
Astelia Chronicles

In the world of Astelia, our protagonist embarks on a journey across the seven unique continents that make up this world. Along the way, he faces challenges, both personal and political as he navigates through the complex societies and cultures. As he uncovers the truth about the world, he must struggle with his loyalty and his morality.

BlankVisage · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Embarking on a new journey

Jinn woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the warmth of the sun on his face. He opened his eyes and was surprised to find himself in a vast, primitive mountainous region. He sat up and looked around, trying to figure out where he was and how he got there. Suddenly, he saw a piece of parchment lying next to him. He picked it up and read the note written on it.


Congratulations on breaking into the first stage of the True Berserker Formula. In order for you to fully master it, you must now learn to control your berserker state. I have sent you to this mountainous region to hunt ten magical beasts. If you can hunt down ten magical beasts and take their cores as proof, I will reward you. But if you want to give up, simply ring the bell I have given you, and I will come and get you.

Good luck,


Jinn looked at the bell in his hand and then looked around at the rugged terrain. He knew it was going to be a difficult task, but he was determined to succeed. He got up, grabbed his enchanted dagger and set off to hunt for the magical beasts.

As he walked through the mountains, he encountered many different creatures, but none of them were magical beasts. He searched for hours, but the magical beasts were elusive and difficult to find. As the day turned to night, Jinn was beginning to lose hope. He was tired and hungry, but he refused to give up. He knew that master Theodore believed in him, and he couldn't let him down.

As he sat by a campfire, he heard a loud roar in the distance. He quickly grabbed his dagger and set off towards the sound. As he reached the source of the noise, he saw a huge magical beast, a giant bear with dark, shaggy fur and glowing red eyes. It stood on its hind legs, towering over Jinn, who was still small for his age.

Jinn steeled himself, knowing that this was the first test of his berserker state.

He inhaled deeply, and his body started to change as he let it out. His muscles grew larger, and his eyes glowed a fiery red. His body began to produce steam, which was produce by the Inferno Sphere.

He channeled his mana into his dagger, sharpening its edge to a razor-sharp point. He charged at the beast, his eyes blazing with determination.

The beast swung its massive paw at Jinn, but he was too quick and agile for it. He dodged the attack and struck at its leg with his dagger, cutting through its fur and drawing blood. The beast roared in pain and rage, and lunged at Jinn again.

Jinn stood his ground, his body burning with the Inferno Sphere.

The inferno sphere works like a pump engine in the sense that it constantly sucks in and absorbs mana force from the surrounding environment at a rapid rate.

This mana force is then used to fuel the inferno within the cultivator's body, allowing them to maintain the state of purification and enter the state of berserker.

The inferno sphere does, however, have one disadvantage: the intensity of the inferno inside the cultivator's body increases in direct proportion to how quick the Inferno Sphere absorbs mana force from the surrounding environment. Their body may begin to burn from the inside out as a result, causing excruciating pain and possibly injuring them if not handled properly.

Jinn channeled more mana into his dagger, making it even sharper. As the beast reached him, he leapt into the air and plunged the dagger into its heart.

The beast let out one final roar before collapsing to the ground, dead. Jinn stood there, his body shaking from the adrenaline and the heat of the Inferno Sphere. He had done it. He had defeated his first magical beast by himself.

His eyes returning to their normal color, and his muscles relaxing.

With a sense of accomplishment, Jinn cut out the core of the magical beast as proof, and proceed to hunt down the other nine magical beasts.

As he hunted, he grew more and more accustomed to the intense heat of the inferno sphere, and his berserker state. He was able to control it better and stay in it for longer periods of time without losing control.

Soon, Jinn returned to the spot where Theodore had left him after one and a half months, bearing ten magical beast cores as proof of his accomplishment. He rang the bell, and Theodore appeared shortly after.

"Well done, Jinn," Theodore said, impressed by the young boy's progress. "You have surpassed my expectations, and I am proud of you. You have proven yourself to be a true berserker."

Jinn smiled, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over him. He knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but he was ready to face it head-on. He would not let the pain and suffering defeat him. He would continue to cultivate the True Berserker Formula, becoming stronger and more powerful with each passing day.

Theodore gave him a pat on the back and handed him a reward, "This is your reward, you have earned it."

Jinn's eyes widened in surprise as Theodore handed a sleek and elegant weapon. He could feel the powerful magic emanating from it, and he knew that it would be a formidable ally in battle.

"The Eternus is a unique weapon, it requires a great deal of skill and mastery to wield effectively," Theodore warned. "It is deeply connected to the soul and memories of its wielder, and it has the potential to be both a powerful ally and a dangerous enemy."

Jinn nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation

Jinn remembered the magic artifact class he had attended at the Ironclad Military Academy in the past, where the Eternus was discussed in great detail. Jinn knew that the Eternus was not just a weapon, but a powerful magical artifact that was deeply connected to the wielder's soul. He understood the importance of being able to control the vengeful soul inside the weapon by constantly feeding it with his memories, otherwise, the weapon would become uncontrollable.

As he held the weapon in his hand, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and respect for the powerful weapon that was now his. He knew that he had to be careful and use it wisely.

"I will not let you down, master," Jinn said, determination in his voice.

Theodore smiled, proud of his young protege. He knew that Jinn had a bright future ahead of him, and he couldn't wait to see what he would accomplish with the Eternus by his side.

"Jinn, you have earned this weapon through your hard work. But to truly wield it, you must channel your mana into it and bind your soul with it." Theodore said.

Jinn took the Eternus in his hand, feeling the weight and power of the weapon. He knew that this was a momentous occasion, and he was eager to begin the binding ritual.

Theodore instructed him on how to properly channel his mana into the Eternus, and Jinn followed his instructions carefully. As he did so, he felt a strange sensation in his chest, as if his soul was being pulled towards the weapon.

Jinn's eyes closed as he focused on the ritual, and soon he felt a warmth spreading through his body. He opened his eyes, and saw that the Eternus was now glowing with a bright, golden light.

Theodore smiled as he watched Jinn, "You have done it, Jinn. Your soul is now bound to the Eternus. You are now its wielder, and it is yours to command."

Jinn looked at the Eternus in his hand, feeling a sense of awe and reverence. He knew that this weapon was now a part of him, and he would carry it with him on his journey, wherever it may lead.

"Thank you, master," Jinn said, bowing his head in gratitude. "I will not let you down."

Theodore smiled and nodded, "I have no doubt that you will do well with the Eternus, Jinn."

"Now it's time to see what you can do with it." "I want you to shoot that boulder over there," Theodore said excitedly while pointing to a large boulder that was a few hundred yards away.

Jinn took the Eternus, and without hesitation, he channelled his mana into it. As he did, he thought of his happiest memories—the memories of today, when Theodore had given him the Eternus. The vengeful soul inside the Eternus calmed and was pacified, making the weapon more stable and easier to control.

Jinn aimed the Eternus at the boulder and pulled the trigger. A powerful blast of energy shot out of the weapon and struck the boulder, shattering it into pieces.

Theodore's eyes widened in surprise. "That was impressive, Jinn. You truly have a talent for this."

Jinn smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. He knew that the Eternus was a powerful weapon, and he was eager to see what else it could do.

Once they return to their ramshackle shack, Theodore pulled out a bottle of wine, "Let's celebrate your success, shall we?"

The two of them sat by the fire, drinking and talking late into the night. Theodore soon became drunk and collapsed, leaving Jinn to carry him back into his bed in a comically awkward way.

As he lay Theodore down, Jinn couldn't help but chuckle at the situation. He knew that Theodore was a tough old man, but even he needed a break from time to time.

Jinn left Theodore to sleep, and he went back to the fire, sitting and admiring the Eternus in his hands. The weapon was sleek and elegant, and he could feel the powerful connection between it and his soul.

As he held the Eternus, a cool breeze blew through the air, and he saw a falling maple leaf floating down from the sky. The leaf danced in the wind, its vibrant red color standing out against the dark night sky.

Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia as he watched the leaf fall. He had no memory of his previous life, but the sight of the falling leaf filled him with a sense of longing and familiarity.

As he watched the leaf fall, an idea came to him. He turned to Theodore who was lying on the bed, still passed out from drinking too much wine. "I'm going to name this weapon after that falling maple leaf," he said.

"I'll name it 'Falling Maple'," Jinn said, a smile on his face.

Theodore, who was still unconscious, didn't respond. But Jinn knew that he would approve of the name.

Soon, Jinn lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. His mind wandered back to the Eternus and the falling maple leaf that had inspired its name. As he drifted off to sleep, he couldn't shake the feeling that the falling maple leaf held a deeper significance to him, but he couldn't quite put his finger on what it was.

As he slept, he dreamed of a small village nestled in the mountains. In the dream, he saw a young boy, who looked just like him, running through the village with his parents by his side. The three of them were laughing and playing together, and the boy's parents were holding his hands and swinging him back and forth.

In the dream, the family stopped in front of a beautiful maple tree, and the boy's parents bent down to plant it in the ground. The boy watched in wonder as they patted the soil around the tree and watered it with care.

As the dream continued, the boy grew older, and he and his parents continued to spend time under the tree. They would eat together, read together, and even have picnics under its branches. The boy would run around the tree, plucking the falling leaves and holding them up to the sky, watching as they danced in the wind.

But as the dream came to an end, the village was consumed by war, and the boy and his parents were forced to flee, leaving the maple tree behind.

Jinn woke up with a start, his heart heavy with sadness. He couldn't shake the feeling that the dream was somehow connected to his past, but the memories were still too hazy for him to remember. As he got out of bed, he made a promise to himself to uncover the truth about his past, and to always hold onto the memories of the falling maple leaf.

Jinn went on to check on the headmaster and see if he had recovered from his drunken state. But as he made his way to the headmaster's room, he found it empty. The bed was made and there was no sign of Theodore.

Feeling confused, Jinn stepped out of the ramshackle shack and looked around.

As Jinn stepped out of the ramshackle shack, he saw a butler standing there waiting for him. The butler greeted him politely, bowing slightly. "Good morning, child. I apologize for my rude behavior when we first met. My name is Henry, and I am here to take you back to the Ironclad city."

Jinn replied politely, "Good morning, Mr. Henry. There is no need to apologize, I understand that you were only following orders. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Henry smiled and gestured towards a car that was parked nearby. "If you would please follow me, child. The car is ready and waiting for us."

Jinn nodded and followed Henry to the car. As they got in, Henry turned to Jinn and said, "I have been instructed to inform you that the headmaster has important matters to attend to and will not be able to accompany us back to the city. However, he has left instructions for your training and cultivation to continue as usual."

"Did something happen?" Jinn asked.

"It's simply a minor rebel issue, nothing major."

"Rebels?" This was the first time Jinn heard this term.

"Yes, child" Henry spoke politely, "It is unfortunate that there are certain individuals who refuse to contribute to the Ironclad, and instead cause disruptions behind the scenes. The Hammerfall resistance group, for example, seems to hold the belief that the Empire's rule can be overturned. However, I must remind them that the Empire has stood strong for almost 40 years and has expanded its influence over the entire Ironclad continent. It is difficult to imagine that their actions could truly bring about any significant change."

Jinn listened to him quietly and nodded, understanding that the headmaster had important matters to attend to regarding the rebel. He settled into the car and looked out the window as they drove back to the Ironclad city, thinking about the memories and the dream he had last night.

After a brief period of silence, Henry resumed his conversation in a measured and polite tone, "The Hammerfall resistance group, unfortunately, is quite a troublesome group. They often blend in with the general population, making it difficult to differentiate them from innocent civilians. Regretfully, there are some people in the provinces who will defend them even if it puts their families and loved ones in danger. The Empire, however, is not willing to harm the innocent and thus, has not made any drastic moves yet. It's a delicate situation, but I have faith that the Empire will handle it with the utmost care and precision."

The car continue to accelerate down the road, arriving at an airship base by midnight. Henry drove them and the car into the airship because, by chance, a transport airship had just entered the port.

Later in the evening, after the airship had completed a resupply, it started to move.

The Iron Fortress would be their destination.

As they boarded the airship, Henry turned to Jinn and said, "We're headed to the Iron Fortress, the largest military industrial city on the Ironclad continent. It's also the third largest city within the borders of the United Provinces of Ironclad. It's a bustling metropolis with many advanced technologies and weapons being developed here. You'll find it quite different from the small, rural area we just came from."

As they settled into their seats, Henry continued, "The Iron Fortress is also home to the main headquarters of the Ironclad army, as well as the top brass of the Ironclad government. It's a city of great importance for the United Provinces of Ironclad."

As the airship took off, Jinn looked out of the window in awe as he saw the city below getting smaller and smaller. The lights of the Iron Fortress twinkled in the distance, and he couldn't wait to explore this new and exciting place.

As the airship flew over the Iron Fortress, Henry explained, "The city is surrounded by a massive wall, and the only way to enter is through the heavily guarded gates. Once inside, you'll find a city full of soldiers and weapons. The streets are always bustling with activity, and the city is home to some of the most advanced technologies in the world."

Jinn looked at the city in amazement, he couldn't believe that such a place existed. He couldn't wait to see what the future held for him in the Iron Fortress.