
Battle of the Ancients

Though this world may seem the same as the world you were born it's not In a world where a boy has to face a destiny he knows nothing about, for a change certain decisions must be made... Ayo born in a parallel world where the gods are not just myths, orphaned at a young age and grew up in an orphanage just to be hunted down, for who he is..... A great evil lurks in the shadows from a prophecy once told but can he fight against this evil "I may be born half mortal but i shall ascend the Realm above and slay all those responsible for this chaos and all Ancients shall kneel before me"

Hila · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs


Carira House.

At home he threw his bag off and walked into the bathroom as he took of his clothes and got under the shower.

"How?" was the only type of questions that came to his mind under the shower.

"How am I the child of a god?"

"How am I supposed to live a normal life?"

"How am I to live now?"

Confused he let the water flow down from his face all the way down his back as he slowly closed his eyes while looking at the shower.

"What am I to do?"

"Who is my father?"

"Does he know about me?"

"Does he care?"

He kept asking himself as he slowly washed his face.

There was no use asking himself all these questions, he knew he could not get the answers right now but he still did so.

"Does he know moms dead?" he suddenly thought.

"How could he let her die; isn't he a god? He could have saved her."

"If I find out he could have done something to save my mom and he didn't I will rip him apart as I slowly destroy everything he cares about."

He thought to himself as he walked out of his shower he made a promise to himself that if his father knew about his moms' death and didn't do anything about it he would make him regret.

Rayla's House

"How could you nnot tell me about all this?" asked Rayla. "I have every right to know, didn't you think I deserved to know?" she said.

"I didn't think you were ready?" said Rayla's dad. "I didn't tell you because I love you, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing you too."

"You should have still told me" said Rayla angrily. "Was that the reason you never spoke about anything in depth when it came to mom" she asked.

"No, it just happened that way." "Plus, how was I supposed to tell you your mom was a goddess?" he said as he walked towards Rayla as he tried to hold her.

She shrugs his hand off her shoulder as she backs away from him slowly.

"When did you start seeing things?" he asked.

"you don't need to know since I didn't need to know about my mom" she said as she stormed off to her room as she banged the door in his face.

She stood out on her balcony as she made her way up the roof of the house as she sat down and stared at the night sky filled with stars, she couldn't help but feel lonely.

"Why did she leave me?",

"What does she look like"

"Does she think of me"

She thought about what she would say if she ever met her mother.

She kept asking herself questions she thought about the revelation of her origin.

As she sat there staring at the night sky she started to think she had things a little better since she had her dad unlike Ayo who was all alone and had to figure things out on his own.

The night felt like it was never ending to Ayo, who couldn't sleep and ended up losing himself in thoughts of what if's as he laid on his bed.

Morning finally came and a little piece of his mind was finally at rest, as he took a deep breath as he stood up from his bed with eyes drooping from his lack of sleep he took a shower to clear his head.

He walked downstairs as he saw the time he pushed his worries and thoughts to a far corner of his subconscious while willing himself to smile so as to not let Connor and Spencer see he was clearly not okay.

"Woah, I don't think you had a good night" said Connor as he saw Ayo working.

"Tell me about it" Ayo said shrugging his shoulders.

"You're okay right?" asked Connor with a questioning gaze.

"Yeah am okay. why wouldn't I be okay?" said Ayo while smiling.

Connor starts working on his chores as Ayo starts preparing something for Olivia to eat when she came to the kitchen as Spencer comes down stairs while rubbing his eyes to clear off the sleepiness he felt.

"Ahh monster" screamed Spencer as he dodged and hid behind the counter separating him from Ayo.

"Where?" asked Connor who came rushing.

"It's behind me Connor I saw it, am not lying this time you have to believe me" said Spencer who was clearly frightened.

"It's just Ayo, okay" said Connor while comforting the scared Spencer.

"Do I look that bad that you'd mistake me for a monster Spence" asked Ayo laughing.

Coughing Spencer smiles sheepishly "I guess I was still sleeping that's why but you look like you were attacked by a monster" he said.

"I don't look that bad" said Ayo. "Well go take your bath I'll handle everything for you hurry." Said Ayo while leading Spencer back up the stairs.

"You really don't look good, maybe you should stay at home today" said Connor.

"Don't worry" replied Ayo trying to reassure Connor.

Connor nods while finishing his chores, he knew there was no use in trying to force the answer out from him since he was not going to share.

Sometimes people need to handle somethings on their own.

Rayla took the rest of the week off while trying to organize her thoughts.

The rest of the week he felt numb to everything that happened to him and the happenings around his environment.

Pulling himself from the nightmare he had trapped himself in he decides to have a fresh start.

He calls out to Connor and Spencer before asking "Are you guys still down for the job as he held out his comb".

Smiling they both rush at him with mischievous grins.