
Ash in the Multiverse! [Rebooted]

Rebooted (New) In this alternate universe of Rick and Morty, Rick has a brother named Ash who is even more intelligent and handsome than him. However, Rick surprises Ash by sending him on a journey through the multiverse. As Ash travels through different dimensions, he faces unexpected challenges and must use his intelligence and resourcefulness to survive. Will he be able to make his way back home, or will he be trapped in the multiverse forever? (Old) In this Au of Rick And Morty, Rick has a brother named Ash, One who’s even smarter and more handsomer than him by ten folds. But something that Ash didn’t expect Rick to do, Rick sent Ash to go through the Multiverse for entirety. At-Least 500 chapters

ShameLess · Anime e quadrinhos
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 - Ash In Attack On Titan

Chapter 2 - Ash In Attack On Titan

While Ash was unconscious he had gained some knowledge about the world Rick had sent him to. It is set in a world where humanity lives inside cities surrounded by three enormous walls that protect them from the gigantic man-eating humanoids referred to as Titans; the story follows Eren Yeager, who vows to exterminate the Titans after a Titan brings about the destruction of his hometown and the death of his mother.

Why tell me all this when you work for Rick? Said Ash still unconscious

I don't even know who that is, I'm here to help you. Extend your arm and push info, I'm a system.

Ash was a little spectacle at first but he did it.

Name -

Age - 15

Gender -

Abilities - Able to become an unknown titan (Can't use)

Skills - N/A

Accept Decline

If you accept you'll go from not being able to pick up a stick to being able to lift a truck in a day.

… No I'm quite alright, Thanks for the knowledge though.

When he opened his eyes he saw Eren getting yelled at by his mom.

"Eren you're not going to become a part of the crops that's final! Your his father talk to him!"

Grisha sighed "Eren … Why do you want to go outside of the walls?"

Eren clenched his fist and looked at his father. "I want to see what the outside world looks like, even if there are man-eating titans running around! … And I don't want the people who sacrificed their life to go in vain. I-I want to save mankind!"

Grisha sighed and smiled at Eren, but his face wasn't like that for long. "I see, Well let's chop it up, our guest is awake we wouldn't want to scare him. The ferry will depart soon. I'll be off now, Take care of the kid."

Grisha got up and pulled in his chair before his wife could say anything he gave her a kiss and closed the door. But then it was opened back up, Grisha pulled out a key.

"Eren, When I return I'll show you the secret I've been hiding in a basement. Until then, make friends with this kid." He then closed the door and left.

'Why do they keep calling me a kid? I'm older than everyone in this room."

Ash pulled his hand up and was kinda weirded out, they were smaller way smaller. He got up and ran into the bathroom to look into a mirror to find he looked way younger than before, There was barely a mustache.

'I knew it, that system thing does work for Rick, Or it at least altered my age. Now that I think back to it, it did say 15 by age, So I'm 15.'

Caria ran into the room. "Are you okay dear?!"

He turned and looked at her. "Yeah I'm sorry I'm just freaked out, where am I?"

"Y-Your in the Shiganshina District, Is there anything else you need to know?"

Ash calmed down and looked at himself in the mirror. 'I feel like my IQ has gone down a bunch, I should've taken that system, It would've helped me a bunch I know that.'

"Thanks, I'll be leaving now."

"Don't you want to stay for food? You have to be hungry right?" Said Caria

"Nope I'm good, But thanks for the offer."

Ash walked out of the bathroom and the house. 'Might as well steal something, Maybe an Apple.'

"Come get apples! Very cheap apples for sal-"

Out of nowhere a dozen apples were taken in a instant, All they saw was a flash of light.

–10 minutes later–

"I don't care! Beat me all you want, But I've already won!" Yelled Armin.

Ash was on top of a roof watching everything unfold, The yellow haired boy named Armin finna get the shit handed to him by 3 guys.

"... Well who gives a hell? Because you know what? … I'm a sore loser!"

"HEY DON'T YOU LAND A HAND ON HIM!!" Yelled Eren as he ran.

"Oh it's Eren, I guess he's back for a second round." He laughed along with his goons.

"Wait, Roger It's her!"

"Oh Shit run!!"

They started to dip but Ash jumped down and landed on the boss of the two no doubt breaking a bone or two. And got rid of the other two quite quickly.

Eren stopped by Armin with an angry expression on his face. He looked Ash dead in the eye.

"Hey what the hell, I didn't need any help! You saw how they started running away,I had that!"

"I didn't help you, I just wanted something interesting to do, And if I wasn't a dumbass I would say they started to run because of the girl behind you. Hell I would run two if I saw someone looking like that while running after you, She was out for murder."

Eren turned around to see Mikasa. "Dammit, Do you always have to follow me around!"

"... You shouldn't be worrying about me, You should be worrying about Armin."

"Oh yeah"

He turned and walked up to Armin, Ash doing the same.

Eren looked Armin in the eye holding his hand out.

"Are you alright?"

Instead of Armin grabbing his hand he stood up dusting himself off.

"Yeah I'm alright, And thank you for saving me, Uh?"

"Ash, The names Ash nice to meet you Armin."

–15 minutes later, and 5 more until total destruction–

"Well they heard me talking about mankind's future, blah, blah, blah."

"Yeah I watched the whole thing, I got to say it was hilarious! Anyways, why do something like that? You've said this has happened multiple times for the same reason but continue to do it, So why?"

"Hey, Shut up, you just don't get it. All we want to do is dream." Said Eren as he tossed rocks into the water, Making ripples.

"Well go ahead and dream, You don't have to make it be heard, And what's up with these walls surrounding the village, From where we are from walls don't surround us." Ash said.

When he said that, Eren, Armin, And even Mikasa looked at him like he was out of this world. Eren started to shake him uncontrollably

"What do you mean you're not surrounded by walls?!"

'Oh shoot I forgot, I'm in a different universe let me recap this is set in a world where humanity lives inside cities surrounded by three enormous walls that protect them from the gigantic man-eating humanoids referred to as Titans; the story follows Eren Yeager, who vows to exterminate the Titans after a Titan brings about the destruction of his hometown and the death of his mother. Wait, so Eren's mother, the woman I saw earlier is going to die! We gotta save her!"

Ash stood up and looked around, he had a clear layout of the whole village. It was like he had xray vision, he looked in the direction of Eren's house. And turned around to look at the wall. He knew where the titan was going to attack and they had no time.

"Get up, we have to go back to your house! Your mother is going to die, Titans are going to get through the wall!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him like they were crazy, they were saying all kinds of things.

"Who would say something like that?"

"Is this kid out of his mind"

And so forth.

"Why the hell would you say that? If you didn't want us to ask you questions you could've said you weren't comfortable with us asking those kinds of questions, but saying that out loud." Eren whispered

"Eren I know it sounds kind of crazy but we have less than 1 minute, Hell less than 20 seconds before it happens. If you don't hurry to your mothers house you're going to regret it for the rest of your life! There's two reasons I want to help, So I can get back and end my brother's life, but so we can save your mother and I can bone! Now let's go!"

Eren was silent but then he got up and Mikasa got up with him along with Armin.

"... I believe you, let's go!"

But after saying that they were too late, the attack had already happened.