—I give up." He was shaking.

"HEHE." Phina winked at us. "That took a little longer than expected."

"How's your arm??" I looked at the two razor sharp petals sticking out of her forearm.

"Oh it's fine, I'll just pay a visit to the medic hehe."

She smiled.