
Amalgam Darth Vader/Snape(HP, Star Wars)(In process of being rewrite!)

Warning!  Those of you who are thinking of reading this, know that this story is in the process of being rewritten, if you want to provide ideas, comments or whatever you want to see in this story go to the last chapter ‘Rewrite! Requests for reviews and amendments!’ to comment please. (World: Harry Potter - Marauders Era) What if 16 year old Severus Snape had been influenced by more than the dark arts and the loss of Lily. If Severus had been reached by a being from a galaxy far, far away. What if Anakin Skywalker or rather, Darth Vader had died when he was left burning by Obi-Wan? What would happen if only his physical body dies but he remains stranded between the Force and the world of the living because he is the son of the midi-chlorians. What would happen if he feels that a living being is being attacked by the dark side of the Force and decides to intervene. And seeing the opportunity to return to the world of the living, he decides to take this opportunity. And if he were to unite his being with the other person, that would trigger the resurrection of Darth Vader and a new Severus. Time plays a trick on his life .The future, the past and the present get mixed up. (Time-Travel) What does Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy have to do with all this? A FF in which you will have romance, action, drama, magic. And two people who do not belong to the magical world of Britain in 1976, but still go ahead and seek to live their lives and improve the lives of others in their way to end the Dark Lord who threatens the lives of all. This is a Fanfic that only focuses on the canonical world of Harry Potter and Star Wars, with same things of Wednesday/ The Addams Family(1964). All the previous past of Severus and the other characters of HP in the story is canonical, it will only vary and change once Severus starts to change and use his new knowledge. Snape/Vader, will have a great intellect, talent and creativity for magic and de Force as described in the canon, all this added to his new knowledge, he will be powerful, but it will take quite some time to be as powerful as Voldemort, Dumbledor, Darth Sidious, Yoda or other wizards, Jedis and Sith of that caliber. There is not much canonical information about the 1970s in HP, so to make Severus have a past as canonical as possible I used all the canonical information about the 1970s and only added information to the blanks left by the canon, so the plot of Severus' past would be as canonical as possible, it may change a little bit due to my intervention in the blanks, but in short, the general trend of Severus' past does not change and the small trend may change. You can read this Fanfic also in: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14133981/1/Darth-Vader-as-Severus-Snape Disclaimer: The original content of the Star Wars, The Addams Family, Wednesday or Harry Potter characters, books or movies do not belong to me. All belong to their respective creators and owners. I stated that I do not own the rights to anything other than the FF idea.

Shadow7Blue · Movies
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89 Chs

Chapter 71: Wednesday Addams

-Clinton Hill, Brooklyn, Nueva York

-December 19, 1976

As Severus walked towards one of the most haunting houses in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn, actually, it was hardly a house at all, more like a mansion that had a bell tower and what appeared to be a cemetery just outside the front doors.

He wondered what was happening to him.

Here he was about to have a meeting with a very wealthy but probably very strange family if you took into account the witch Eudora Addams and her son Gomez Addams, whom he had met yesterday at the Potioneers' meeting.

Oh, yes, he had decided to come for the simple reason that the Addams were an extremely wealthy family and apparently in the old days had been in business with the Princes..., and Gomez had been quite insistent that they should meet to restart business.

Besides, Severus had liked the man despite his peculiar behaviour.

However, the strangest part about the whole thing was that Eudora and Gomez didn't fit in with the rest of the people Severus had met, they were so different.

But that was only when you compared them to the people on this planet.

Severus found the Addams interesting and agreeable. In fact, he felt as if he could trust them, without pretending, lying, or watching his back.

Something strange in him since he was always vigilant and on guard.

It was for these reasons that he had agreed to meet with them to do business.

Severus wandered up to the gates of the mansion, which creaked open as he walked towards them.

It was definitely a wizarding place then, even if the charm on the gates was old, it still worked which was unusual with this sort of charm' thought Severus as they mostly ran out after a few years but this seemed to have been on for quite a while.

He looked for any magical runes that might be the cause of this charm still being maintained, but he didn't find any.

And the strangest thing was that this place was not hidden from muggles, everyone had access to it, Severus used the Force to see if there were any kind of magical protections against muggles and found none.

The gates slammed shut behind Severus as he walked through.

As he knocked on the front door of the mansion, Severus began to wonder about the rest of the Addams family.

He knew that Gomez and his mother, Eudora, could be very eccentric, but he had no idea what to expect from the rest of the family.

When the door opened, Severus had to look up.

Standing in front of him was someone taller than any human he had ever met on this planet... yet Severus doubted that the person in front of him was a mere human.

"Good morning, I'm here to meet with Mr. Addams," Severus said calmly despite the strange, intimidating, and immense man in front of him.

The large man just groaned and gestured for Severus to come in.

Severus didn't know if the man simply didn't speak, but he stopped thinking about it and decided to check the house for dangers using his Force senses.

And he was surprised to discover that there were two witches among the Addams family..., he only knew about Eudora, Gomez's mother.

But there was someone else and his/her presence in the Force was very peculiar.

"Severus!" cried an enthusiastic, very masculine voice cheerfully.

"Mr. Addams, it's good to see you again," said Severus as he saw Gomez Addams.

"Perfect timing, my boy, we were just about to sit down to breakfast, come and join us. We'll talk about business later"

"That won't be necessary..." before Severus could finish speaking his stomach let out a growl, making it obvious that he still hadn't eaten anything.

'Strange...' he thought since this never used to happen to him, it was easy for him to control his body, but maybe it was... careless? but it was still strange.

"No use trying to turn down the invitation now, I think everyone in the house heard that," Gomez joked.

"I can't deny that, if it's all right with the rest of your family..." Severus said finally conceding, after all, a quick eat wouldn't hurt.

"Of course, my boy, they'd be delighted to have a guest," Gomez replied with a smile.

Before he could say anything else, the Force warned Severus to step aside, and as he did so he barely avoided being cut by a dart wielded by Eudora Addams..., of course, he also discreetly used a little of the Force to deflect it slightly..., better safe than sorry.

"Yes, I knew it, you feel and control pure magic!" shouted Eudora suddenly full of energy while staring crazily at Severus.

"Wonderful, after so many years I finally meet a wizard capable of feeling and using pure magic..." she added more and more enthusiastically.

"Unlike those vile imitators or those damned branches!!!," Eudora protested with a frown.

'Pure magic? Hmm, maybe she means the Force...?' wondered Severus to himself a little intrigued.

'Though I don't think it would take a dart to prove it' thought Severus now staring at the elderly witch he had met at the Pottioneers meeting.

"Mother!, how many times do I have to tell you to introduce yourself to the guests before attempting to play darts with them? After all, it's common courtesy," Gomez said, more concerned that his mother didn't welcome Severus than that she almost put a dart in his head.

"Oh, but it's always better to take them from behind when they're not looking. And if I hadn't, I wouldn't really know the truth about how special he is... although I had my doubts in that boring meeting," commented Grandmother Eudora Addams.

It was at that moment that a five-foot hairball with a hat on top and sunglasses came running into the room.

The hairball squeaked at Eudora Addams.

"Cousin Itt is right mother, you know better than anyone that that is when you are out of the house, or when someone breaks in. When it's a guest, you always introduce yourself first," said Gomez who had apparently understood the hairball's squeaked perfectly.

"All right, fine, my fault. Now let's eat!, there's a lot to talk about," said Grandma Eudora without giving the matter any more attention and going to the kitchen with a smile similar to that of the witches in the muggle movies.

The hairball called Cousin Itt squeaked at Severus and then went after Grandmother Eudora.

"Well, it was rather polite of him to apologize for her," Severus whispered amused to himself not surprised by the strange appearance of Cousin Itt, after all, he had seen all sorts of creatures in the galaxy and many were even stranger than Cousin Itt.

Truly a unique family' thought Severus, for some reason without being annoyed by the whole situation, he almost felt that he could have a lot of fun with this peculiar family.

"I'm impressed, not many people outside the family can understand Cousin Itt," said a young woman's voice evenly, her voice completely devoid of any real emotion.

Severus turned to the lady who spoke and saw that she was a young and pretty woman about his age or a little younger, she was skinny and pale, as if she'd rarely seen the sun, her long hair wearing it in two pigtail braids, blacker than the night, contrasting sharply with her skin. Her dress was simple and black with tiny white dots, reaching down to her knees while concealing a lithe figure revealing just a bit of her pale skin between her dress and a pair of black tights that gave her the perfect resemblance with a character from a black and white film.

'Her presence in the Force is quite... impressive and calm' thought Severus as there were few humans on this planet that had such a strong presence in the Force.

Of course, he was an exception.

But what he found most interesting was that she not only had a great presence in the Force but she already had a deep connection with the Force and it seemed to be already calm..., similar to a Jedi.

' So, she is then the person I felt when I arrived, but now that I have her in front of me it is even more shocking'

It was the first time Severus had encountered a person from this planet who was not himself in this state with the Force...

To give you an idea, not even the Force in a wizard-like Dumbledore is in such a... calm state... and that was because the use of the wand greatly impeded his connection with the Force so now Dumbledore could only make use of it by forcing it without really feeling it.

But for some reason, Severus noticed that this girl in front of him didn't seem to be able to make a conscious use of the Force despite such a calm state...

'But that would be impossible...' thought Severus deeply intrigued and confused, nobody in the world, not even the best Jedi or Sith could reach that state of being so... calm... with the Force without knowing how to feel and use it.

Trying not to think about this for now, he decided to respond to the intriguing young woman in front of him.

"Well, I've learned to understand all kinds of people and creatures..., understanding your cousin wasn't that hard," Severus said with a shrug, it was nothing he hadn't dealt with before as Vader.

"By the way, you are...?" asked Severus rather interested in the young woman in black and white.

She did not comment, but with her black eyes she stared into Severus' similarly black eyes, and finally replied: "Wednesday..., and you must be the wizard my father and grandmother talk so much about..., Severus Prince..."

"Well yes, but I doubt I'm so interesting that I'm being mentioned so much," Severus said calmly without shifting his gaze from hers.

"Oh!, I see you've met my daughter," Gomez said suddenly with his usual cheerfulness and enthusiasm.

"So it seems..." nodded Severus quietly.

"Now I have invited this young man to eat with us Wednesday, are you coming?" Gomez asked his daughter.

"Hmm..., sure. It would be interesting to see how he likes Grandmama's cooking," Wednesday replied lightly with his face blank of all expression as she made her way to the table along with the other members of her strange family.


"Ah, it's so nice to be able to serve my food to someone who does feel and use pure magic, I seem to be very lucky these days," said Grandmama Addams with a terrifying smile as she came out of the kitchen with a pile of very strange looking food, starting with cookies, to some dishes filled with other things.

"Um, about that. I wanted to ask what you mean by pure magic," Severus said, rather intrigued by what Grandma Addams had been talking about, especially now that he had met Wednesday Addams, Gomez's daughter.

"Oh, well, my mother thinks you're like the ancient witches who could sense the pure magic around them and use it without the use of wands," said Gomez as he sat down next to his wife, and let Lurch pile food into his bowl.

"Sure, there are still some who use magic without a wand, but they are few and they mostly don't feel the magic but just use it by forcing it," he added.

'Hmm, yes, surely they mean feeling the Force' Severus thought.

"Are there still witches like the ones you describe?" Severus asked, intrigued to learn about the native Force users of this planet, his gaze unconsciously flicked to young Wednesday for a moment.

"There are..., but they are few, and they tend to live far away from all societies," replied Grandma Addams as she served Severus a strange plate of food.

The first thing that struck Severus when she served him the food was the strange smell of it and when he looked at his bowl he noticed a slight movement in the things inside.

Despite this, it wasn't the worst he had ever smelled or even seen, he was used to not judging any food by its smell or appearance, in a galaxy so vast there are all sorts of strange and very unique foods.

So all he did was to quietly and quickly check with the Force to see if there was any possible danger in the food, and when he saw that there wasn't, he decided to eat it quietly.

"And do you know any of them?" asked Severus again as he poked his food with a fork, noting that the lump in the centre moved with a small moan..., without giving it much thought he began to quietly eat his food without showing any discomfort or annoyance.

While Wednesday just stared at him with her dark eyes boring silently into his.

"Of course!, but we haven't been in contact with any of them for years, who knows... maybe they've already had the eternal bliss of Death's gentle caress," replied Grandma Addams.

"I see..., what about you and Wednesday?" asked Severus to Grandma Addams making Wednesday stare at him since he mentioned her name.