
Battle of the Ancients

Though this world may seem the same as the world you were born it's not In a world where a boy has to face a destiny he knows nothing about, for a change certain decisions must be made... Ayo born in a parallel world where the gods are not just myths, orphaned at a young age and grew up in an orphanage just to be hunted down, for who he is..... A great evil lurks in the shadows from a prophecy once told but can he fight against this evil "I may be born half mortal but i shall ascend the Realm above and slay all those responsible for this chaos and all Ancients shall kneel before me"

Hila · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs


Late at night,

"The path ahead is blocked." "we have to find another way around the gorge"

"Ok, I saw a hidden path not far from us when we were headed in this direction, let's check it out".

"We have to hurry they're still hunting us am sure of it"

"Let's go"

Rushing back as they searched for the hidden path they had passed on their way this duo ran while paying no heed to their injuries as they ran.

"We shouldn't be that far ahead" said the guy with blue eyes as he rushed forward.

"Stop" said the guy with brown eyes as he pulled on his friend while covering his mouth with his other hand and signaled him to be quiet.

"Keep searching am sure they haven't gotten that far" ordered a man with the appearance of a human and a beast as he scanned his surrounding with his gaze that seemed to see through everything.

The duo quietly hid in the underbrush while controlling their breathing to reduce the chances of them being found.

"Let's go" he said while walking forwards.

Just as the duo were about to breath out in relief a spear suddenly whizzed right in between them as they were attacked.

Looking at each other they immediately communicated their thoughts as they sprang into action.

The blue-eyed boy pulled out the sword which hung at his waist as he rolled out of the underbrush while dodging the spear as he wielded his sword to attack the beast man who wielded the spear.

The brown eyed boy pulled out his axe as he summoned a fiery wave to cut into the distracted spear man.

Clearly both of them had a great deal of understanding to be able to execute such a formidable strategy with just looking at each other once.

They both stood back to back as they stared at the beast men who had already surrounded them.

They rushed forward attacking the enemies in front of them without the slightest hesitation.

Monday morning

"What do I do about Rayla" thought Ayo as he stood up from bed, although he was glad he wasn't doing this all alone he didn't know if he should tell her about Mr. Boyle and what he had already told him.

Yesterday had been alright since he was able to rest after everything that happened on Saturday, Mr. Carira had yet to come back or even call leaving Olivia still feeling the same. She tried her best to push all her negative thought s to the back of her mind and found something to do while trying to take her mind of it.

I on the other hand had to stress myself since I had to think about how I was going to tell her about everything since I didn't know how much she even knew.

As I finished taking my shower and completed all my chores I had to check up on Olivia, last night she didn't sleep in her study which showed she was getting better and had a much firmer grip on her emotions.

Knocking on the door.

"Come in" said Olivia.

"Morning" Ayo said as he walked into the room while bringing her, her breakfast before slowly setting it aside on her bedside drawer.

"You're looking much better" said Ayo as he looked at her.

"Since when were you a doctor" she asked while having a laughing smile on her face.

"Since I had my license" said Ayo as he went around with her jokes.

"I've got to go have breakfast since the school bus will be here anytime soon" he said as he walked out the door.

Olivia watched him go as he left the room with her eyes sending him off.

He just finished having his lunch as he picked up his bag he heard the horn of the school bus, so he rushed down and got on the bus.

All the way to the Academy Ayo was not able to stop thinking about what he was going to say.

Thankfully Rayla did not get on the bus today which left him feeling a little better since he was still stumped about this whole incident.

The bus just arrived at the academy as he made his way to class he bumps into Mr. Boyle who he immediately walks up to.

"Morning Mr. Boyle" said Ayo.

"Morning, any problem?" asked Mr. Boyle as he looked at Ayo.

"None. It's just that later I'll come to your office during lunch." "We need to talk" said Ayo as he hurriedly walked off leaving Mr. Boyle wondering what they were going to talk about.

Rushing into the class he saw Rayla's seat empty and assumes that she was yet to arrive so he prepared everything he brought to the academy while he waited.

The first period started just as usual and Rayla had yet to arrive, causing Ayo to start feeling a little anxious as his eyes darted out the window and at the door whenever he heard footsteps approaching.

Rayla arrives at the academy as second period was about to start.

"Where have you been" asked Ayo quietly his voice obviously tinged with a hint of worry.

"Relax, I went on a trip with my dad yesterday" she said smiling. "Don't tell me, I guess you thought I was dead right" she said as she suddenly had an outburst of laughter causing the teacher to give her a stern look.

She covers her mouth with her hands while trying to hold back her laughter.

"You've got a very wild imagination, chill we'll talk later" she said as she brought out her note.

"Right, I have to introduce you to someone during lunch so we can talk about everything that happened last Saturday" said Ayo as he fixed his gaze on the board.


The bell just rang as usual Rayla was surrounded by the other girls who invited her to have lunch with them, she quickly declines before running towards Ayo wo was waiting outside the class.

"Am here so who is it you want to introduce to me?" she asked quizzically while smiling.

"Don't worry you'll see" said Ayo as he led her towards Mr. Boyle's office.

Standing outside the door, Rayla was confused as to why they were meeting Mr. Boyle as Ayo knocked on his door.

"Who's it?" asked Mr. Boyle from the confines of his office.

"It's Ayo" came the reply.

"Come in" he said.

Rayla stops Ayo and asks

"What are we doing here?" she asked.

"You'll find out so just come in" he replied making her becoming more curious.

Walking in the whole series of events made no sense to Mr. Boyle or Rayla who looked at Ayo.

Mr. Boyle just summed it all up to Rayla stubbornly following Ayo into his office.

"So, Ayo how may I help you?" asked Mr. Boyle.

Rayla just stared at both of them as they locked eyes with each other for a moment before coming to an understanding.

"Are you sure" he asked Ayo.

"Yes" said Ayo simply before looking at Rayla. "You wanted to know why I brought you here right, well here's the reason" he said.