
Beast Taming: I Can Even Breed Gods and Demons

Wild Savage Ape → Eight-Arms Mad Ape → Primordial Grey Ape...... After Chen Fan and tens of thousands of people had crossed over to the world of Guardian Beasts, he discovered that he could view the evolution paths and methods of evolution for the Guardian Beasts. The Guardian Beasts he cultivated could assist him in gathering void energy when they killed monsters! When the Golden Gyrfalcon kills fifteen level 12 two-headed bugs, System Energy +450 points were awarded. When the Wild Savage Ape kills eight level 11 Wind Wolves, System Energy +166 points were awarded...... Energy can be used to enhance Star Power, increase mental strength, open up meridians, and even......duplicate other Guardian Beasts’ skills! What skill has your Guardian Beast awoken after breaking through? Excuse me, I really don't care whether my Guardian Beast has awakened any skills because all of your Guardian Beasts’ skills can become my Guardian Beast’s skills. From then on, Chen Fan became insanely fond of raising beasts. ———————————— In the world of monsters...... Mountains, rivers, and plants can all transform and take shape, and even antique swords can cultivate sword spirits. Demons, monsters, giants, elves, insect races......have pushed human's living space to the limit. It was only when the Beastmasters, who could form contracts with monsters, appeared that mankind had a fresh start. Two thousand years later, Chen Fan made his appearance. He tilted his head slightly upward, speaking to his Guardian Beast...... Centuries later, if I become a legend, my tale will surely include you. Centuries later, if you become a legend, I hope that......your tale also includes me. With me in Tang Country, we are unvanquishable! With me on Blue Star, even God Demons should flee!

Colorless Sea · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
1232 Chs

Chapter 50: If I become a legend, you will definitely be in my legend

Translator: 549690339


In Chen Fan's mind, there was another familiar booming sound.

The third acupoint has been pierced through.

First-Level Second-Heaven!

However, after piercing through this acupoint, Chen Fan felt as if his entire body had fallen apart, his whole body aching, almost falling down from the chair.

Outside the window, the sun had already risen.

Over the course of one night, he pierced through three acupoints, and Chen Fan's Star Power was depleted to the point where he was completely exhausted.

The process of opening the meridians before reaching the first-grade realm was much easier than this.

That day, he had opened eight main meridians and one hundred twenty-five sub-meridians, yet his Star Power didn't completely deplete, there was still a lot left, more than enough for him to remain active.

However, this time, he pierced through three acupoints in one night, and it has exhausted all his Star Power.