
ALL TRUE MAGIC ( Fate Dxd ) Omega Verse

What is existence? What is time What is a soul? What is purpose? Reality a dream that encompasses us all. What is the true meaning of existence if in the end all is for naught. Can anyone grasp the truth with their own hands? Can one be truly understand what it truly meant to exist? A journey to find the root with all true magic.

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime e quadrinhos
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20 Chs

Start of a journey

!!!!Archer POV!!!

Archer doesn't know what to say or feel about the very planet he fought for reduced to dust.

Everything he fought for.

The Ideals and hope he held for the planet's future.

He is not sure what That Golden Prick or the other heroic spirits of Chaldea think about it.

Will the say "Oh to bad it seems it was not mean to be" or laugh it off.

He was pretty sure they would be disheartened.

Not knowing the story of Ado Edem in the Throne of heroes.

He is not sure if he is recorded there.

If he was then he would know.

It seems Alaya and Gaia pulled some strings with Shiki so that such news does not spread.

He is pretty sure all of the heroes would lose their origin with this news or turn alter.

Going away from the Throne of Heroes.

Knowing how God intervened in such crucial moment.

It seems he has a plan.

There was a question in Archer's mind in this situation.

Were there others like Edem?

With such power to hunt down even Gods, who Edem proclaim is fake.

Knowing his history in Atlantic Lost belt, with the Gods origin being Aliens.

(A/N: Spoilers for fgo read at your own risk)

Edem tells to him the gods are being made by imagination in a Box theory.

Does that mean the Gods or divine spirits are dimensional being from a separate plain.

A food for thought.

What if he is an imagination?

A scary thought.

Knowledge can be a curse.

With Edem going to Aksha, he has a pool of juicy knowledge that mages in his world will definitely want to dissect.

He feels sorry for whoever tries to do that. Exploiting Edem.

he doubts they could.

Now the main issue is with Edem.

It seems all of the rudimentary knowledge about modern world Edem has is from reading books or reading from Terminal connected to Trihermes of ATLAS.

More question pops up in his head.

How did the Atlas branch survive without a world without mana.

Edem seems to be reluctant to share anything about his past.

Living in a apocalyptic world gave him trauma.

Looking how Edem is in the corner of the tent he projected holding his feet with head down, with one eye open at him says a lot.

Poor kid.

His fate was worse than his own.

Seeing a dying planet with nothing to do.

Losing the very home, he lived on, turned to crystals.

Psychological rehabilitation can go to hell.

Only thing holding Edem together is his sheer will to survive and to the most concerning part.


Something he wants no part of.

Edem wants to reclaim his fate.

But what fate?

Looks like he has to wait and let the answer reveal itself in due time.

Now he needs to teach Edem about the 21st century etiquette.

How to act and behave.

With no tell-tale signs to give a broken mindset.

Edem has knowledge about money as it seems in the future the paws of capitalism was still solid.

But the baffling fact is that Edem used copper to buy stuff for his needs.

Looking at how civilization has fallen in the future, Archer remembered a quote.

"The Last war would be fought with stick and stones"

What a dark though for humanity to pass on to the next generation.

This shows the height of foolishness.

Archer has a work cut out for him in the near future.

All Edem knows is to Adapt, learn, Utilize. Kill, Eat and repeat.

Archer hopes Edems adaptability kicks in. To learn what is needed and change in a good way.

Not in a wrong way.

He just hopes after this mission, Edem becomes less broken like him.

Archer remembers Rin and his dreams.

Good days.

But good times must come to an end.

Since Edem has never seen a good time.

He can make sure he can give memories to cherish, he will be damned he cannot save someone's heart before he vanishes.

Edem is all that matters now.

For the Greater Good.

Humanity can go fuck itself.

He will now save one he cares about and abandon all the ignorant.

!!!!!!End of Archers POV!!!!

It was morning and Edem was strolling through the forest completely absorbed and mesmerized by the nature.

A luxury he did not get to experience in a apocalyptic world.

He had only seen trees in books or holograms.

The trees of type Venus does not count.

There was something different about the trees.

A fresh breath of life.

He can see the souls of the trees and communicate with them.

The trees were overjoyed.

The souls were clear full of life.

The trees told about many stories of nature and how the everything fuctions.

A balance.

Same balance humans were destroying.

But they don't mind.

As balance always return as other nature in impartial in its justice.

They expressed their discontent about their brethren cut up with no trees planted for replacement.

This soured Edems mood.

The trees cheered him up giving him and apple.

Looking at the apple he remembers the story of Adam.

How he was thrown away because of it because of the sin tempted by lucifer.

He wonders who was at fault.

Adam or lucifer.

Or both.

If someone asked him.

He would blame God.

Should have kept the cunt lucifer in check.

Or it was planned by him by the start.

Then the trees went on in a tangent talking about dryads, nymphs and elves.

They considered him a fairy which confused Edem.

Some trees called him a human blessed by God.

A question appears to Edem.

Who was he?

A human.

An Ether liner who has evolved into and advanced human.

Or something else entirely.

He knows he Ado Edem the Strongest Ether liner.

But anything other than that, everything is blank.

Who was he.

He never had the freedom to find out.

The moment he was chained down after defeating Jupiter.

Everything starting from his emotions and movement was sealed.

He remembers the time further back.

The time he was a young warrior.

He had acquaintances.

He had a team.

The memories that was blurry was starting to resurface.

He wanted something that time.

A desire.

He was made to protect humanity and was indoctrinated to be loyal.

But in return for his royalty.

The apple burst in his hand with mana exploding from his body.

He looked down at his hand and his meal which was now a pulp.

The trees were shaken by such outburst.

He quickly took control of his emotions.

It seems not having regulators in his mind and body has caused him to be much more expressive.

Edem apologized to the trees and fixed everything in the surrounding with First magic.

????: Is everything okay? Edem.

Edem: It's okay Daisy it's just some bad memories resurfaced.

The tree named Daisy felt's Edems soul and essence.

It was hollow but full of rage.

What happened to such a human to be this broken?

Daisy: Here let me give you another apple. I will also tell you a funny story about a wood pecker chased by a squnk.

Edem: Funny?

Daisy: Yes funny don't you know what fun is?

Edem: ...…..

Edem: No, but I'll find out soon when I go out and look around the world.

Daisy: ...…

Daisy: Be careful what you wish for Edem. The World is a dangerous place. You never know where you will end up.

Edem: So, I have heard. If it's that dangerous I'll just cut any dangerous comes to me to pieces.

Daisy: No no no! you must never use violence. You must use understanding to solve problems. Only when beings understand one another is when peace and harmony is achieved.

Edem: ...…

Edem: Is that so.

Edem: But you see.

Edem: The world is full of strings. With a pull of one a cascade reaction occur that caused that caused people to act rationally. Like a spontaneous combustion. Who controls such strings? Is it the humanities self-proclaimed superiors or God.

Edem: But I am not such man to be trifled with.

Edem: I had strings.

Daisy: ....

Edem: But now I am free.

A silence between edem and daisy the tree flowed by some time.

????: Enough with the serious talk, now give me my water.

Edem: ...…

Edem: Sorry tulip here it is.

Edem conjured water and gave it to his new acquaintance Tulip.

Sunflower: Jeez what is with the mood. Stop saying such things. Just calm down and relax with nature. With us.

Edem: There is a fire in my heart. I need to douse it before I can relax.

Sunflower: Gimme some water too.

????: Gimme too

????: Gimme too.

Edem looked at the other trees he named respectly Sunny flower and Sunflower.

Tulip: your water is really delicious Edem.

Edem: Haa! It seems Adam wasn't the only one that fell. It seems he pooped some seed in the ground so that your ancestors can spread such greed.

Tulip: ...…..

Sunflower: ....

Sunnyflower: ...…..

There was pin drop silence in the forest.

With Archer coming out after clearing the tent. Feeling the huge amount of mana has caused him to shift to his serious mode.

Archer: Who are you talking to?

Edem: The trees.

Archer: The trees?

Edem: ...….

Archer: You're not going crazy right. Or are you using magic.

Edem: Such intellect. I am astounded. Off course I am using magic.

Archer: ...….

Archer: How do you feel.

Edem: Strange.

Edem: It seems my senses are dilated beyond anything in my world.

Edem: I can see the colors of the soul.

Edem: I can hear the voices and secrets that many not know.

Edem: I feel and taste the very fresh air around me, unlike the rust and death that flowed through my nose.

A pleasant experience.

A luxury I am grateful to obtain.

Such wonderful peace.

If only there was not many people talking and making noise.

Archer: .....

Archer: Excuse me?

Edem: I can hear every people in this world Archer. It seems the gist from scp-3812 is doing wonders. My body is a miracle itself.

Archer: What type of body do you have.

Edem: An unkillable one.

Archer: How so?

Edem: I am the perfect antithesis of any being in the omni universe. No matter who comes Infront of me, my power will develop proportional to the power of "X" proportional to the being or transform to a being that can match them. But there is a draw back.

Archer: Knowledge and experience to train your senses?

Edem: Exactly I don't know who or what I'll transform to. But one calming fact is that I can turn into some beings I can want to right now. It sees I need to unlock the beings I transform to by fighting a powerful being close to death. A drag if you ask me. But there is a loophole.

Archer: ...…..


Edem: Throwing myself in a place where survival chance is zero.

Archer: ...….

Archer: I have seen it all, you have officially lost your mind. Do you know how much pain you would go through if you jump into the sun or a blackhole.

Edem: Pain is an old friend.

Archer: ...….

Archer: Lord above just kill me.

Edem: Hmm.

Edem: There are other ways.

Archer: Huh?

Edem: obtaining something that grants you strength or poisons you. Or eat something like the heavenly peach.

Archer blinked in recognition and plopped a fist on his palm.

Archer: But still, it's unorthodox and dangerous.

Edem: Don't worry I'll find a universe that can facilitate my growth. With how by body back to square one, curses to the god. I need to prepare myself.

Archer: Now that you mention, which universe are we in. I was told the its name was heavenly Deus an alternate earth where age of gods did not end. How is the situation?

Edem: Let's find out, shall we?

With a kaleidoscopic hue both Archer and Edem vanished in a different dimension.

!!!!!Meanwhile in Kailash Parbat and the world!!!!

Indra and Shiva were in great stress right now.

Along with the Three sisters of fate was in great stress too.

Suddenly all of the strings turned into a woven circle.

Other gods of pantheon were in the same duress as others.


Jade Emperor.




Every other god was going bonkers with the ability to see through time.

The trimuti was scratching their heads over what just happened.

A strange wave of energy went by and everything went bonkers.

Great Red was trying to look for the source.

Checking if someone got in this universe and messed things up.

!!!!With the Trimuti and Indra!!!!

Brahma was looking at several scriptures to sort out a mantra to look into the changed future.

Shiva was with Vishnu discussing some countermeasures.

Indra was impatiently tapping in one corner.

???: My lord is you headache fine?

Indra: Not now Hanuman leave me alone for a moment. I am trying to piece together the knot of a circle just happened.

Shiva: A loop I may say.

Indra: A loop.

Brahma: A time loop exact.

Indra: Who in right mind made a loop.

Shiva: It's simple.

Vishnu: Someone unknown has been pulling strings right behind our backs.

Indra: Who the "FUCK" though it was good to mess with time. If I find that time travelling idiot I will tear him alive.

Shiva: Or it might be some outside force like last time.

Indra: Like that mechanical dragon that came out of nowhere?

Shiva: Perhaps.

Brahma: We need to wait and see, strengthen out defenses against whoever is changing the timeline.

Indra: Do you think we can go against a being that can alter timelines?

Shiva: Time itself will give us result. We all must be patient; the answer will reveal itself.

Indra: Not unless the answer kills us all!

Brahma: Calm down. We all know you are angry because you can't play with your plaything's future.

Indra: ...

Indra: Whatever I am going home.

Shiva: Take wukong with you to the Norse Pantheon.

Indra: Hmm why? You know something don't you?

Shiva: Who knows, things will be very exciting.

Indra: Vishnu you've been awfully silent this time.

Vishnu: Let the flow of fate guide you. Remember death comes when you the least expect it.

Indra: ?????

Indra: Are you saying I am going to die just like-

Shiva: ENOUGH!

Vishnu: ...

Brahma: ...….

Hanuman: My Lord if I may.

Shiva: Go ahead.

Hanuman: What is we are we expecting. More likely who are we expecting.

This caught everyone off-guard.

Shiva and Vishnu gave a small smile.

{Shiva: Cheeky monkey}

Vishnu: More like many.

Indra: Many?

!!!!! End of POV!!!!!!

!!!!!In Norse Pantheon!!!!!!

????: Heretic!

????: A heretic has appeared.

????: Such audacity!

????: Blinding our eyes to the TRUTH.

????: Samsara must know.

????: But will he slip.

???: We must end the Heretic.

???: He will come in due time.

???: All he brings is ruin.

!!!!!End of three sisters POV!!!


On a certain planet a war occurred.

They fought HARD. Fought Well.

But it seems luck was not one their side.

A blonde-haired woman and a woman in a veil filled with blood and was coughing was running away with children in tow.

A child with red hair was crying silently in the corner looking at the image on the screen.

A red dragon skewered on a planet split in half.

????: It was not a battle but a blood bath. You lied to us! You used us! So that you could hold the power!


???: Do you know how much I have SACRIFICED. Who would have known that Regalzeva was hiding something like that.

???: We went back in time for NOTHING! We cannot even do the same thing again. Regalzeva and Chichigami will follow us again.

????: Gasper had his eyes ploughed out. DAMMIT ALL! Even if we got back in time, how can we fight that!

????: Only the Universe can lay judgment.

????: Judgement? The only judgement should be upon you chipute chioami.

Chiaomi: In due time.

While all this was going on a certain Hero of justice and Emperor was looking through timelines.

!!!!Back with Emiya and Edem at Kaleidoscope!!!!

Edem was sitting on a throne looking at multiple screens. Using second magic and fourth in tandem.

Archer was looking at mass devastation in several planets in panic and horror.

There was silence as Edem was looking through archives of time.

There was tense silence in the space.

Edem: Well God wasn't lying saying this mission was suicide.

Archer: Looks like a cluster fuck.

Emiya and Edem was looking at a massive armada of ships capturing several beings as slaves or slaughtering them by the droves.

There was another moment of silence between the two as they looked at the horrors with a calm face.

Edem: So?

Emiya: Yeah?

Edem: Wanna jump into HELL with me.

Archer slowly turns his head from the screen and looks at edems face.

Archer: ....

Archer: I want to say no, I REALLY WANT TO. But if the price of my freedom is another millennium of hell with an end in sight.

Archer took a deep breath.

Archer: I'll follow you.

Edem: ...

Edem make eye contact with Archer to get an understanding of his character. With Archer doing the same.

Edem raised his hand for a hand shake.

Edem: Let's introduce ourselves properly shall we.

Archer: Same here.

Edem: Ado Edem one of the 78 Ether liners drafted to protect Earth and it's people.

Archer: Shirou Emiya a Counter guardian who sold his soul for his dream.

The both joined their hands and gave a firm shake.

Edem: Was it worth it, the journey.

Archer: No.

Edem: I see.

Archer: But.

Archer: I learned my dream was not meaningless. It's not wrong to do what makes you feel happy. It is just to find a way that does not bring you to damnation. If I had a chance I will chase that dream in a different way.

Edem: ....

Edem: I see.

Edem: Then let's start our journey shall we. Let the best men survive.

Archer: How do you think you will fight an armada.

Edem: Simple.

Archer: Hmmm?

Edem: To fight an armada, you need an armada.

Archer: How do we suppose we do that?

Edem: Tell me have you hear about "HALO"

Archer: ...

Archer: Huh?

A journey began

A journey where several people joined with a tale of legends to be told.

Joining into the unknown.

Evie x Eltoude has ended

The Eros Dragon has failed.

A race against time has begun.