
ALL TRUE MAGIC ( Fate Dxd ) Omega Verse

What is existence? What is time What is a soul? What is purpose? Reality a dream that encompasses us all. What is the true meaning of existence if in the end all is for naught. Can anyone grasp the truth with their own hands? Can one be truly understand what it truly meant to exist? A journey to find the root with all true magic.

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs



!!!!Archer POV!!!!

Archer was having a bad day.

No scratch that everyday is a bad day for him, thanks to his E-Rank luck.

One second, he was seeing the destroyed Earth and bisected body of ORT.

He wasn't sure how it was possible to accomplish that.

He can count on one hand for the people who could accomplish that.

Archetype Earth or the Grand Saber.

Knowing how Alaya was saying how she lost "HER" grand saber he can either think of the original Excalibur wielder who can one shot Velber or someone who accomplished a similar feat.

One such feat is slaying a being of similar or greater level.

A being he has no idea of.

Now he got whisked away by a random place sitting on a chair infront of a being of energy who presence makes his instinct scream.

Boy you fucked!

????: Ehem! Are you out of your musing.

Archer: ....

Archer: Who are you again?

?????: Who do you think I am?

Archer: Hmm let's see.

Archer: Seeing how you tore away from my abus- I mean boss. It means you are a being of power above the Primordial Being of the earth. An alien god or something else.

The One: Please like I am those beings who I created when I created all.

Archer: ....

Archer: Wait you're the Lord?

The one just rolls his eyes.

The one: Such intellect, it astonishes me. Several millennia and you have barely tapped in your potential of idiocy.

This causes Archer eyes to twitch.

Archer takes his relaxed pose on the chair with his arms back and one foot on top of one another.

Archer: I assume you want something from me, "OH GREAT LORD"

The One: Huff! Quiet the attitude but I am amused by it.

The One: I have a job for you.

Archer slowly comes up front and clasps his hands.

Archer: What is it for me.

The One: Isn't that obvious.

Archer: All my sins washed away?

The one: If you so desire.

Archer gets up on his feet making eye contact.

Archer: Who do I need to KILL.

The one: Who said you need to kill.

Archer: ...…

Archer: Than what do I-

The one: You need to babysit someone for me.

Archer: .....

Archer: Huh?

The One gives a smile that gives chill to Archer's spine.

The One: I won't take any refusal.

Archer: Fine fine! I'll do it. Who do I need to take care of. Also there is one final question.

The One: Ask away.

Archer: Why me. I mean specifically me. I am sure you have better people to call from the throne of heroes.

The one: You're the only hero with the knowledge of the modern world and upto date on it. You have good cooking skills, and situational awareness. Also a perfect counter if your target of care goes berserk. Do I need to continue.

Archer: You are not giving me a bomb to take care of?

The one: Did I stutter?

Archer: ...…

The one summoned a ball of energy in his hands and looked at emiya.

The One: Here is the chains to restrict your target and the information on him and the mission. You wull debriefed by your target on the mission. His mission.

Archer: You hired a madman for a mission.

The one: A madman who will get the job DONE.

Archer: ...…

Archer: ...…


The One: Oh! You know the suicidal one. Anyways.

Archer: FUCK ME! I AM NO-

The One: Too late!

With a burst of light information flowed through Emiyas mind like a truck.

Archer: AHHHHH!

With a burst of light Emiya went away.

The One: Sigh! How troublesome. Cough!

The one holds his hand on his mouth.

He looks it over and the injury he got.

The One: Not much time.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!End of Emiya POV!!!!!

Location: Highschool DXD AU.

Time Before Mission Execution: 50 years.

Current location: British Isles Edinburg.

Mission Hours Start: 1200

Archer slowly opens his eyes and slowly gets his bearings. He slowly acclimates to the sound of birds and pushes away the migraine that is threatening to blow up his head. He hears a sound of breathing beside him. He rolls over and projects bakuya.

But it seems the threat was unfounded.

A boy no less than 6 with grey hair white milky skin was sleeping peacefully.

Archer sighs and gets up trying to get his bearings.

He looks over to the identified target he needs to guide and protect.

Archer: Sigh! Babysitting a timebomb. My luck has ran out.W

Archer looks over himself wearing his gear.

His armor and red shroud of martin.

All in place

Then he suddenly notices something.

A huge mana was being supplied to him

He widened his eyes in shock.

Archer walks over to the child sleeping peacefully and bows down.

Archer: A person who reached the swirl of everything and lived to tell the tale. If other mages saw you, they would revere you as a God. All of the True magic. I must be going crazy. If you re already not a god. Why would you need me. Ado Edem.

Archer: Let's set up a Bounded field first to mask our presence. I am sure any one would like a harmless snack with infinite mana.

Archer: Let me make a tent and utensils to cook something for my supposed savior. Don't want my only ticket of freedom to have a bad impression and be whisked away to lord knows where.

Archer got up and went to do his tasks.

!!!!Meanwhile with Edem!!!!

Edem was having that dream again.

The first time he killed a Aristotle's.

People where begging.

They were crying for salvation.

All of his knights he commanded petrified with fear and resignation.

He fought and fought again with those beasts but with every victory he lost something.

????: You could have saved us.

He looks down under his feat.

The people he failed to save.

?????: You could have been better

????: Why are you still Alive!

????: Where is my salvation.

Edem walked away from the screams filled of agony and despair.

Wherever he walked there was death.

Ruins of a once vibrant planet.


The whole planet was a ruin.

Edem reaches a hill and walks to the top carrying his trusty slash emperor.

Filled with so much blood and destruction.

He hated what it represented.

A sword to cleave the world.

Not to save it.

Edem gazes through the Helm of suit to the world that was on fire.

???: You must live.

???: Not for our sake.

???: But to reclaim what was lost.

???: To find the freedom to dream again.

???: You must wake up.

???: The fight has just begun.

!!!!End of dream!!!!

Edem slowly opens his eyes finally to a new world full of life and greenery.

It was noon.

He was shocked but slowly but surely reality comes to him.

The smell of grass assaulted him kicking an instinct of nostalgia remembered not through his mind but instincts.

Edem was sweating profusely because of the dream he had.

For that he was thirsty.

Not that drinking not enough water will kill him with his new power.

He is immortal in a sense.

Edem groggily gets up and tries to get his bearings. He notices a blanket on top of him and a bed under him.

But he soon realized something was amiss.

The instincts he honed as a knight was all time sharp.

He slowly turns his head to the side and sees a man looking at the fire.

Tanned skin white hair and red suit with armor.

He looks at the man with hostility but remembered at the last second, he was transferred here, God said he will have a partner. Most likely to watch him and take care his misgivings of sort.

But he will bow to no one.

If this partner tries to make him submissive.

He will kill him on spot.

Edem gets his stance and extends his right arm for the seed to manifest.

The seed of his Knight Arm.

The Slash emperor.

But he realizes something.

His body feels a little different.

He looks down and sees it has become that of an infant.

Edem: WHAT!!

Archer looks at his newly awakened meal ticket.

Archer: Ah your awake. SLASH EMPEROR. Or should I say tiny emperor.

Archer realized the hostility but he chose to ignore it so that Edem realizes his position.

Edem quickly reels in his fury and emotions and looks at Archer in cautioness.


Huge mana began to swirl around Edem causing the bed to creak.

Archer raises his hands.

Archer: Hey don't look at me, you were like that when I first awakened. Tiny emperor.

Edem: ....

The mana vanishes and observes archer who has a smug look on his face, but in reality he was sweating bullets.

Edem observes archers body language and eye movement to see if he is lying


So he looks for a way to pacify Edem.

Archer: Hey look I know you do not want to be in a situation like this, but neither am I. But there is one common goal we are working at.

Edem: What is that?

Edem narrows his eyes.

Archer: Freedom.

Edem: ...

Edem: You want to kill God too?

Archer: No my story is different. I want to be free being a slave.

Edem: Slave to who?

Archer: You of all people should know what it is like to not escape from a fate that was unfair.

Edem: ...…..

Edem: Piss off!

Archer: Sure sure. If I could I would have left the planet from a time bomb like you. Better the whole universe.

Edem: ...…

Edem: He showed you right?

Archer looks seriously at Edem without moving eye contact.

Archer: Yes.

Edem: The you should tell me about it. The world that you tried to protect turning to dust. How does it feel "SHIROU EMIYA".

Archer: HOW DID YOU.

Edem: I scanned you right now. Sure, I should not know you as you are not a proper heroic spirit of the throne of heroes. The gifts those beings provided me can identify who I am talking to.

Archer: Akashisc Records!

Edem: Something like that. So, to my question.

Archer: ....

Archer: I'll think about the answer later.

Edem: Why? Will it make you infuriated?

Archer: I am too shaken to give a proper answer. You are to if you noticed by now. You just somewhat died remember. You need to cool off.

Edem: ...…

Edem: I suppose I do. So, Introductions.

Archer: You just- hah! Forget it. My name is Archer and I would like that if you call be that name. A newly recruited heroic spirit on a suicide mission. With a chance of 100 percent death.

Edem: ...…..

Edem: You are not confident I can get us through this trial.

Archer: Hate to be rude but looking at you now does not inspire confidence.

Edem looks down at his body.

Edem: You are right. I need to retain again. It seems by most trusted weapon is locked for now. Also we need to leave this planet for this set back.

Archer raises his brow.

Archer: We just got here?

Edem jumps of the bed and slowly goes toward archer making him tense.

Edem looks at his right hand.

He closes his eyes and sorts out the information about his body and abilities. It helps that the fourth magic is active making his mind sharp to analyze. With his third gift always active, showing the world in a different light.

Edem uses the denial of nothingness and constructs a chair.

He opens his eyes and looks at his creation.

His first creation.

A chair.

He goes over and sits on it looking at archers baffled face.

Edem: Why are you looking at me like that?

Archer: Tha-t w-as Denial of nothingness.

Edem: Yes.

Archer: ....

Archer: So what's the plan.

Edem: Huh?

Archer: ...….

Archer: You're the leader of this mission. I am here to take care you. My mission parameter is to support you and stop your actions that are rash.

Edem: So, you're a guard dog?

Archer: ...

Archer: It's rude to call someone a dog.

Edem: I am simply stating a fact.

Archer's lip twitches.

Archer: Fine you got a point. So what are you going to do with that much power. Power to kill even gods.

Edem: God not Gods. The God you have learned about are fakes. There can be only one supreme being. Other pantheons are nothing but imaginations formed by human mind forming a boxed universe in an alternate reality. The very reality we reside in.

Archer: So the box theory exists. Good to know. All that knowledge is coming from the root?

Edem: Hmm.

Edem and Archer stayed silent after the conversation letting the words exchanged between them sink in.

Slowly living up the day they have lived.

It seemed like they are in a dream where they will wake up any moment.

One was a counter guardian tied to a fate to be a slave for eternity.

Other was a survivor of a forgotten planet.

As the daylight slowly creeped away, archer stood up to get some fire wood he collected.

Archer broke Edem form his stupor.

Archer: You need to make up your mind Edem. There is a battle to be fought.

Edem: There is always a battle to be fought.

Archer: ...…

Archer: I suppose but now you can relax. Take rest and look around your surroundings. Maybe you will find this new environment enlightening.

Edem: ....

Archer: I suppose the reason to fight for all living being is not to strive for betterment. But to see the end of their purpose one has forged by their own hands.


Edem glares at archer with hate.

Archer looks at Edem blankly without flinching. Giving a hollow look.

Archer: Then what would you do? If you had another chance, would you live your life differently.

Edem: ....

There was another moment of silence between the two.

Archer meanwhile gathered the dry wood and light it with a simple snap of friction of his finger coated with mana.

Archer: I suppose we all need to fight for a reason and Ideals to live.

Edem: ...…..

The fire light up and brightened the darkness in the forest. A spark of life in Edems hollow eyes.

Archer: Would you stop here or shall you continue to walk this path.

Edem: I-

Archer: When do we start.

Edem: ...…..

Edem: I need information outside of the basic I was given of this world. Lots of it. For that I need to access the second. I don't know what this world or Heavenly Deus or EXE is. But what I do know that I need to take care of them permanently. After that my match with God is due.

Archer: .....

Archer: Your crazy.

Edem: I needed a reason. Now you have it. I will reclaim my Fate.

Archer: I see.

Archer: So who can you gather for this mission?

Edem: I'll think about that later. Fist we need to get off this planet. I need to get myself in shape. If multiple god of this world finds, it will be troublesome. I can shapeshift to a being to match them but I am not sure about this power. I need to adjust my body to a new fighting style. I need opponents, lots of them. But in a certain time I will grow to cut those fakes down.

Archer: ...

{Archer: Lord help me}

Edem: So tell me your story. What is your Ideals.

Archer: ...…..

Archer: If I tell mine will you tell yours.

Edem: Don't you already know?

Archer: Yes but I want directly the main one from you.

Edem: ...…..

Edem: Another time. I'll pass.

Archer: Same.

Edem: Smart ass.

Archer: ...…..

Archer: Haa so well start tomorrow I presume. Atleast could you tell me how all of the True Magic works. A being who reached the root, you certainly have my interest.

Edem: Sure.

Archer: Let me cook something for you.

Edem: Cook? What's that?

Archer came to a screeching halt.

It seems a lot of pain is coming in the future.

Archer: It's going to be a long night