
Anonymous Legion in MCU (L and Kira as well)

MC is a Drama junkie, everything he does will have grace, style and some dramatic effect. MC aka Klein Morningstar will reincarnate in MCU along with his loyal servants/companions Light Yagami and L. Klein will create an organization that will bring along the new order in the world of MCU; The Anonymous Legion which will have three individual under it; Anoymous aka Klein, KIRA aka Light and L. ------------------------------------------------------------------- MC is the only original thing of mine in this fanfic, everything else belong to their creator whoever they might be.

Pentastic_666 · Filmes
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7 Chs

The wishes

"Okay, can you give me some time to think what I want to wish for? Also, is this wish granting and reincarnation compulsory for every person who's to become a god?" I asked to which ROB replied;

"You can take a while to think and of course it is not what everyone goes through, different people have different criteria but it usually depends on my mood. But it's mostly for my experience and entertainment, you see all of creation came from me, separate for a while but at the same time one with me. I experience life through my creation, be it a god, human, insect or a even inanimate object like a rock. So it is your path to godhood but still a part of my experience which I'll have through your journey."

I nodded, "I think I get what you mean and I have decided what I want to wish. Also, can I wish to have Sofia along with me when I reincarnate?" I asked eagerly.

"You can't, but don't be downcast, you probably wouldn't want that either once you know the reason. It is the sad truth of mortal life that everyone is capable of moving on, no matter how hurt a one might be they can overcome it and find peace and love if they try to seek it. Sofia was still young when you died, she had a lot of time to recover and move on, though she was depressed for a couple of years, she found herself a partner when she moved on. She found love and happiness again. She still misses you but with a smile as she only remembers the good moments she had with you. I can't bring her out of her universe until she's dead and I know you wouldn't want me to make her forget everything she has later on in her life, her family and her kids, just so you can be with her again." ROB replied.

I felt a bit sad but then I was also happy for Sofia. Sighing in understanding, I decided that I'll also try to move on in my second life. "I am glad to know she's happy. I want my first wish to be that all my friends and family have a good life in each of their incarnation."

ROB said, "This wish of yours shall be fulfilled. Go on with your other wishes."

"I'd like to be reborn in MCU not the MCEU that has mutants and what not. I wish to be reincarnated in the year 1992." I stated before pausing for a while then continuing, "I wish for Omni kinesis ability with a limitless body and mind, a dimension of my own and Rinnegan from Naruto, all of Bruce Wayne's fighting experience and skills but not his memories of the DC world and I want Light Yagami and L from Death Note as my servants, I wish for me and L to have Death Note immunity and I wish to have a Death Note but without a Shinigami attached to it. I wish to look the same as I did in my previous life before my accident." (Black hair and Reddish-Brown eyes, slightly orangish-brown skin tone and 6'1 tall with an athletic Greek god like physique but more on the flexible side with a stream line swimmer like physique).

"Omni Kinesis is kind of a cheat since it can also affect laws like time, space and reality and it can give you Neigh-Omnipotence and Omnipresence. So, you can have it but a very weak version that can't control laws, though you can do it later on as your powers will grow stronger as you take more control of your dimension, I'll give you a personal ownerless void dimension. When you grow stronger and take control of your dimension and understand it's capabilities, you'll eventually become a true god like TOAA. Your Rinnegan will be limitless as well along with your body and mind but you'll be born with EMS with all EMS abilities from the anime. You'll unlock Rinnegan as you grow stronger. Rest of the wishes are fine, you can summon Light and L when you're ready, they'll be summoned with their memories till their death in the anime along with the same body they had at their moment of death in the anime. You won't have any curse from possessing sharingan or the Death Note. I'll be sending you to the MCU world now, enjoy your path to godhood." ROB said as I felt a pull behind me before I was swallowed into a spiraling portal.

"Thank You." I said before I lost my consciousness.

I open my eyes and found myself lying on a bed under an unfamiliar ceiling before I feel a sharp migraine as I start gaining all the memories of this life until now. Apparently my name in this world is also Klein Morningstar and I am 7 years old right now. I have a loving family just like my past life and a cute black kitten named Tia. I quickly raise my hand and start moving my fingers slightly before sitting up straight and moving the fingers on my feet, tears start sliding down my cheek as I have the feeling of being in control of my body after a long time. I am not trapped in my body like before, not paralyzed. I get up and try to walk but stumble a little as I'm still not in sync with my body from the reincarnation even though I have the muscle memory and memories of my life before. But I soon got used to my new body.

I heard foot steps of someone coming towards my room then I heard a knock on my door. "Klein get ready quickly or you'll be late for school." I heard my mom say from the other side.

A smile forms on face as I reply back energetically, "I'll be ready in 10 minutes mom."

{A/N: Leave a comment and let me know if you like this fanfic till now or not since this is my 2nd novel, or first since my previous one was a just an experiment. Anyway, send power stones to show support and give suggestion if I can add or change something in what I have written till now.}