
Astelia Chronicles

In the world of Astelia, our protagonist embarks on a journey across the seven unique continents that make up this world. Along the way, he faces challenges, both personal and political as he navigates through the complex societies and cultures. As he uncovers the truth about the world, he must struggle with his loyalty and his morality.

BlankVisage · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The state of berserker

The next day, Theodore and Jinn set out early in the morning, traveling to a remote village on the outskirts of the academy's territory. As they approached the village, Jinn could see the look of fear and desperation on the villagers' faces.

"Master, what is this place? What's going on here?" Jinn asked, as they approached the village chief.

"This village has been plagued by a giant snake, Manevour," Theodore said, his voice serious. "It's been preventing the villagers from hunting for food and foraging in the forest nearby. They've come to me for help."

The village chief stepped forward, bowing deeply. "Master Theodore, we are forever grateful for your assistance. Manevour has caused much destruction and suffering in our village."

Theodore nodded. "I understand your plight. I've come here to help you put an end to this creature's reign of terror."

Jinn looked around, taking in the destruction caused by the giant snake. He could see the ramshackle homes, the trampled farms, and the fear in the eyes of the villagers. He knew that he had to do everything in his power to help them.

"Master, what's our plan of attack?" Jinn asked, ready for battle.

"Manevour is a formidable creature, but it has a weakness," Theodore said, a hint of a smile on his face. "We'll lure it out of hiding and strike at its weak point. Are you ready to put an end to this creature's terror?"

Jinn nodded, his determination clear in his eyes. "I'm ready, Master. Let's put an end to this." The headmaster brought out his weapon, a giant warhammer that suited his massive frame. He then pulled out a dagger from his belt and handed it to Jinn. "This is a dagger made by Tempest's greatest blacksmith. It's made of a special alloy that can channel mana. The more mana you channel into it, the sharper it becomes. It's yours now; use it well."

"Thank you, master," Jinn said, holding the weapon in his hand.

"It's my pleasure, Jinn. I have faith in your abilities and I know that this dagger will serve you well," Theodore replied.

"I won't let you down, Master. I'll make sure to put this dagger to good use," Jinn said determinedly.

"I know you will, Jinn. Now let's go and put an end to Manevour's reign of terror," Theodore said with a confident smile.

As they walked deeper into the forest, Theodore cautioned Jinn to be ready for anything. "Manevour is a creature of the forest and it knows these woods better than we do. It will use every trick in its arsenal to evade us."

As they came to a clearing, Theodore suddenly stopped, his warhammer at the ready. "There it is," he said, pointing to a massive snake coiled in the center of the clearing. Its scales glinted in the sunlight, and its eyes glowed with a sinister light. The snake was at least fifty feet long and its body was thick as a tree trunk. Its scales were a dark green, almost black, and they seemed to have a metallic sheen. The head of the snake was massive, with a wide mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth.

Jinn took a deep breath and readied himself for the fight of his life. He knew that this would be a difficult battle, but he was determined to come out victorious. The Headmaster, Theodore, warned Jinn that the snake's venom was highly potent, capable of completely corrupting and destroying a person's mana channels.

Jinn nodded and stepped forward, his dagger at the ready. The giant snake hissed, its red eyes glowing with malice. Jinn charged forward; he swung his dagger, but the snake was too fast, and it dodged the attack. The snake then lunged at Jinn, its fangs bared.

Jinn managed to dodge the attack and counter with his dagger, but the snake's scales were too thick and the dagger didn't even scratch it. The headmaster then stepped in, wielding his warhammer. "It's been a while since I've worked out, and beating a snake will help me work out." he said with a smirk.

The headmaster and Jinn fought the snake together, using all their skills and strength. The headmaster, with his giant warhammer, and Jinn with his enchanted dagger.

As the fight progressed, Jinn's dagger grew sharper and sharper as he channeled more and more mana into it. With each strike, the blade cut deeper and deeper into the snake's tough skin.

The headmaster, meanwhile, fought with precision and skill, using his warhammer to strike at the snake's weak points. He avoided using his berserker state, preferring to work out and test his physical strength.

They fought for what felt like hours, the snake's massive body writhing and thrashing, but finally, with a powerful strike from Theodore's warhammer, the snake lay still.

Jinn was exhausted and covered in sweat, but he was also exhilarated. He had fought and defeated a powerful creature alongside his master. He looked up at Theodore, who was grinning from ear to ear. "You did well, Jinn. You have a bright future ahead of you."

The villagers cheered and thanked them as they returned to the village with the headmaster carrying the snake's corpse as a trophy in his berserker state.

Then, the headmaster carefully lay it down and approached the snake's corpse, inspecting it closely. "Jinn, can I borrow your dagger for a moment?" he asked, looking up at the young cultivator.

Jinn nodded, handing over the enchanted dagger. The headmaster carefully used the dagger to cut into the snake's venom sack, collecting the venom into a small vial. "This venom is incredibly valuable," he said, turning to the village chief. "But I won't take all of it. The rest of the snake's organs can be sold to make up for the time when you couldn't forage in the forest. It will be a good source of income for the village."

The village chief nodded, grateful for the headmaster's generosity. "Thank you, Master Theodore. We will be forever in your debt."

The headmaster smiled, "Jinn, you did well today, but before you can learn the True Berserker Formula, you must go through the purification ritual. Your body is still tainted with the cultivation of the Militant Formula. You must start from scratch."

Jinn nodded, understanding the importance of the ritual. He knew it would be difficult and painful, but he was determined to become a true berserker. "I am ready, Master," he said, his voice resolute.

The headmaster nodded, a proud look on his face. "Then let us return back first."

After returning to the ramshackle shack, Jinn and the headmaster sat down to eat a simple meal. The journey had been long and tiring, and they were both grateful for the chance to rest and refuel.

"Master, I wanted to thank you for the dagger you gave me. It was instrumental in my fight against Manevour," Jinn said, as he bit into a piece of bread.

"You used it well, Jinn. It's a powerful weapon, but it's only as powerful as the person who wields it," Theodore replied, taking a sip of water.

Jinn nodded, understanding the meaning behind his master's words. He knew that the dagger was a symbol of his potential, and that it was up to him to unlock that potential.

After they finished eating, Theodore stood up and gestured for Jinn to follow him. "It's time for the purification ritual," he said, his voice serious.

Jinn followed his master to a small room at the back of the shack. Inside, there was a small table with a vial of Manevour venom and a bowl of water.

"Jinn, the venom of the Manevour is incredibly potent and causes immense pain and suffering to the cultivator. The pain is so severe that it can make the cultivator wish for death rather than endure the torment brought on by the poison," Theodore warned. "You must stay conscious throughout the ritual, or you will die. Do you understand?"

Jinn nodded, determination etched on his face. "I understand, Master. I am ready."

Theodore handed Jinn the vial of venom and gestured for him to drink it. Jinn took a deep breath and downed the venom in one gulp.

The pain was immediate and intense, like a fire burning through his veins. Jinn gritted his teeth and focused on his breath, trying to stay conscious through the agony.

Theodore watched as Jinn went through the ritual, his expression unreadable. He knew that this was a crucial step in Jinn's cultivation, and that it would test his resolve and determination.

As the venom began to take effect, Jinn's mana channels started to corrode and dissolve. The pain was unbearable, but Jinn refused to give in. He focused on his breathing and the sensation of the water from the bowl, trying to keep himself grounded in reality.

The ritual lasted for hours, and by the end, Jinn was covered in sweat and trembling with exhaustion. But he had made it through, his body now purified of the Militant Formula.

"You have passed the test, Jinn. You have proven yourself to be a true cultivator," Theodore said, a hint of pride in his voice. "Now it's time to begin the process of Purification Inferno, as we must quickly remove the venom from your body to prevent it from further harming it."

Jinn nodded, his eyes shining with determination.

The second step involves cultivation techniques that are specifically designed to cleanse the body of any impurities and remove any remaining traces of the venom.

The cultivation technique for removing impurities and any remaining traces of the venom in the True Berserker Formula is called "Inferno Purification"

It involves harnessing the power of fire to burn away impurities and toxins in the body, both physical and mental. The technique is extremely intense and painful, as practitioners must meditate and focus on summoning an inferno within their body, burning away impurities and toxins. As the inferno grows, practitioners will feel intense heat and pain throughout their body, as if they are being burned alive.

Many have reported feeling as if their insides are melting, and their blood boiling. The process can take hours, and some may even pass out from the pain. But those who endure the process will emerge with a purified and stronger body, free of impurities and toxins. It is to be noted that this technique should only be attempted under the supervision of an experienced and powerful cultivator, as it could lead to serious injury or death if done improperly.

The cultivator must first surround themselves with a raging inferno, using all the available fuel to create a wall of fire around them. Once surrounded by the fire, they enter a meditative state and focus on summoning an inferno within their body. This causes their body to burn on both the inside and the outside, their flesh and organs charring as their body temperature rises to dangerous levels.

As the inferno rages within them, the cultivator must focus on directing the flames to consume any impurities, toxins or remaining traces of the venom that may be present in their body. This process is incredibly painful, and many cultivators are unable to withstand the intense heat and pressure, collapsing from heat stroke or burns.

Those who survive the inferno purification process will find their charred bodies cracking open to reveal a new body, free of impurities and toxins. This process is extremely difficult, and not many cultivators are able to withstand it, but those who succeed are gifted with a body that is pure and powerful beyond measure.

Jinn sat cross-legged in the middle of the inferno, the intense heat and flames licking at his skin. Sweat poured down his face as he closed his eyes and focused on summoning an inferno within his body. He could feel the flames raging within him, burning away impurities and toxins. The pain was almost unbearable, but he gritted his teeth and pushed through it.

"Focus, Jinn," the headmaster's voice rang out, "Direct the flames towards any impurities or remaining traces of venom. Don't let the inferno consume you."

Jinn nodded, his determination clear. He could feel the flames consuming any impurities and toxins, leaving his body pure and strong. The process was gruelling and painful, but he knew it was necessary for him to complete the purification ritual.

As the hours passed, Jinn could feel the intensity of the inferno reaching a peak. The heat was almost unbearable, and he could feel his body temperature rising to dangerous levels. He could feel his insides melting and his blood boiling, but he pushed through it, focusing on directing the flames towards any remaining impurities or toxins.

Just as he thought he couldn't take it any longer, the inferno finally died down. Jinn's body was charred, and it cracked open to reveal a new body. He could feel a new strength coursing through him. He had emerged from the inferno's purification process a new man, free of impurities and toxins.

"Well done, Jinn," the headmaster said, with a hint of pride in his voice. "You have passed the first step of cultivating the True Berserker Formula.

Jinn nodded weakly, as he tried to stand, his legs gave out from underneath him and he collapsed. The headmaster quickly moved to catch him, lifting him up and carrying him back into the ramshackle shack.

"Rest now, Jinn," the headmaster said, laying him down on a makeshift bed. "You have done well and have earned a well-deserved rest."

Jinn nodded weakly, his eyes closing as he slipped into a deep sleep. The headmaster watched over him, a small smile on his face as he knew that Jinn was on the path to becoming a true berserker.

Jinn woke up the next day to the smell of freshly cooked breakfast. The headmaster had already prepared their meal and was sitting at the table, a small smile on his face. "Good morning, boy," the headmaster greeted him cheerfully. "Come and eat, you'll need your strength for the journey ahead."

Jinn sat down at the table and started to eat. The food tasted delicious, and he realized how hungry he was. As they ate, Jinn couldn't help but ask the headmaster about the True Berserker Formula.

"The True Berserker Formula is my family's secret method of body cultivation," the headmaster explained. "It was created by combining two incomplete formulas: the Sun Incarnation Formula and the Asura's Wrath Formula. The Sun Incarnation Formula allows a cultivator to harness the power of the sun, and the Asura's Wrath Formula grants a cultivator the ability to enter the state of berserker."

The headmaster then told Jinn a story about a Sun Incarnation cultivator who had attained the highest level and could enter the state of Sun Inferno. They are able to harness the immense heat and power of the inferno to an unprecedented level. The heat emitted from their bodies can reach temperatures high enough to melt armor and incinerate anything in close proximity. They are able to control the intensity and range of the heat emission at will, making them a formidable opponent in battle. The headmaster didn't know much about the Asura's Wrath Formula, but he knew it was the foundation of the True Berserker Formula, which is the ability to enter the state of berserker.

Jinn listened intently, his mind racing with the possibilities of what he could accomplish with the True Berserker Formula. He knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but he was determined to master it and become a true berserker.

After breakfast, the headmaster began to teach Jinn how to find the Eternamortus Gateway within his body. "The Eternamortus Gateway is a powerful gateway located at the solar plexus," the headmaster explained. "It is the source of all emotions and willpower. It is hidden, and can only be found when a practitioner's body has been purified from the poison, all impurities have been removed from the body, and the practitioner has experienced a near-death experience where they are pushed to the brink of their physical and mental limits."

Jinn listened attentively as the headmaster went on to explain the process of finding and opening the Eternamortus Gateway. "The process is not easy, and it requires extreme focus and determination," the headmaster said. "You must first enter a meditative state and focus on your solar plexus. Imagine a gateway located there, and try to visualize it opening."

Jinn closed his eyes and focused on his solar plexus, trying to visualize the gateway. He could feel a faint energy emanating from that area, and he could sense a hidden potential within him. He pushed himself harder, focusing all his willpower and emotions on the solar plexus.

Suddenly, Jinn felt a blinding pain in his solar plexus, as if his insides were being torn apart. He gritted his teeth, refusing to give up. The pain grew more intense, and Jinn could feel his willpower being pushed to the brink. But just as he thought he couldn't take it any longer, he felt a surge of energy in his solar plexus, and the gateway opened.

Jinn opened his eyes, gasping for air. He could feel a new strength coursing through him, and he knew that he had found the Eternamortus Gateway. "You've done it, Jinn," the headmaster said, with a hint of pride in his voice. "You've found the Eternamortus Gateway. This is the first step in mastering the True Berserker Formula. With this gateway open, you will be able to access the full potential of your emotions and willpower and achieve a state of berserker that is unparalleled in power and control."

Jinn could feel the power and potential within him, and he knew that the road ahead would be difficult. But he was ready to face it head-on. He would master the True Berserker Formula, no matter what it takes.

Just like that, two years had quietly passed.

Jinn had been training diligently for the past two years under the guidance of the headmaster. He had gone through the inferno purification countless of times, purifying his body and removing all impurities.

Now, at the age of nine, Jinn had finally reached the point where he could attempt to break into the first stage of the True Berserker Formula. The headmaster had warned him that this stage was incredibly difficult and that many practitioners never made it past this stage.

Jinn sat cross-legged on the ground, his eyes closed in deep concentration. The headmaster stood nearby, watching him intently.

The headmaster sat across from him, watching him intently. "Are you ready, Jinn?" he asked, his voice serious.

Jinn nodded, determination etched on his face. "I'm ready, Master," he said, his voice steady.

The headmaster nodded. "Good. Now, focus on manifesting the inferno sphere within your body. "With the manifestation of inferno sphere, It should be able to purify your body constantly without having to go through the Purification Inferno process anymore."

Jinn closed his eyes and focused all of his energy to manifest the inferno sphere within his body. He could feel the heat building up, the inferno sphere growing larger and larger. As the inferno sphere reached its peak, Jinn could feel the heat emanating from his body, the steam rising from his skin.

"Now, synergize the inferno sphere with the Eternamortus Gateway," the headmaster instructed.

Jinn focused all of his willpower on the Eternamortus Gateway, channeling the heat of the inferno sphere into it. The process was incredibly painful, and Jinn felt as if his body was being torn apart from the inside out. But he pushed through the pain, determined to break into the first stage of the True Berserker Formula.

Just as he thought he couldn't take it any longer, there was a sudden release of energy from within his body. He could feel the inferno sphere and the Eternamortus Gateway merging together, creating a powerful synergy that he had never experienced before.

He opened his eyes, and he could see that his eyes had turned red, his muscles had grown larger, and steam was coming out of his body. He could feel the power coursing through his veins, and he knew that he had succeeded. He had broken into the first stage of the True Berserker Formula.

"Well done, Jinn," the headmaster said, with a hint of pride in his voice. "You have achieved the first stage of the True Berserker Formula. But remember, the journey to mastering it is still long and difficult."

Jinn nodded, taking a deep breath as he tried to control the newfound power coursing through his body. He knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but he was ready for it. He would master the True Berserker Formula, no matter the cost.

Meanwhile, during the night, in one of the rooms inside the ramshackle shack.

The headmaster sat in his room, deep in thought. He couldn't believe what he had just witnessed. Jinn, only nine years old, had successfully broken into the first stage of the True Berserker Formula. The headmaster shook his head in disbelief. It had taken him, the headmaster, years to reach the first stage in the past, and yet, here was a child who had accomplished it in a fraction of the time.

"I never thought it was possible," the headmaster muttered to himself. "No one in my family has ever been able to break into the first stage of the True Berserker Formula at such a young age. The pain is too intense for a child to bear. We usually wait until they reach the age of 17 before letting them cultivate the "True Berserker Formula."

The headmaster couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and admiration for Jinn. He had always known that Jinn was special, but this was truly remarkable. He couldn't wait to see what Jinn would achieve in the future.

"Jinn, you truly are a prodigy," the headmaster said to himself with a smile. "I can't wait to see what you will accomplish in the future."

As Jinn lay on his bed, his thoughts drifted back to his days at the Ironclad Military Academy. He remembered his fellow cadet comrades, Tyson, Henry, Frank, Michael, Sophie, and Evelyn. They were all test subjects for the "Neo-Genesis" serum, just like him. They knew very little about their past before they were sent to the academy.

One memory during their time at the academy that he could not shake off was the night that Evelyn was brutally attacked. He suspected that it was Alexander and the other six ruling class cadets who ordered their personal guards to attack her, just as they had done to him. He could still recall the anger and determination he felt as he exacted his revenge by beating Alexander mercilessly, leading to his expulsion from the academy.

It had already been two years since he was expelled, but the memory of that night still angered him. Alexander and the other six cadets had managed to avoid suspicion by staying in their dormitory while their personal guards carried out the attack. But Jinn knew the truth, and the memory of Evelyn lying in the infirmary, injured and alone, still filled him with a sense of injustice. He couldn't help but wonder how she was doing and if she had recovered from her injuries.

As he drifted off to sleep, his mind still filled with memories of his past at the academy, he made a silent vow to never forget what had happened and to always be vigilant against those who would use their power to harm the innocent.