
Chapter 2

"Wow!" Harry yells in childlike wonder as Petunia and Dudley come to.

"What the bloody hell just happened!"

"Mommy, I'm scared."

They both quickly meet the same view as Harry. Petunia is rightly terrified of the sudden change in scenery, while Dudley stares out in the same wonder as Harry.

Only one thought went through the shocked mind of Petunia. Said thought was one quote she remembered from a movie that helped spark her lifelong wonder and longing for magic and its world, 'I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'


Time quickly passed as the three made their way through the steampunk like Victorian city. They tried to ask for help from a few passers-by, but quickly found that they didn't speak the same language.

In this time, Petunia turned from the usual passive disliking towards Harry to straight up despising his existence. She heavily contemplated leaving him to rot in the streets of this completely foreign city, but every time she decided to lose him in the streets, she would see Lily's tearful face. Even if she hates her sister for being luckier than her, she somewhat understands that it wasn't Lily's fault, even more so for Harry.

Petunia continues to guide the two kids through the streets completely lost on what to do. She's seen a few people on street which clearly looked to be officers of some kind, but every time she saw one, she felt threatened. Being in an unknown city with armed solider looking people which wear what looked to be gas masks sent he mind running with fright.

She tried to calm Harry and Dudley as they went, but after what felt like a few hours of slowly bouncing from one street to another. Dudley started to get hungry and responded to the hunger in the way he grew up to, by demanding for food.

"But mommy. I'm hungry now!" Dudley bemoans, his face scrunching up signifying the start of his whinging session.

It doesn't take long for some of the locals to start looking over at them with a range of annoyance and disgust.

She quickly picks up her now whinging son up and starts to walk away from what looked to be the center of the city.

She is completely lost, no idea on where to get food, water, and shelter. So, she just continues walking. Through the streets, down to a river and over a bridge. The second she goes past the bridge she knew she was heading into the seedier part of the city. The amount of people presents on the street dropped from the tens to barely a soul.

The few shows on the Tellie with a homeless person had them dumpster diving, so she decides to try her luck there. now on the hunt for anything even remotely resembling that of a dumpster. This hunt led to the discovery of a large ravine clearly built into.

Seeing nowhere else of interest, she makes her way down.

(/*0*\) [First time skip, yaaaaaay…]

The first few days of homelessness in the seedy undercity was hell for the 3. From being chased out of alleys, closely avoiding some muggings, and quickly learning the rules of the underbelly of a city around them. It was swim or sink, and thankfully due to what could be divine intervention levels of luck, a few surprising discoveries, (like that Petunia is adept at picking up languages when her life depends on it.) and that Harry's accidental magic was useful. They survived.

The 3 had finally found a patch of unclaimed shelter down at the bottom of the ravine, hidden away by a few rocks and a little hidey-hole in some of the cracks that could make a good place for Harry and Dudley to hide in case of any unsavory types coming by.

The one that took the change in lifestyle was unsurprisingly Dudley. His previously excessive diet made this like hell for him, constant hunger pains, at least 10 cases of whinging a day, and how his new Liverpool shirt was completely covered in filth. This was directly opposite to Harry's take on the new life. It didn't take long for him to realize that he had 'powers' when they literally made a few of the previously mentioned muggers run right past their new shelter without even laying a glance their way. The only bad part about it was the food, dirty scraps dropped from above, and a dirty flow of water from what they all hoped was from the river above.

Petunia had stepped up for them both. No longer was she a mother that let her son whinge and whine to get what he wanted, she snapped down hard when it came to the wasting of food no matter how disgusting. She even started to actively look after Harry in the way a guardian should, with an actual sense maternal care.

This change in her view of Harry was brought on by a few things, one being how he literally saved them from people who would've done terrible things to them. The second was how she was starting to scratch for anything to remind her of a time she felt safe, a time when she had a sister, a time when she wasn't scared of those with power above her own. So, she dug herself into caring for Harry, one of the two things in her life now that she has control over. This is an unhealthy mindset, but in her current circumstances it is better than nothing.

Currently, with their temporary level of comfort. She is planning on how to claw herself and her kids out of this pit. She can only think of one way of doing so, a job. Unfortunately, with her minimum grasp on the language she discovered was called Piltovian, and lack of any skills that would be useful in this seedy pit. She has only one asset that could get supply for her family…

She sets off to find a job, leaving the two kids in a little space behind some rocks only a kid could ever squeeze past.

(/*0*\) [Second time skip, I think I might get addicted to this quite easily…]

A month and a half passed since their unwanted journey here.

In that time, their little temporary shelter slowly started to become more and more homely, not in a physical sense with how they are saving up money to leave the pit. But its more homely in how the three started to act, Harry had found a box and started treating it like a TV, him and Dudley would recreate scenes from movies they barely remember or hear from Petunia about. Harry found a few books and started trying to figure out how to read, albeit slowly without any form of teacher and just the slight similarities between English and Piltovian making it possible to learn.

During this time Petunia had befriended some of the people from her work and started getting back what she most missed from Earth, a social life.

Today is a special one for them, because they had finally gained enough money and connections to start renting a place higher in the ravine. Yep, they're going up in the world, literally.

"I can't wait to see our new home!" Harry screamed meekly. Even after a month and a half, Harry still was suffering from the shyness and fear of being the 'Freak' again.

The missing tooth from a month ago now filled in ridding him of his temporary lisp.

"Now we have money, can we finally start getting proper food? I miss bacon." Dudley groans as he pushes past Harry.

"It's just up these stairs Harry. Also, Dudders, you already know that there's no pigs in Piltover or the Undercity." Petunia responds with a slight bemused smile.

"But mommy, I miss bacon…"

They continue through the dusty hall and up some stairs and finally get to a door. It doesn't take long to open it. Dudley sprints into the house yelling "New home!"

"Now when you see that nice elven looking lady, thank her for letting us live here," says Petunia.

"You mean the short elf you work with?" Dudley asks confused

"Dudley, be nice!" Demands Petunia. Before this had happened, she would never have used that voice with her son. But now it happens at least twice a day.

Harry walks over to a window in the small lounge room/kitchen making up their new house. The window has a strangely beautiful view of the ravine. They still struggled with the learning of the Piltovian language, but out of the 3, Petunia is the best, followed by Harry, with Dudley capable of understanding but still incapable of full conversation.

As Harry looks out the window, he watches as a group of 50 or so people flood out of an inconspicuous building in the middle of the Ravine.

"Aunt Petunia, who are those people?"

"Oh, I heard that they are a revolutionary group, led by two people called The Hound of the underground and his brother and partner, Silco."

(Its showing authors notes not working for me... So I'm gonna place a small note here just in case.)

[Give feedback! Pretty please?]

Give feedback if you want me not to suck at writing.

Thank you for reading this first chapter in hopefully an overarching story that makes sense and doesn't follow too many tropes.

I am unfortunately really struggling to get the personalities right, so feedback on how to not do that would be appreciated. Even just a 'bad' or 'good' on the paragraph comments would be accepted!

SadKitecreators' thoughts