
After I Took Off My Tiara

"H3K! We need all your presence here!" It was only like that. A life of an spy, uncertain of what might happen every second of her life. It was as if being alive isn't given to her. A work she doesn't even know why did she take? However, as if fated, her superior who died with a gun was a maze. Without any clear evidence, pure guesses and intellect was all she could rely on. She knew that her life was in danger every minute, but... She didn't know that her life would be upside down in order to know who was the killer of Lino An aka Luyang An. A forced marriage with the Third Prince of the country. What can she expect? She promised that she wouldn't ever fall in love, but why does he kept swaying her heart? "I like you, Istel." The Third Prince has come to like her. But can they be together when she's a spy? A spy that might get killed in an instant. And being the Third Princess even made her life swirling around in pure unknown and hurdles. 'No, in the end you'll know that this marriage isn't for us.' She tried to push him away, but can she? === AUTHOR'S NOTE: Check out my other two books here! MASKS TO UNVEIL! - COMPLETED LATER IN YEARS OF TIME - ONGOING

LiLiNa · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
190 Chs

Chapter 17

Their room were just beside each other. It is great that they were just beside each other, that way, they can talk freely and easily.

The both of the girls were done washing their body when the two man knocked on their room.


JinJin lifted her brow when she heard the noise. She stood up then welcomed them.

"You washed?" William sked JinJin. She then just nodded then locked the door.

Jason looked at them. The way William asked her was like a husband asking his wife. Wow... maybe they are already to the next level.

But of course, they need to risk marriage first before going any further than that.

They sat on the couch as they wait for Istel. JinJin placed some cup of water on the table. "Have some water." She said then sat on the opposite direction of Jason.

Istel stood up and went outside her room. "Everyone's here? Already?" She said. Her voice was like tired but she had to feel more tired.

Jason looked at her. "Yes, we're here." He rested his arms onto the back of the couch while looking at Istel.

William leaned his head on the back of cushion as he looked at the ceiling. Jason patted his shoulder which he was startled and looked at him.

"Are you tired?" Jason asked while a smile was plastered on his face. William straightened his posture.

"Just... a bit..." He said then shook his head to remove the sleepiness he felt.

Jason patted him again. "Don't worry. We'll catch the thief sooner."

William slightly smiled. "I hope so. So everyone can rest too." He said seemingly wanted to plopped on the bed anytime now.

Istel glanced to them. She clapped her hands which made them startled then stared at her.

Jason gulped. "What?? What do you plan to do?" He linked his arms as he was asking her.

Istel blinked then wetted her lips, clicked her tongue then sat beside JinJin. "... We forgot something.."

The three looked at her. "What do you mean?" JinJin asked with a frown.

Istel narrowed her eyes. "Who am I again?"

William wrinkled his brows. "... You are.. Istel Red Grey—I meant... Istel Red Lim.." He slowly said tilting his head.

Jason looked down then looked up when he realized something. "Are you trying to use your power as a Third Princess?"

Istel smiled to him as she clapped for one time then pointed at him. "You got that right."

JinJin clasped her hands. "So you're gonna go inside Felix's room? But... what do you mean about the word 'Use'? That sounded like abusing..." She tsked then shook her head.

Istel raised her brows. "Yes that's right."

JinJin mysteriously smiled to her. "Are you just gonna visit... or more than that..?" She smiled thinking wildly, and she even emphasised the word, 'More than that.'

Istel rolled her eyes then slightly hit JinJin's arms. "Stop those indecent thinking!!"

Istel looked at the two man whose now laughing and hitting the couch. They were thinking some bad stuffs which she never imagined of.

Istel pointed her index finger to them. "Stop! Stop thinking!!"

Then the rest even laughed more crazily.

JinJin wiped her tears. "Istel... you... you.. Haha... Don't be shy around us! We'll know it eventually! Hahaha!" She said as she kept hitting Istel's back.

Istel looked at her with that look 'I will kill you.'

She stood up and glanced at Jason. "Follow me." Jason nodded then looked back at the two. He smiled to them then looked away.

JinJin and William now were alone inside the room.

William scratched his hair, "... You tired??" He asked uncertain.

JinJin linked her hands. "Well, just like you." She looked around and found that the two of them were awkward. This is the first time this kind of feeling had happened.

"It's been a while since we started our relationship, right? For how many—" JinJin said as she counted when William cut her.

"Seven months." He simply said.

JinJin's mouth was shaped 'O' when she realized that what she's about to say was definitely the wrong answer.

William stood up then sat beside her. He smacked her as soon as he sat down. She looked at him with anger.

"Stop! You're messing my bangs ehh." She then tidied up her bangs.

He looked at her. "What? What do you want?" Jinjin spouted when she noticed his stare.

"Nothing. Why do you care about your bangs that much?" He asked a bit of confused.

"Oh.. well, my bangs is my virtue." She said confidently.

"Virtue?? Does that mean your bangs were a lot important to you than I am?" He muttered handsomely.

JinJin lifted her brows. This spoiled brat has taken away the cool aura of William. "Why are you complaining?" She said standing up.

"Then... it's true. Hmph!" William pouted.

JinJin looked back at him couldn't believe what just happened. She neared to him then touched his forehead. "You sure you don't have any fever? Because you acted like you are. Yah know?" She asked looking at his pouting face.

"And that.. why are you pouting? That doesn't seem like you—No! It's not like you!" She continued then sat beside him, her hand still on his forehead.

William looked at her. "Are you going to make me feel embarrassed?" His voice suddenly changed to his normal voice.

JinJin laughed at him. "Whatever you say, hahaha."

"Aish! I did that to look cute and you are laughing at me... Aiya! You're annoying!" he said whining. Jinjin laughed at him.

She pointed him, "Try doing that in front of Istel and Jason. Haha."

"No. I won't. I just want to show that to you, not to them."

And JinJin was left speechless. 'Was that... supposed to be... a... like... confession..??'


Istel held the railings as she looked over the floor below.

"It's windy here." She said.

"Here a jacket." Jason gave her the jacket then stood beside her. "Why did you called me here?" He said looking at her side profile.

She looked at him. "Oh, well... about... Uncle Lino. I was here to tell you that." She said straightening her poise.

Jason waved his hands implying there's no need for that.

"Uncle Lino. Hmm.. his case was truly a puzzle, but I hope you can solve it." He said inhaling.

Istel nodded. "By the way, how are you these days? I mean... past months. You've been away for a long time." Her voice was half scolding and half worried.

Jason chuckled. "My past months were good! Especially because my boss was there." He boasted.

She lifted a brow. "Boss... tch. Oh also, two weeks from now, there will be dance competition which I really don't like. Can you watch us?"

Jason frowned. "Dance?? Same as Spy Corp.?"

"No, dumb."

"Wow.. dumb. Big word ha." He giggled.

"Now, enough for all of that. I said to follow me here because of Felix." She sais seriously.

"What do you mean?" His voice changed to sullen one.

"He's here in Paris and because we were in one hotel, I am very certain he'll see us. Besides, because I am planning to visit his room." Her hair fluttered as she said her part.

Jason hummed in agreement.

"I wanted to use, JinJin and William."

"Alright... what?! Use you mean..?"

She looked at him helplessly. "I will lure Felix to believe that we're here because of the two upcoming wedding."

Jason pointed her. "You should ask the two about that."

Istel shook her head. "I am here to tell you in case Felix asked me, but of course he will. I am telling you that if you accept that kind of genre!" She shouted not mad but emphasising.

Jason nodded. "Yes, besides... the two looked like going to be wed sooner or later. I am certain they won't say No, also.. if they would, what would be the reaction of the other party?" He said nodding to his question. It made sense actually.

"Mmm... I am doing my best so that we won't get captured in our secret investigation."

"Lower your voice, Istel. Someone might hear us." He said calming her down.

"Just kill em if they heard it. Going back to the topic, they won't decline, right?" She looked directly to his eyes.

Jason nodded calmly. "As what I said, if either of them said 'No', what would be the reaction of the other party?"

"I meant, if they would find it... baseless or.... like..."

Jason patted her. "You worry so much. They will say Yes, and that would also help their relationship to be stronger. Trust me. Speaking of, how about you and Felix?"

Istel looked away. "Somehow, why would the topic turned to Felix? I always wondered why. We can talk about JinJin with William, but why does it kept circling to Felix, right?" She then looked at him again.

Jason shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe because, his aura were just too strong that we can't forget about it?"

Istel breathed. "Actually, just like some... forced marriage out there. Our story was so clichéd to be honest."

"Just like forced marriage... Those marriage were like eventually falling in love to each other." Jason said.

"Then... we're different. He and me doesn't suit to each other. We're like... Sun and Moon."

"Don't worry Istel... the two of you will eventually find your way." He patted her which she returned with a smile.