
Battle of the Ancients

Though this world may seem the same as the world you were born it's not In a world where a boy has to face a destiny he knows nothing about, for a change certain decisions must be made... Ayo born in a parallel world where the gods are not just myths, orphaned at a young age and grew up in an orphanage just to be hunted down, for who he is..... A great evil lurks in the shadows from a prophecy once told but can he fight against this evil "I may be born half mortal but i shall ascend the Realm above and slay all those responsible for this chaos and all Ancients shall kneel before me"

Hila · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs


"Ayo you do know that something such as this may not be easy to understand for regular people" Said Mr. Boyle.

"No need to worry am at least 85% sure she's like me" replied Ayo.

Shocked Mr. Boyle couldn't control his facial expressions for a moment making an astonished expression.

"Since Ayo says so, I have just one question to ask you" he said.

"Go ahead" replied Rayla.

"Sorry about my question if you feel its's too personal" said Mr. Boyle before asking "Have you met both your parents?"

"No, I only have a picture of my Mom while I stay with my dad." She replied.

"What about you Ayo?" he said.

"My mom passed away while I was a child I never met my dad." Replied Ayo.

"Why did you ask us that" asked Rayla.

"Let me finish and you'll understand." He said.

Taking a deep breath, he loosens his neck tie since he started to feel stuffy right now for no reason.

"Rayla do you believe in the gods" he asked.

"I don't know, maybe?" she said.

"Ayo said you must be like him which means you've fought or saw monsters before" he said. "those monsters are beings created by a great evil, some are the offspring of the demons and beasts the great evil created"

Rayla nodded signaling him to continue.

"No one knows how the gods came into being or other information regarding any specific situations of the gods." "remember that in one of your history classes you must have been told that the gods came to the world in mortal form and have relationships with humans and have children" said Mr. Boyle as he paused.

"Do you understand what am driving at?" he asked.

"You must be joking if you mean what I think you mean" said Rayla as she laughed.

She looked towards Ayo who had a serious expression on his face before glancing at Mr. Boyle as well before noticing how serious they both were and she couldn't help but take a gulp of air in shock/

"That's right, am trying to say that both you and Ayo are the children of gods." He said.

"Which god? You may be wondering but even I don't know." He said as he gave her a moment to assimilate everything he said.

Ayo who was only slightly moved by the information he received since he had a feeling about his origin any way unlike Rayla.

Rayla starts laughing again almost as if she was hysterical before she suddenly stops and looks at Mr. Boyle before asking;

"You say we are the children of gods and mortals but how do you know?" she said not laughing at all.

"I knew I had to tell you guys about that sooner or later since it was a major part of what you guys have to know" he said.

"Let me reintroduce myself, I am Val .D. Levin, 195th external emissary of the Haven of godlings in the mortal realm." He said as he smiled.

"What do you mean by mortal realm?" asked Ayo a little confused.

"What do you mean by Haven of godlings?" asked Rayla.

"I'm getting to that so relax" said Mr. Boyle, right not Boyle but Mr. Val .D. Levin.

"The Haven of godlings is a place that is safe for demigods such as yourself, there you'll learn how to control and use the abilities which you have in your body while learning how to fight and survive from the attacks of demons" he said.

"Ayo, do you remember when I told you not to bother finding any information about the demons and yourself in the beginning?" he suddenly asked Ayo.

"yes" replied Ayo.

"It's exactly because that is where I plan to take you to during your break after the school session but it seems that I'll have to hasten my initial plans since there's two of you now." He said.

"I don't know about you Ayo but I can't go, since my dad will be all alone" said Rayla.

"Well I'm pretty sure your dad knows about this and if I speak to him I'm sure he would agree." Said Mr. Boyle.

"What do you mean by my dad probably knows" asked Rayla starting to get angry.

"you should talk to your father when you get home since it won't be safe for you guys much longer so I can move you guys somewhere safe before anything goes wrong" he said.

"I don't understand?" asked Ayo. "Why won't we be safe?" he asked.

"There's not much time left to explain everything so you should start preparing yourselves for a long trip" said Mr. Boyle changing the topic before driving both of them out of his office.

Rayla was quiet obviously thinking about what Mr. Boyle said about her dad knowing about this.

"We better go get lunch there's not much time left for lunch" said Ayo callng out to Rayla who was lost in thoughts.

They had they lunch in silence both thinking of different things as ate.

The rest of the day was a blur and felt empty after their conversation with Val.

"How soon can I move them both, I think we're running out of time and fast" Said Val over the phone speaking to the person on the other end.

"I don't know." "Try to keep them both safe for a little while longer, we didn't expect two of them" came the reply from the other end of the phone.

"I will try my best" said Val ending the call.