
Ash in the Multiverse! [Rebooted]

Rebooted (New) In this alternate universe of Rick and Morty, Rick has a brother named Ash who is even more intelligent and handsome than him. However, Rick surprises Ash by sending him on a journey through the multiverse. As Ash travels through different dimensions, he faces unexpected challenges and must use his intelligence and resourcefulness to survive. Will he be able to make his way back home, or will he be trapped in the multiverse forever? (Old) In this Au of Rick And Morty, Rick has a brother named Ash, One who’s even smarter and more handsomer than him by ten folds. But something that Ash didn’t expect Rick to do, Rick sent Ash to go through the Multiverse for entirety. At-Least 500 chapters

ShameLess · Anime e quadrinhos
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 - Rick, You Asshole!

Chapter 1 - Rick, You Asshole!

"Hey Rick, why are we doing this again? I mean, Ash is your brother. And who even knows if this will work? You even said yourself that he's smarter than you by at least two folds!" Morty shouted, panicking.

"Hey Morty, keep your goddamn voice down! And I never said he was smarter than me."

"No, I'm pretty sure you said that."


Morty entered the garage where Rick was, sneaking up behind him. Before he could do anything, Rick pointed a green portal gun at him.

"Oh, it's just you. You're lucky I almost pulled the trigger!"

"Get that thing away from me! …. Anyway, what the hell is that?"

"That's not for you to know, Morty. Just think of it as something that'll catch Ash. He's smart, smarter than me by at least two folds, but there's no way he'll think of this." -End of Flashback-

"You know, Morty, sometimes you just need to keep your mouth shut. All you need to know is that Ash is dangerous."

Rick checked the watch on his wrist. (Looks like an Apple watch.) The number went from 850 to 851.

"He just destroyed another universe. That's what I mean by dangerous."

"Rick, I have a question. Is Ash your real brother? He has black hair, orange eyes, and no offense, but he looks way better than you."

"Half-brother. Same mother, different father. Half-brothers."


"Uh, okay-" Morty's mouth was covered by Rick's hand, so he was unable to talk.

"There he is. If you talk, I'll kill you."

Ash looked around, with billions and trillions of thoughts racing through his mind at one time. Many possibilities.

"Just as I suspected… Ha!"

Rick popped out of nowhere with the green portal gun.

"So Ash, you're finally here! You're here to wipe this universe out. I've been waiting for you."

"You've got it all wrong. I'm not the one who has been destroying the universes. But that's a story for another time. And that time isn't now."

Rick fired the portal gun, and Ash was pulled in.

"That easy? I swear he was smarter than that. Guess I was wrong." Rick said as he took a sip from his flask.

Rick noticed that his portal gun was gone, and turned around to see Ash. Ash had disassembled the gun at superhuman speed.

"Made out of titanium cacophony, a little bit of obsidian, and its main component, ennui.

... Rick, Rick, Rick. As you get older, you get stupider. I'm not as old as you, but I know way more than you." Rick put his hands up.

"Yeah, I guess I've lost my touch. But who cares? All this science stuff is getting kind of boring anyways."

Rick thought to himself, "Keep holding the trigger, Morty! NOW HOLD ONTO SOMETHING AND LET IT RIP, MORTY!"

Morty grabbed onto something and let go of the trigger. A big -black hole shot out of it, sucking everything up. Morty had a copy of the gun that Ash had disassembled.

Trees were pulled out of the ground, roots, grass, and so on. But then Ash was finally pulled in. The last words he uttered were "RICK YOU ASSHOLE!"