
Anonymous Legion in MCU (L and Kira as well)

MC is a Drama junkie, everything he does will have grace, style and some dramatic effect. MC aka Klein Morningstar will reincarnate in MCU along with his loyal servants/companions Light Yagami and L. Klein will create an organization that will bring along the new order in the world of MCU; The Anonymous Legion which will have three individual under it; Anoymous aka Klein, KIRA aka Light and L. ------------------------------------------------------------------- MC is the only original thing of mine in this fanfic, everything else belong to their creator whoever they might be.

Pentastic_666 · Movies
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7 Chs

Meeting a ROB

"Euthanasia" I chuckle as I think about that word. It had a deep relation to my life before I died. Yes, I am dead and currently waiting in a line to meet someone. I don't know why I am supposed to meet that someone or who it is but my instincts make me stay in this queue of what I assume are souls because their figures are translucent, just like mine. So while I wait, let me tell you a bit about my life when I was alive....


"Renowned former magician Klein Morningstar, now a quadriplegic, files a petition for euthanasia. While he awaits the verdict" I smile as I read the headline on the news. Euthanasia is a very sensitive topic which most courts like to avoid, it is illegal in most countries including mine. Euthanasia basically means asking permission from court to end my own life because apparently it is a crime to end your own life willingly, I would have committed suicide if I wasn't a quadriplegic whose whole body is paralyzed below his neck. I ended up like this after an accident during my last gig in which I broke my neck, my last magic performance, the performance of the greatest magician to ever live, Klein Morningstar the holder of the Order of Merlin, the highest honor in the field of magic.

It's been fourteen years since then, my body was paralyzed already but now my kidneys also failed, soon my lungs will too. Science, in my lifetime at least, won't be able to come up with a cure for it. I at least want to die in peace and not die suffering so I appealed for Euthanasia, since I am incapable of ending my own life and my friends and family can't do it for me with how much they love me, they were against my appeal even though they didn't stop me from applying because they had seen me suffer and even though they want me to live for as long as I can, they don't want to see me suffer more than I already have, I cant move on my own, I need a caretaker 24/7. I don't even know when I pass urine or stool, I can't even move my head on my own without help, sometimes it's hard to breathe, spending fourteen years of my life on a wheel chair with my organs slowly dying, till I die suffering from lung failure. No, I want to die on my own terms, not like this.

On the day of verdict my plea was rejected by the court, saying the legal code of the country cannot be violated in any circumstance. I spent my time alone in my empty home, while my childhood friend and now my caretaker Sofia, was taken away forcefully by her abusive husband in front of my eyes and couldn't do anything because of my condition. She had never taken a leave or went back home for fourteen years and stayed with me, taking care of me, I never realized why. When Sofia returned the next day with some bruises, she confessed to me that she got divorce she had been trying for a very long time and told me that she will help me with my euthanasia, whatever the consequences be as I mean more to her. On hearing her words, I realize how much Sofia loved me and how much she gave up on because of me. I jokingly proposed her and asked if she would like to become Mrs. Morningstar since I was a useless paralyzed person but she agreed, which was quite unexpected.

Klein throws a farewell party for their friends and family, where Klein speaks about everyone who has meant very dear to him and finally tells everyone about his and Sofia's love. Klein says that he will be dying a happy man with no regrets and a heart full of Sofia's love, and bids all goodbye. At these words, all the guests embrace him crying, Klein laughs heartily while laying on the bed as people embrace him, knowing how much these people cared for him.

Before I pass out from the effect of Anesthesia, I tell my final words to the people around me. "Life is short, but it's beautiful so go on and break the rules, forgive quickly, love truly and never regret anything that made you smile."

As I pass out with a smile, Sofia was teary as she cut the oxygen supply and soon the line on my heart rate monitor goes dead causing everyone in the room to cry heavily.


I reach the front of the queue and enter a room which was a vast span of endless void with two white glowing eyes looking towards me. "Welcome to the afterlife, Klein Morningstar..."

"Umm.. thanks I guess.. You are a god I suppose?" I asked.

"Hmm you can call me God though I'm way above gods but anything works since mortals can't comprehend my existence with their limited imagination." ROB replied.

"So what happens now? do you judge me or what? Also, if you don't mind can I ask you something since you're stronger than gods." I asked

"I know what you wish to ask Klein, its about how you got into that accident in your last show when everything was fine in the rehearsal. Well, another magician who was jealous of your fame cut the rope of your gig setup causing you to fall from the height and breaking your neck."

I just remained silent in shock and felt anger, hatred and sadness all at once before it was quickly suppressed, probably because of ROB.

"The magician wanted your act to fail but didn't think you'd suffer such an injury, he felt guilty for what happened to you and soon gave up being a magician as well and became a drug addict before dying of overdose."

I felt a little better hearing it but still slightly sad at my luck, why something like this happened to me.

"So what now?" I asked ROB after giving a tired sigh

"You have experienced every aspect of life without losing yourself and your humanity and thus you have exited the cycle of reincarnation and now you have the opportunity to return in the cycle while losing all your memories or move on ahead with your memories onto the path of godhood as only those who exit the cycle of reincarnation can become a god and the only way to do that is being a perfect person who isn't good or evil and isn't greedy or materialistic and finally who has experienced every aspect of life without losing their humanity, that is the reason why no God is evil even if some are Devils they are more like punishers of evil and not embodiment of evil themselves and when they get bored of their jobs they enter the reincarnation cycle again so new gods keep replacing old like that, this is also a cycle."

"I think I understand, I don't want to lose memories of the people I left behind, the people who loved me so dearly. So, I'd like to take the second option and move to godhood as I don't want to forget the person I have become now." I reply with a smile.

"Then it'll go like this; you get to choose any world that you'd like to be reborn in with a few wishes and remember to chose wisely as there will be no limit to your abilities and you'd only grow stronger with time. Being born as a mortal but later on becoming a god. It is like the fanfiction novels you read and yes movie and anime worlds exist, I created them when I was bored. There's a limit to the wishes though, you can't have the 3 Os and you can't wish for something too strong though your abilities can grow. Finally, you can have a few wishes but I'll reject some if I feel like its too much of a cheat..."