
After I Took Off My Tiara

"H3K! We need all your presence here!" It was only like that. A life of an spy, uncertain of what might happen every second of her life. It was as if being alive isn't given to her. A work she doesn't even know why did she take? However, as if fated, her superior who died with a gun was a maze. Without any clear evidence, pure guesses and intellect was all she could rely on. She knew that her life was in danger every minute, but... She didn't know that her life would be upside down in order to know who was the killer of Lino An aka Luyang An. A forced marriage with the Third Prince of the country. What can she expect? She promised that she wouldn't ever fall in love, but why does he kept swaying her heart? "I like you, Istel." The Third Prince has come to like her. But can they be together when she's a spy? A spy that might get killed in an instant. And being the Third Princess even made her life swirling around in pure unknown and hurdles. 'No, in the end you'll know that this marriage isn't for us.' She tried to push him away, but can she? === AUTHOR'S NOTE: Check out my other two books here! MASKS TO UNVEIL! - COMPLETED LATER IN YEARS OF TIME - ONGOING

LiLiNa · Urban
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190 Chs

Chapter 18

Jason looked at her, "By your word, 'Sun and Moon', does that mean, you can't live without each other? Because, sun and moon won't work without the either." He said with gestures.

Istel looked at him helplessly, "Tch. Absolutely wrong. I meant, he was like the Moon who will be accompanied by stars, so there is no need for the Sun to accompany him." She said turning her body backwards to the railings.

Jason smirk, "You have different meaning of that."

"What do you mean?"

Jason waved his hand. "It's nothing."

"Oh.." They then went silent.

Jason thought that she might be blinded by the fact that Felix eyes were focused to Nilet only. Anyhow, it's their problem to solve, not his.

Coincidentally, Felix with Nilet was talking to each other when they went on the rooftop and saw a woman wearing pyjamas with the man wearing pants and longsleeve.

Istel looked at Jason, "Do you think the two would be shy after hearing this?" Jason turned around facing the direction of Felix but he didn't noticed Felix.

Istel straightened her position.

Jason wetted his lips, "Probably. Although, they weren't that sweet, no it should be, they weren't sweet at all."

Then they giggled. Felix approached them while Nilet was celebrating in her head! Why?

Well, in this occasion, it is undeniably true that Istel was trying to cheat behind Felix. Look at that in love eyes and how she smiled in front of that man.

"We should go now, the two... might have been... in... an... well, they are couple." Jason said. Istel chuckled as she imagined the two being passionate, that would be so romantic!

Felix stared at them, "Why are you here?" A voice that were darker than night, sharper than knife and scarier than wolves.

His voice was enough for Istel to jumped in fright.

She looked up to him then politely bowed as she pulled Jason to bow along with her. "Greetings, Your Highnesses." She gritted her teeth annoyed to see the both of them. It's very unpleasant to the eyes yah know?

Felix checked Jason from head to toe. Jason smiled to him and tucked his left hand for the reason of shake hands, but Felix acted like he didn't saw it then looked at Jason's eyes directly. Jason sighed then clasped his hand and slowly hide it.

"I wonder... who... is this man... beside... my wife? My dear wife, who is this man?" Felix emphasised every words he said.

Istel dropped her jaw. What?!!! My... dear... Wife?!! Argh!! This man! If I am not controlling myself, I would've punch him until he die. Eish, he looked like he was anticipating for a punch eh. Who told him he could call her like that?!

Argh! What a nuisance!

Istel gritted her teeth. "This is Jason Wang. A photographer in LimEmpire."

Felix lifted a brow. "Oh? Then..?" He looked at Istel.

'Don't look at me like that! Otherwise I will actually kill you! Especially that eyes of yours! Argh!!'

Istel clenched her fist. "We are here to take prenuptial photos for William and JinJin." She wished the couple won't bicker if they told them about this acting.

"Prenuptial.. photos?" Nilet asked curiously.

"Photos before officially marrying each other, Your Highness." Jason told her.

Nilet nodded seemingly annoyed that Felix wasn't the one who answered her.

Felix nodded, "Oh and when's the wedding? I will make sure to go there." Istel looked at Jason.

"That... they were just planning to get married but, they haven't made the final decision of when." Jason blurted out nodding to himself.

He was clapping of how smart he is to think of such excuse not until—

"Oh so they planned the prenuptial photos deliberately without planning thoroughly about marriage." Felix spat somewhat insulting the couple.

"I suppose that has nothing to do with you and I suppose Your Highness doesn't have the position to discriminate their plan, besides... you were arranged marriage without knowing each of your feelings." Jason said with a smile and gestures.

Istel gave an exchanged glanced to Jason and signed him to be quiet.

"Your highness, you said you were sick... why are you here?" Nilet suddenly asked.

Istel smiled, "Earlier, I was alright so I came here to be with them."

"Oh also, why didn't you informed your husband that you were going out the country?" Nilet cunningly asked with her annoyance about to explode.

"... I am aware for the fact that he was busy therefore, I don't dare to tell him that I was going out the country. Besides, he was so busy." She said forcefully smiling.

Nilet approached her then whispered. "Even though, your actions displayed that you were flirting with that man named Jason." She then smiled after.

Istel smirk. "Ahhh...." She then neared to Nilet's ear and said. "What do you think you're doing then? Clinging to someone who had a wife? Is that how a dignified royalty acts?" She empathised the word clinging for her to know what she's doing obviously.

"Besides, there's someone who keeps sticking to my husband that I don't have time to ask or to tell him what I would do, right, Second Princess?" Istel continued.

Nilet was frozen on her spot and trembling in anger. 'This girl!!!!!!!' She could only formed a fist with her eyes glaring to Istel's.

"Also, as his wife, I am somewhat caring about my husband's image, although he was badly beaten with malicious comments by people, there was still a girl who kept turning a blind eye from the fact that Third Prince was married. Oh and because Second Princess were always besidemy husband, how about you shoo away the girl who kept clinging to him, hmm?" She tilted her head convincing Nilet who was fuming in madness.

She was enraged. Why would a girl like her said that to her that easily?! Hmph! No matter what Istel do, Felix won't like aggressive woman because he prefer those soft one.

"... I... I..."

"Yes, Second Princess?"

"Nothing! Why are you here alone with a man? What are you trying to do?!" Nilet asked with a smirk.

Istel glanced at Jason and scoffed. "For you information, Jason has his boss. And I suggest you to stop putting yourself in a stage where you'll regret later." She counselled sincerely.

'Told yah, my tongue is poisonous! Muahaha.'

Istel laughed in her mind. It felt good to bicker with someone haha.

Because Felix and Jason went further from the two girls, they didn't heard what were they talking about, but noticing that Nilet's complexion turned pale, it seems Istel must've said something that Nilet were sensitive from.

'But what could have been that?' Felix pondered which Jason just chuckled.

"Third Prince, goodevening." Jason suddenly greeted.

Felix nodded at him. "Is Istel really alright now?" His voice was somewhat worried though his face didn't show that kind of expression.

'Yes, she was so fine that she even fought with men.' Jason replied inside his mind.

"Yes. Her fever went down drastically earlier thus she went with us." Jason answered.

Felix opened his mouth wanting to say something but he closed it the moment he was about to blurt it out.

He casted a glimpse to her and looked away.

"Is there anything you'd like to say, Your highness?" Jason questioned him.

Felix waved his hand in front of him. He then neared to them only to hear a statement—

"Then, were you trying to... get my husband's attention?" Istel voice rang in his ear.

"You misunderstood Third Princess, I won't do such vulgar thing." Nilet soon replied.

"I see. Thanks for clearing that to me." Istel then turned her back to her then bowed at Felix.

"Your Highnesses, I won't disturb you anymore. We will go down first. Then.." With a polite smile she went to Jason's side and hit him.

When he saw that they had physical contact, he felt a surge of madness took over his calm demeanour.

As soon as they disappeared from their sight, Nilet showed him a sweet smile.

He touched the railings and recalled the two as they were busy talking with each other. They were talking to each other, yes, they were and it was so lively! He couldn't help but to grit his teeth in madness.

How dare that Jason had a physical contact with his wife?!

Nilet asked him several questions which he just replied with 'Ah.', 'Alright.', 'Maybe.', 'Yes.', 'Mm..', 'I see.' He couldn't focus on what's she's saying because his attention wasn't focus to her. It went off to North Pole... (fre-ee—zi-zing h--he-her-here-here..)

Downstairs, William locked the door of the two girls thinking Istel had the other key in her hand.

Jason waved bye to her when they arrived in their respective rooms. She smiled to him with a nod.

She looked at the door then turned the knob. However, it won't open. She frowned and tried it again.

No offense, she tried it several times yet it didn't open. She touched her pocket and found out that the key isn't with her, including her phone....

'What would I do?' She asked in her mind. She tried again but the door won't open. She was trying this like 10009 times already... who locked this darn, annoying, door?!!!!

They knew she doesn't have the key yet she/he locked the door?! Who did that?!!!

She was helpless to know that she doesn't have choice but to rent a new room.

For the last time, she turned the knob again and—

"Argh! Who the hell locked this?!" She madly said.

How could JinJin left her outside?! And William! He should've asked me if I had the key!!! Or alternate!! Argg!

She walked back and forth when a voice spoke.

"It won't open?"