
Six Months later

James stretched and yawned as he sat up from his bed. He rolled out of it and as he turned around it seemingly made itself. He walked into the kitchen of the house and made himself a breakfast of boar and wild vegetables cooked upon a stove he found recently in a storage room. Surprisingly the submarine bay wasn't stripped of worth before being abandoned. Storage rooms with beds, appliances furniture and items like scuba tanks had all been found. But most importantly James had found books. Books on engineering and mechanics with specifics related to the base and submarines.

After eating breakfast he walked out the house to the nearest submarine pen. Now empty of water via draining systems and James had moved creatures living inside to nearby submarine pens with his telekinesis. Now this submarine pen was the sole occupant of some stands and a large damaged submarines. Drained of water it seemed more majestic as it lay upon the stands that supported it.

This was James project. To prevent the insanity from continued time alone he worked silently on the submarine. Absorbing knowledge like a sponge from the books he fixed it slowly and cautiously with a lot of help from minds sight to see hidden problems.

James jumped absorbed and slid down into the first corridor as he raced to the engine room. Sparkling steel and burnished pipes were in uniform rows and pumping and screeching. The submarine was working and working well. Air filters, life support, living space and movement the submarine was now restored.

James was prepared. To leave the place he had stayed so long. To explore an unknown world. To discover mysteries and sights to leave one bewildered.

Checking the engine was working well he raced to the bridge as he flung himself into the captain's chair. Placing a cap upon his head he sat solemnly as he open the gates to the pen with his mind slowly. Water rushed in. Filling the submarine pen up. Weight was taken from the supports as the buyont submarine bobbed on the surface. Pushing slowly on the throttle James could feel the rumble as the propeller sprung to life. The submarine slowly pushed itself forward out of the pen and into the the enormous harbour off the base. Going farther forward James could see huge gates partially cracked open as the submarine drove forwards.

Suddenly a voice rang out in his mind.

'Familiarity with ith technology increased. Requirements met. Technopathy unlocked.'

Jame felt a spike of pain in his mind and passed out.