
Chapter 48 : So i got kidnapped

A swirling vortex of energy materialized in the void of space, just beyond Earth's atmosphere. From the portal, a sleek, silver drone glided out, its thrusters whisper-quiet as it moved gracefully through the vacuum.

With precision, the drone zoomed toward the moon, its sensors shifting as it neared the surface, capturing high-resolution footage of the lunar landscape below. There, amidst the barren wasteland, stood a tall figure.

He dusted off his hands casually, having just tossed something into a hole he'd dug earlier.

The the scene in front of him was unnerving, which made the drone operator enabled its invisibility mode while moving closer to the towering man—who, bizarrely enough, had a long tail wrapped around his waist.

"Ahh, outer space," the man muttered to himself, as if speaking to the stars, "the perfect place for a walk to clear your head ..... or for hiding the bodies of your enemies."

His voice should have been impossible to hear—there was no air in space for sound to travel. But he spoke anyway. And this man, with his strange presence and casual attitude, was Noah who we all love and remember.

But, what could possibly drive our MC to dump bodies in a hole on the moon?

Before the drone operator could process what was happening in front of him, Noah slowly turned, his piercing gaze locking directly onto the supposedly invisible machine.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" His lips curled into a smirk. "A high-tech drone, in the middle of absolutely butt fuck nowhere. If I were a betting man, I'd say someone sent you after me."

He waved his hand lazily, and an unseen force dragged the drone toward him. It glided closer until it hovered just inches from his face.

"Hmmm…" Noah examined it like one would an insect. "Now, who sent you? It's not anyone I know, that's for sure—none of my associates are clever enough to blend technology with magic…"

As he inspected the drone, a spark of realization flashed in his eyes about the person behind this drone. "Ah, I see. It all makes sense now."

"You know what? I could use a listener. So let's have a chat. Don't worry, you don't need to talk. I'm going to be doing all the talking anyway."

On the other end, the drone operator froze. His hand hovered over the self-destruct button, but upon hearing the words that came from the man in front of him his curiosity got the better of him.

After all this was a rare chance to gather intel on one of the most elusive figures in the world.

Noah reached out with ease, grabbing the drone as if it weighed nothing. His gaze shifted to a nearby hill, one of the few features breaking up the moon flat, dusty surface and In one smooth motion, he kicked off the ground, drifting effortlessly in the moon's low gravity.

He then landed atop the hill, settling the drone on the ground in front of him, making sure it was positioned to capture his face perfectly.

Cross-legged and calm, Noah grinned into the lens. "So, where do I begin? Let's see… Ah, last talk about what happened to me last week!"

"Let me tell you that was one hell of a week if i say so myself."

"First, I got myself kicked out of my job."

"My co-workers? Yeah let's call them that. They all came together and complained to my boss that I crossed the line and how i shouldnt be allowed to be one of them after what i have done."

What did make them this angery u ask?Apparently, blowing up part of Earth and scaring millions was a bit too much for them. Bunch of cry babies if you ask me"

He chuckled, clearly amused by the memory. "So, my boss had no choice but to kick me out temporarily. Which almost didn't go through because those idiot cried again and said i should be jailed to insure the safety of earth."

"They wanted to imprison ME?! I was going to start strangling every and each on of them but before i could so my boss had already teleported them away. So after drinking some tea with my boss i was on my way."

"And so I was aimlessly wandering the Earth, bored out of my mind."

He leaned back, staring at the stars as he continued. "One day, I'm at my usual mercenary bar, sipping my drink, when I see something interesting on the TV."

"The Japanese Emperor celebrating his 103rd birthday. Everyone was clapping their hand and smiling brightly for their ruler while the man in charge looked miserable. Like, if some animal had chewed him over and over then spat him out, he looked old and decayed."

"Imagine living that long. Your body's a wreck, everything is failing and you just surrounded by fucking haynes of humans who call themselves your people who is waiting for you to die so they can play politics with your dead body and dived whatever u left behind."

"Then it dawned on me."

A man like that would give away all of his riches just to be young again. So what if I could make him young again? What kind of reward and prestige I would I score for pulling off something like that?"

He raised an eyebrow at the drone. "Sounds tempting, right? But I quickly dropped the idea. You're probably wondering, "Why not do it if you can?"

"Simple—I didn't know how do it at the time. Healing people's is one thing, but reversing age? I'd need some serious training for that."

Noah chuckled darkly, recalling old memories. "You see the reason im able to heal people from near death experience is because someone used to do the same to me."

"An evil god used to put me back together every time I got close to death, so I learned a thing or two from It."

"I Fixed up a billionaire playboy once. Healed a cute mutant girl while her dad tried to slice my head off."

He shrugged. "But making someone younger? That's tricky. Il have to experiment on living subjects and while i'm doing so most of them will surely die a horrible death from me not having a clue how to do it probably." 

"And besides, I promised my boss I wouldn't go out of my way to fight someone for at least two year."

Normally I would have just laughed and left to fight somebody after hearing that but after hearing her telling me she will allow me to access her personal secret Library for a whole day i immediately said yes."

"You see I have two projects. One that already started an just need a lil bit of speeding up and the 2nd one that i haven't able to start at all because i lacked certain . . . understanding if that make any sense."

"So i tried to find any book at the public Library in our workplace but i found nothing that can help me."

"I thought of going around the earth to find something that can help me. That is until i heard some of my coworkers talking about how the boss had Library of her own so with an evil grin on my face i tried to break in."

Noah leaned closer to the drone, his expression intense.

"You have no idea how many times I've tried breaking into that damn library! Every time I teleported inside, I'd end up in some random spot—last time, I found myself on Mars!"

He shook his head, exasperated. "So yeah, I took the deal."

He rubbed his forehead with his fingers, eyes closed, and after a few moments, he looked up with a glint of excitement in his gaze.

"But I'm getting ahead of myself. So there I am, in the early hours of the day, keeping a low profile while wondering if there is a way to learn reverse aging without breaking my promise. When suddenly, the bar's doors get kicked in. Smoke bombs everywhere, and a whole squad of enhanced special ops storms in, looking for me."

"They're decked out in futuristic gear, with these big 'A' and 'X' logos on their shoulders. They circle my table, yelling at me to get down."

"Noah grinned, clearly entertained by the memory. "A felt my whole body freez not from fear but by how swift my prayers were answered."

"You telling me the minute i needed someone to come and pick a fight with me so i wouldn't break my promise bunch of enemies came knocking and picked a fight? This must be shenron looking out for me yet again!!"

" Seeing how i didn't even move a muscle these special ops soldiers thought they had me under control. So one of them came closer to me and slapped this high-tech collar on my neck—some kind of mutant power dampener, or so they claimed outloud after putting on me."

"But instead of resisting, I just closed my eyes, dropped to one knee, and pressed my palms together in a prayer"

"Of course, they had no idea what was coming. I was thanking the beautiful green divine dragon above for sending these idiots my way."

He chuckled. "But they mistook my prayer for fear, thought I was begging for mercy. so they scuffed at me and cuffed my hands."

"So, I let them drag me out of the bar, playing along with their little charade. The first thing I saw outside were three large, van-like vehicles hovering just above the ground, engines humming, ready to take off at a moment's notice.

As they pushed me toward one of the flying cars, one of the special ops soldiers got a little too cocky, thinking I was an easy catch. He grabbed the back of my head and tried to slam it into the roof as he shoved me inside.

But the second my head touched the metal, the car flew back a few meters from the sheer force.

The soldiers around me with a bloodthirsty grin on their faces raised their weapons, thinking I was about to go berserk. But to their disappointment, I just stood there, yawning from boredom.

So after a few tense seconds, they stuffed me into a cargo unit and strapped me down to some metallic restraints—just to be sure I wouldn't try anything.

We took off, flying high over the city and few hours has already passed before we landed again.

As soon as we touched down, I sensed an even larger group of people waiting for us which made me grin, knowing I'd been right all along.

"The best way to insure a large harvest is to let the few vermin's to lead you back to their nest"

I muttered to myself as i readed myself what to come

The door slid open, and the first thing that hit me was the sound of waves crashing. The salty breeze washed over me, and for a second, I almost forgot I was strapped to their flying tin can. The air was crisp, alive with the smell of the ocean—definitely not what I was expecting.

When I stepped out, what I saw nearly made me laugh. These guys hadn't brought me to some secret base or underground bunker. No, they landed me on a goddamn warship—six times bigger than anything I'd ever seen before. I've seen plenty of ships in my time, but this thing? It made every warship known to man look like a toy.

The deck was so massive you could probably land a whole fleet of jets and tanks on it and still have room left for a game of soccer!!

The entire ship had this sleek, almost predatory design, like it was built to wipe out everything in its path.

Huge turrets and missile launchers stood like statues, their barrels aimed at me and just waiting for me to make a wrong move to blast me into orbit.

I also could feel the power of the engines humming beneath my feet, like the engines were barely breaking a sweat. Smaller ships circled around in the distance, but compared to this beast, they were just dots on the water. We were smack in the middle of the ocean, no land in sight. Just miles of water in every direction.

I'm not sure if it was the low, steady hum of the engine or the sound of the waves crashing around me, but I started feeling sleepy.

So standing there on that massive ship, I decided to doze off for a bit. Why not? Let my kidnappers figure out how they planned to drag me wherever they were taking me. No my problem anyways.

So, about thirty minutes later, I woke up from my nap finding myself strapped to a large metallic table, a blinding light shining directly in my face.

"Kinky!" I exclaimed out loud as i moved my eyes around to get a better look at my surroundings

The room i was in looked like one of those typical experiment Labs you see in movies, except this was the real deal. My arms and legs and even my neck were locked in place.

The room had that cold, sterile vibe—metallic walls, sharp edges, and not a speck of dust anywhere. High-tech tools and mechanical arms dangled from the ceiling, like something straight out of a sci-fi lab. They looked ready to poke, prod, or dissect me at a moment's notice.

I tried to shift my body a little, but the second I heard the metallic creak of whatever restraints they had me in, I froze. No need to break out just yet. I still needed to figure out how they found me—and more importantly, how they managed to track me down.

So i just layed on the surgical table bored out of mind, the cold metal biting into my skin and the bright lights still burning my eyes, I don't know why but this atmosphere reminded me of the time i was imprisoned and i guess my body still remember those day and how i spent most of it sleeping and so I felt my body starting doz off again

So here I'm, strapped down with nowhere to go, nothing to do but stare at the ceiling.

The steady hum of the machines and the sterile, almost too-quiet air had this way of pulling me into an soothing, nice sleep."

Just as I was on the edge of slipping under, I heard the soft whoosh of a door sliding open. I cracked one eye, catching sight of about ten scientists shuffling into the room, lab coats and clipboards in hand. They were mumbling to each other in that low, conspiratorial way scientists do, throwing around phrases like "readings off the charts" and "protocol adjustments." Whatever that meant.

I couldn't care less. I was tired, and whatever they were planning, I could deal with it later. So, I let my eyes close again, sinking back into that half-asleep state.

But my nap didn't last that long.

I woke up hearing the sharp sound of an angry man shouting filling the room. I blinked and moved my head just enough to see one of the scientists, clearly the one in charge, losing his shit.

His face was as red as a tomato, as he hurled tools across the room while cursing at the top of his lungs.


The others were pale, wide-eyed, clearly terrified of this guy. Not one of them dared to answer, just stood there looking like schoolkids getting chewed out.

I glanced up. The ceiling that was lined with all these high-tech robotic arms, each fitted with sharp tools and instruments designed to slice through anything—or so they thought.

Now they hung limp, bent and broken, like they'd collided with steel instead of flesh.

Some of the machines had completely shorted out, sparks flying from shattered circuits. Cables were ripped from their sockets, panels cracked and scattered across the floor. It wasn't hard to figure out what happened.

They'd tried to cut me open, take some blood, maybe some tissue, but all of it just broke down after touching the thin layer of ki that i keep up around my body all the time.

"HOW!? HOW!!?? HOW!!!???" he shouted, kicking over a tray of equipment. "We been trying nonstop for few hours but we can't even get a single goddamn sample from this MONKEY?!!"

Yeb im going to kill him first for sure followed by that soldier who hit my head into the flying cargo

So as I lay there, thinking about a all the ways I'd make the head scientist bony looking ass beg for mercy when I start going on a rampage, an idea sparked in my mind, causing me to slowly grin from ear to ear. 

This was the perfect opportunity to gather some intel. They were all on edge, especially the head scientist—who looked like he was one breakdown away from smashing something.

So, I shifted slightly on the table, the metal restraints creaking as my muscles flexed. After a deep breath, I burst into the most obnoxious, arrogant laugh I could muster.


The sound echoed around the lab, bouncing off the sterile walls. The head scientist's face twisted in rage, his eyes narrowing to slits as he stormed over to me, practically seething.

"You think this is funny?" he spat, barely able to control his anger while looking at me.

This man stood over me, tall and thin, with sharp, bony features. His skin was pale, almost sickly, and metal implants pulsed faintly at his temples.

His cold, gray eyes were filled with malice, and a thin mustache twitched with every word that came from his mouth

"Oh not only funny, it's hilarious!!. You guys went through all this effort—tracking me, dragging all this way to here —and you can't even pluck a single hair from my head! What kind of a clown org are you guys? The HOA?"

I barely got the last word out before I started laughing again, adding fuel to the fire.

The head scientist's face turned even redder, and in a fit of rage, he swung the tablet in his hand directly at my face which led to it to break in half.

The tablet not my face of course. 

It didn't hurt—of course, it didn't. I hardly even felt it. But for the sake of the act, I let my head snap to the side like I had been hit by a truck. Gotta sell it, right?

"Clown org? CLOWN ORG?! Did you just call the greatest secret organization in the world—Alchemax—a damned clown organization, you mutant FREAK?!" The head scientist's voice exploded with anger while his face contorted as veins bugled from his temples.

His outburst caused a ripple of tension in the room. He turned sharply, barking at subordinates, "Bring out the high-density laser! I'm going to carve this monkey into pieces by the end of the day—no matter what!"

One of the scientists, a petite woman with long dark hair and sharp green eyes, visibly flinched. Her voice trembled as she dared to speak, "But, sir… he'll most likely die from that!" Her gaze flickered nervously to the old man's wild eyes before dropping to the ground, avoiding his wrath.

In an instant, the head scientist's bony hand shot forward, gripping her wrist with surprising strength, his face inches from hers, his breath hot and rancid.

His voice dropped to a low, venomous hiss, as though possessed by a demon, "I… don't… give... a damn! He can die for all I care! All we need is his blood and flesh—we'll dissect every inch of his filthy mutant body just like the others we've imprisoned and slaughtered here."

"But... but the anonymous tip... the one who sent us his file... they requested we keep him alive if possible…" she stammered, her words trailing off under the intensity of his glare.

"To hell with that anonymous tipper!" he roared, his voice reverberating through the lab. "We don't owe that lazy coward a thing! And if they want to complain, I'll strap them to this same table and run experiments on them myself!"

His grip tightened before he released her with a shove, his voice dripping with menace, "So, unless you want to become our next subject, you'll do exactly as you're told. Do you hear me?"

Frozen in terror, the woman stood paralyzed, her eyes wide with fear. His tirade only intensified, his face growing redder as he yelled, "I SAID, DO YOU HEAR ME, YOU WORTHLESS EXCUSE FOR A GENETICIST?!"

Her face went as pale as the lab walls, and with trembling hands, she nodded frantically, trying to swallow the panic rising in her throat. Satisfied, the head scientist turned and stomped out of the lab, muttering curses under his breath.

With his departure, the room fell into an eerie, suffocating silence. The faint beeping of machines and the occasional ticking of devices were the only sounds that broke the tension. The five remaining scientists, including the woman, stood still, their faces drained of color, exchanging fearful glances.

After a few moments, they started moving again, their motions robotic as they prepared the equipment. The woman, still shaken, was working at a nearby bench when I finally broke the silence, my voice cutting through the oppressive quiet like a knife.

"Sheesh. What an ass, huh? The name is Noah by the way" I said casually, eyeing the terrified woman.

The woman, her back to me, froze for a moment before muttering under her breath, "He's worse than that. He's an evil man whose sole joy is hurting people in the name of his so-called 'greater good.'"

The rest of the researchers shot her alarmed glances, their faces paling as they frantically shushed her. They whispered warnings, urging her not to get them all into trouble.

"Ooo, a feisty one, aren't you?" I said, grinning. "Tell me this then—if you know he's that twisted, why do you still work for him?" Amusement colored my voice, filling the room like a game I was enjoying far too much.

The woman hesitated before responding, "He's blackmailing me. He's holding my parents and younger sister hostage. If I don't do my job, he'll force me to watch while he experiments on them… in the most painful ways imaginable."

"Ah, family... the oldest trick in the book," I said with a mock sigh. "What about these other fine folks here? Are they in the same boat as you?" I motioned toward the other researchers with a subtle tilt of my head.

Her voice dropped lower, her words laced with bitterness. "The ones in this room, and about 20% of the people on this ship, were kidnapped and forced to work here. The rest? They're just as sick and twisted as he is—people who don't care about human life, so long as their agendas are met."

The other researchers began shushing her again, but before they could stop her, I snapped, my tone cutting through their whispers like a knife. "I swear to Shenron, if you lot don't shut the fuck up and let me talk to (pause) What was your name again, beautiful lady?"

"Helen. Dr. Helen Cho."

"And let me talk to Dr.Helen in peace i will teleport you into the sun and ..."

Hearing her name I raised an eyebrow and then asked to myself. " Dr. Helen Cho? Wait, where have I heard that name before… Oh, shit—you're that women!"

Her eyes widened slightly, curiosity flickering across her face. "You know me?"

"Yeah, Tony Stark mentioned you. Said you're a brilliant bioscientist."

[Of course, I wasn't going to tell her that I knew her name because, in the future, she helps create Vision for the Avengers to fight Ultron. But hey, no need to spoil the fun just yet.]

Noah thought to himself, hiding the real story from the drone that was likely watching his every move.

"So, you're a friend of Tony's…" she murmured, her expression growing darker. "Fate really is a cruel mistress, to have you end up on this table, at the mercy of an organization like Alchemax."

I shrugged. "Eh, don't worry about it. I've met people under worse circumstances. by the way, where are they holding everyone families anyway?"

She hesitated, glancing nervously around the room before lowering her voice. "I don't know why you're asking. You're strapped to an adamantium surgical table, locked in place with adamantium cuffs and a mutant dampener collar. So known that wouldn't help you anyway"

"But... known what the that evil bastard gonna force us to do to you, the least i can do is to answer you "

"My family—and all the other blackmailed researchers' families—are being held on the lower floor of the warship. It's the most secure area, heavily guarded. With the same kind of soldiers who caught you and dragged you here.

"So don't bother trying anything do you hear me? Il try make the experiment as as painless as i can but...."

She turned around, expecting to see me still strapped to the table, but instead, her nose collided with something firm—like a wall and tall as tree.

Stumbling back, she blinked, her vision clearing, and her eyes widened as they landed on a set of abs through a casual white shirt.

"Oh my god, you could grind meat on those, also are those are eight abs I see" she muttered, clearly surprised.

"My eyes are up here, Doctor," I said, my voice booming. Dr. Helen's hand, which had been halfway to my stomach, jerked back as she snapped back to reality, her cheeks momentarily flushing red as she realized what she'd been doing before another wave of realization hit her and that i somehow was able to break free from my restraints!!

She looked up, her eyes meeting my devilishly handsome face, and then she leaned to the right, glancing past me.

Whatever she saw drained the color from her face, and without even realizing it, her legs gave out, leaving her sitting on the ground, trembling.

The table that was supposed to hold even the strongest mutants was twisted and mangled—curled up in a ball. Her gaze darted around the room, landing on her fellow researchers, all lying on the floor.

"A-Are they dead?" she asked, her voice quivering as she tried, and failed, to stand.

"What do you think?" I said slowly and meinclingly with an icy cold look on my face. 

"B-but we were forced to! They don't deserve death!" she stammered, desperation creeping into her voice. "You could've punished them another way!!"

Hearing that I squatted down to her level, my face shrouded in shadow as I spoke, my voice low and menacing.

"You're right!!"

Then, the shadow slipped away, replaced by my wide, clean smile that caught her off guard.

Dr. Helen blinked, stunned by my response. Her face twisted in anger, convinced I was mocking her and her colleagues. "Then why did you kill them?!"

"Huh? Who said anything about killing?" I chuckled. "I just knocked them out—gave them a light tap on the back of the neck. If you don't believe me, look closer."

I pointed to one of the researchers nearby, their chest gently rising and falling, sleeping soundly.

Dr. Helen blinked a few more times, her mind clearly spinning. Then, as if a switch flipped and the cogs in her brain finally clicked into place, realization dawned on her.

"You... You're messing with me!" she exclaimed, standing up abruptly. Without thinking, she tiptoed over to me, her palm open, and began slapping my chest.

"How can you play pranks at a time like this?!"




Each slap felt like a light tap against my chest that i barely felt.

I looked down at her, amused, and for some reasons i found myself smiling a little looking at her and after few second one thought popped into my head.

She looks like an angry hamster.

"Hey, hey. It's not my fault you jumped to conclusions," I said, barely suppressing a laugh. "Also, are you sure you have time for this? After all, we've got company."

I pointed casually at the door. As if on cue, it burst open with a loud crash, and three hulking juggernaut-like humanoid creatures stormed into the lab.

Each of them was clad in high-tech, heavy-duty armor that made them look like walking tanks. Miniguns were mounted on their shoulders, a one handed plasma shotguns in their right hands, and riot shields strapped to their left.

Behind them, five special ops soldiers entered, weapons drawn, their sleek gadgets and gear gleaming under the lab's bright lights. They looked exactly like the ones who had dragged me here in the first place, all eyes trained on me.

Then came the voice from microphone that was connected to a small camera that I recognized all too well.

"I leave for ten damned minutes, and you let this filthy mutant monkey escape!? You bunch of useless nobody's!!"

"But It doesn't matter. I don't need failures like you lot anymore!"

He then barked order through the microphone to the three hulk minions of his 

"A-173, A-174, A-175—kill the mutant! And then wipe out every one of these researchers! After that, go finish off their families and end their miserable existence!"

The three hulking juggernauts stomped toward me, their heavy boots thudding against the lab floor, making the ground beneath us tremble. With every step, the air around them seemed to grow thicker, charged with the menace of their approach. Slowly, methodically, they raised their riot shields, the sound of metal scraping against metal echoing through the room. Each step was calculated, the floor groaning beneath their weight as their augmented bodies pushed the limits of the reinforced structure.

They moved in unison, surrounding me, blocking any possible path of escape. The barrels of their plasma shotguns gleamed in the harsh, sterile lights of the lab as they pointed their weapons directly at me.

"Fire!" one of them growled.

A deafening roar exploded from their guns, plasma rounds and gunfire lighting up the room. The force of their combined assault filled the air with smoke, dust, and the acrid scent of gunpowder. I felt the heat of the plasma rounds whizzing past me, but I stood still, letting the chaos unfold. Helen was cowering beside me, her voice caught in her throat, but I didn't move, even as the floor shook from the relentless barrage.

The storm of bullets and plasma continued for what felt like minutes, the lab drowning in noise and fury. When their weapons finally clicked empty, the juggernauts stood still, waiting for the dust to settle, certain they had finished me off.

A heavy silence fell over the room. The lab was filled with swirling dust and smoke, thick enough to choke on. Then, from within the haze, two glowing red eyes pierced through the dust, followed by a sinister grin.

From the thick cloud of dust, my arms shot out and grabbed the two nearest juggernauts by the neck, lifting them off the ground as if they were a peace if feather while they kicked and struggled, trying to break free from my hand.

Behind me, the third juggernaut charged toward me, thinking he could catch me off guard and free his friend.

He didn't even get close before my tail, which was wrapped around my waist like a belt, snapped out and slammed into him. The hit sent him crashing into the ground, and before he could react, my tail wrapped around him, squeezing tight and lifting him into the air.

"Hey, Doc," I said, not even looking at her, as I fired eye beams at the five soldiers across the room. The beams hit their arms and legs, making them drop their guns and fall to the floor. "You said your family's being held on the bottom level, right?"

"Y-yes... but whatever you think of doing it's impossible! These special ops soldier are the tip of what's in this warship and they were able to bring here with ease! So imagine if they started throwing at you everything they have!!"

"And these juggernauts—they're bio-weapons that Alchemax has already created hundreds of them! And even if by some miracle, you were able to reach the lower levels, you will still be trapped in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by thousands of enemies!"

She was terrified, her mind racing to understand how I was still standing, let alone handling the situation so effortlessly.

I let out a low chuckle, and after looking down at the juggernauts struggling in my grasp like oversized toys i spoke with a cold tone.

"Women. You seem under the misconception that I was captured because they overpowered me. No, I let them take me. I wanted to be brought back here to their little headquarters."

With that, I lifted the three juggernauts even higher into the air, the two in my hand are trying to get free by hitting my hand while the last one trying to break free from my tail grasp.

Then I grinned, voice dropping to a cold, chilling whisper.

"I'm not stuck here with these idiots. They are stuck here with me."

And as if that was my que I slammed the juggernauts into the ground which led it to leave a spider-- web crack across the floor as their bodies hit with the force of a bomb, echoing through the lab which was just the start.

I kept pounding the ground, each punch creating shockwaves that rippled through the lab. The cracks in the floor widened, splintering like veins across the ground, until finally, the ground gave way beneath me. The three juggernauts, still hanging limp in my grip, were dragged down with me as the floor collapsed.

But even so didn't stop. As I fell, I slammed my fists down again, breaking through the next level of the ship. The sound of shattering floor and the twisting metal filled the air, but I focused on one thing.

 Punching again and again, each blow more destructive than the last. The juggernauts' armor scraped against the walls as i did so, their bodies broken down in my grasp as they crashed through floor after floor.

Debris and rubble tumbled around him, but Noah barely noticed. His fists kept moving, fueled by sheer determination, smashing through one floor after another. The warship's interior crumbled under his power, layers of flooring giving way beneath the force of his strikes.

Finally, after what felt like an endless series of impacts, Noah crashed through the last level. His feet hit the steel floor of the bottom level with a thunderous echo, sending shockwaves through the structure.

Dust and debris rained down around him, and he stood in the wreckage, still gripping the juggernauts like broken toys.

Noah glanced up, a smirk forming as he realized he had made it. The bottom level of the warship lay before him, the air thick with despair and fear.

"Now... let's get to work."