
After I Took Off My Tiara

"H3K! We need all your presence here!" It was only like that. A life of an spy, uncertain of what might happen every second of her life. It was as if being alive isn't given to her. A work she doesn't even know why did she take? However, as if fated, her superior who died with a gun was a maze. Without any clear evidence, pure guesses and intellect was all she could rely on. She knew that her life was in danger every minute, but... She didn't know that her life would be upside down in order to know who was the killer of Lino An aka Luyang An. A forced marriage with the Third Prince of the country. What can she expect? She promised that she wouldn't ever fall in love, but why does he kept swaying her heart? "I like you, Istel." The Third Prince has come to like her. But can they be together when she's a spy? A spy that might get killed in an instant. And being the Third Princess even made her life swirling around in pure unknown and hurdles. 'No, in the end you'll know that this marriage isn't for us.' She tried to push him away, but can she? === AUTHOR'S NOTE: Check out my other two books here! MASKS TO UNVEIL! - COMPLETED LATER IN YEARS OF TIME - ONGOING

LiLiNa · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
190 Chs

Chapter 19

She looked at the owner of the voice and sure enough... wait... why does he kept showing in front of her?! It was really unpleasant feeling to see his face, at least his shadow would make her vomit.

She sighed, "Yes, it won't. It was locked."

Nilet bit her lips desperately and left them to talk. Her resentment for Istel had gone higher than Eiffel Tower.

She's about to turn her back to rent a room when he said.

"Sleep here first, that way you can save money." He said opening the door of his room. She was pondering about it real hard when she recalled she's searching for that darn bracelet and... this would be a good chance.

She smiled to him then went inside. The features were just like as their room. Though the colours and the designs were seemingly for men.

She observed around and saw his bedroom.

She went inside then locked the room. Felix was about to go inside when he learnt it was locked.

"Hey! That is my bedroom!!!" He yelled. He was kind enough to give her place to sleep but she even dared to close the door! Ha!

Istel opened the room, throwing a blanket and a pillow to his face directly. He was obviously hurt by those.

He sat on the couch feeling helpless then look at the time. The undercover polices who said they would find the bracelet within five hours, where are they?

He went outside then closed the door.

Istel looked at the watch. It's time to find the bracelet!

She rummage through the desks, bathroom, restroom, but it weren't there.

She then uncovered the bed, took off the pillow then—

"..." The bracelet was behind the pillow.

"Who the heck would put the bracelet to a place where everybody could find easily?! This is lame!"

She cannot wake up JinJin. William and Jason must've been tired from all of that. As a leader, she wouldn't asked for their help instead, let them rest early.

She decided to open her husband's luggage and found a cloth which she could borrow but still wasn't that obvious to notice that it was his clothes.

She went outside the hotel carrying a plastic bag. It was filled of her clothes to change at. Istel goes to one of the public restroom and put a disguise on herself.

Gladly, no one knew who she was otherwise that would be really a nuisance.

She then walked to the same place; her as an undercover police and Third Prince talked to.

She arrived to the place then bowed to the bodyguards. "I am here to report about the bracelet."

The bodyguard opened the door for her. What she first saw was his chair turned to opposite side, basically he wasn't facing her.

"It's good that you know how to keep promise." He said as he turn around facing her with mask.

She bowed and presented the bracelet. "This is the bracelet."

"Where did you found it?" Felix questioned as he rested his chin onto the back of his palms whilst his elbow resting on the table.

Istel was frozen. This... she didn't expected he would asked this sort of question. However, it was natural for him to asked me since I claimed that we were an undercover polices including my teammates.

Felix stared at her stiff body. "I wondered how you claimed yourself a police when you can't even answer an easy question. Tell me, did you just do that to gain attention?"

'Tch. This man only knew how to accuse people something they hadn't done.'

"To be honest, I found it inside your room with the help of Third Princess." She said determined.

"Third Princess you say..." He sighed then tapped the table. "What did you do to her?"

"Third Prince, my only intention was to find the bracelet. I went to your room number only to find out that your wife was there. I told her I was a police and that I need her cooperation." She said then bowed.

"Tell me the details." He said.

Istel was shocked out of her body. De-de-details—details?!!!!! Argh!

"You can't say it?" He asked.

Istel kneeled down. "Forgive me for keeping you waiting. The thing is...

'Automatic Imagination of what happened'

Istel police: *Knock *knock

Istel as Princess opened the door. She was shocked to see a police in front of her husband's room number. "What can I do to help you?"

Istel as Police bowed before her. "Forgive me for knocking on Third Prince's door. I am a police in LimEmpire. I know you were aware of the robbery in the museum, Third Princess."

Istel as Princess propped her chin. "Hmm... robbery. I think I heard it. So, why did you came here, all the way from .. Lim... Empire???"

"Yes, I was here because we chased the thief who stole the Jade Bracelet. Now, the thief had been in jail, I wish for your cooperation."

"Cooperation... for what??" Her voice was firm and was like confirming everything I had said.

"Based on my teammates investigation including me, we found out that, the thief went here to put to blame onto Third Prince, your Husband. In that case, we wish to search inside the room." Istel as a police said formally.

Istel as a princess looked at her outfit. It was likes of the LimEmpire's polices outfits. "Inside?? So you mean, you want to search here because you reckoned that Third Prince hid it inside his room?!" Her voice were somewhat scared.

"No, of course not. We wish to search it inside so that Third Prince won't be mistakenly accuse of such thing."

Istel as princess nodded and insisted on seeing Istel's badge as a police.

"Here is my badge your highness."

Istel as a princess nodded. "Alright, make sure to search that otherwise if I saw that it's still inside, I will fire all of you." She said dimly.

All the polices nodded and politely search for the bracelet until they found it.


Istel said then exhaled. 'That was a long storytelling, the only difference were... the leading were herself with other polices.'

Felix was completely convinced by her storytelling and looked at the bracelet she was still holding.

"Alright, you may put the bracelet here and go out. My bodyguards would report it to the Majesties."

She stood up, put the bracelet on the table, and bowed. "Yes, thank you for understanding. Then, I shall take my leave. Have a great day, your highness." Then she left the place.

She pondered Felix as a Prince surely have charisma on his hands. Such a wonderful husband she have. Muehehe

She quickly went back to the room number then plopped on the bed comfortably.

"The storytelling earlier were... hard... if I were just Jason, I could say an excuse which much better than that. Tss. He's so manipulative. Indeed, the word Prince... fits him in some way and in different circumstances." She nodded then turn her body on the left side as she think about Felix's aura as a Prince.

If she didn't thought hard, her life would be a nuisance. Besides, if he were to know it was me all along with my friends, I wondered.... how he would feel about the fact that I hid it from him.

Well, I can't do anything about it since it's my work even before I became Princess. Nothing would change even if I am not a Princess, also, my life... would be much easier... and not like this.

I had to put a smile although I was mad. I had to act dignified and flawless as possible. Haaa~~~ I wasn't dreaming of this kind life.

I never wanted it to happen.

"Co-Co-co—coo—cold-cold... – he-here-here..." a gentle voice sounded on the other side of the door.