
chapter 6

>> Timeskip >>

It's been two months after we started official training. It was tough but we got used to it. We trained in our own specific element. Mine was light, Izanami's was darkness, Kyo's was fire and Phina's was water. We also sharpened our skills like my swordsmanship and Kyo's concealment of himself and Izanami's teleportation and Phina's aim. We're practically pros now.

We also bonded a lot, got to know each other batter. Even Izanami opened up to us. She started smiling a lot more. Turns out these people have been here for ages but I only came I like 2 months ago.

But we still haven't been on a mission before.

Suddenly, I felt someone kick me from behind making me almost fall to the ground.

"Kyo what was that for?" I turned to a smirking Kyo.

"What? You're spacing out." I sighed cus it was true.

Lately, I've been thinking about how the 'other world' was like.

"See you're spacing out again." Kyo head chopped me.

"Ow that hurt.." I rubbed my head then used my leg to trip him.

"What the hell man." He was about to punch my face when a chopstick flew past us like a dart leaving us stunned but we both immediately knew who it was.

We turned to the direction the chopstick came form and saw Phina sitting on the railings eating her lunch.

"Could you guys shut up and actually focus on training like Iza-Chan." She pointed towards Izanami who was currently wrecking a dummy.

"Right. Says the one eating lunch 2 hours early. We aren't even supposed to touch that." Kyo raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.

"Well I need energy to fight and where else can I get it." Phina snarled.

They soon started bickering and I just stood there sweat dropping. Yes. This is what I meant by 'we get along'.

All of a sudden, the doors burst open revealing a middle aged lady wearing a black leather jacket.

"Alrighty guys listen up." We all turned surprised to see her presence so suddenly.

"W-What do you want Yuri-San?" Phina swiftly putting away her lunch box and acting like nothing happened.

"The Team Red guys are in danger, something about meeting a group of resonates on their way back. Anyways, ready for your first mission." Ibenashi smirked.

My face lifted up in surprise as did everyone else's.

"YES!!" We all said in unison.

We all got our gear ready and were in our battle gear. Phina was wearing a white coat which lead to her knees and black shorts with knee-high leggings leading to white shoes, Izanami had a black coat also knee length but was revealing her shoulders and her stomach. She was wearing gloves that were up to her elbows. She had white shorts with black stocking coming out of it, the ends of it were purple and she had black shoes.

Me and Kyo stared at the girl's fancy outfits and look at ours dejectedly. Kyo was wearing a red coat and I was only wearing a white one.

"I think we wore too little..."I whispered to Kyo's ear.

"Yea no kidding." Kyo sighed.

Ibenashi had one yellow talisman in her hand.

"You guys ready?" She looked at us as we nodded and threw the talisman in the air forming a huge magic circle with a portal in the middle.

She gestured for us to go in and we followed. I closed my eyes before entering the portal.

As soon as I landed on solid ground again, I opened my eyes. I was shocked to see dry, rocky mountains and grounds. The sky was red, almost like we were on Mars. The whole place was flooding with bloodlust and dark aura it could stab me. Well, what did I expect, it is the place where resonates live..

"Noo stop please!! I beg you!!" I heard a female voice scream from a distance. I turned to the direction and saw a five-member group trying their hardest to fend off the resonates which were possessing one of their teammates.

I was about to move when someone brushed past me. I saw Izanami giving one of the resonates a direct punch to their face, killing it. Her eye was glowing, making a straight purple line as she headed for the resonate.

"What are you guys waiting for? Hurry up and do your job!" Izanami screamed as she was getting surrounded too.

"The only way to get and instant kill on a resonate is to aim for the gut or the face if those don't work then aim for the heart area that should kill it. Don't panic. They may be overflowing with dark aura but they're still slower than you and they also have no intelligence so go straight in for the kill. Also don't use your ERARMS carelessly it uses up your Ena."

I remembered Ibenashi's words before charging into the group of resonates. I did a high kick, kicking one of the resonate's face so hard it was distorted but it did not die so I quickly changed my position to throw a hard punch at it's gut, landing the final blow to kill it.

Me and Izanami were only using our hands and legs to kill them while Kyo took out different types of ninja tools, shurikens, kunai, throwing it in all directions, accurately hitting their faces and guts.

Phina was standing in the middle, sucking on a lollipop, she was calmly shooting all of them with extreme precision although it didn't look like it cus she had a bored look plastered on her face.

When most of the resonates were cleared, the man which was previously getting possessed was let go from the clutches of the resonates. I jumped forwards grabbing his shaking body and pulling him to safety.

After Izanami finished off the last resonate, we all turned to look at the amazed people who were watching us the whole time.

"T-Thank you so much!" The man bowed in front of me with a lot of gratitude.

"Nah it's fine." I pat his back making him stand upright.

"E-excuse me but w-who are you guys? You're so good! Even after fighting that many resonates, you guys didn't even break a sweat." The female questioned us.

All of us were hesitating to answer her, what do we tell her?

"They are the agency's official Team Black!" Ibenashi slid her hands around mine and Izanami's neck smiling at Team Red.

It took a few moments to register in their minds but after that their eyes widened in shock and anger.

"Them?! THEY ARE BLACK TEAM?! BU-but they literally just joined us like 2 months ago?!" A male from the group snarling at us.

"Geez talk about a 180 turn." Kyo put him hands and his pockets looking uninterested. "We saved your lives show some gratitude."

"Ibenashi-Sama we worked so hard to try for Team Black but you're giving it away to these people?!" The female pleaded with Ibenashi.

They all glared at us with murderous eyes.

Why are they so angry?

"Consider yourselves lucky for the free ticket to TOP spot."

I remembered Ibenashi's words. That's why they're so mad, they've been trying but we just got advance to top spot without training..

One one them was already gonna fight us but Ibenashi cut him off.

"Alright alright... I'm tired so let's settle this at school." Ibenashi glared at him.

They all obediently followed her orders and quietly walked through the portal..