
After I Died I Became A Glorified Mom

Annabelle saw what she shouldn't have laid eyes on and she paid the price dearly with her life. Time passed and she was reborn but this time, she became a mom to twin boys. Their father is an untouchable cold fish, but why does he come to her room every night? This dog food is too much for this virgin.

AriaKang · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

I'm So Stupid

Annabelle climbed the stairs of the apartment complex that led to the units on the second floor. Annabelle came to a dead stop in front of the door that was marked, '205.' Annabelle unzipped her crossbody bag and pulled out a set of keys to insert into the keyhole.

There was a click and Annabelle turned the doorknob, there was a dull creak and the door swung up. Annabelle flipped the switch by the door and in an instant a bright light illuminated the interior of her apartment unit.

"What's for dinner?"

Annabelle took off the bag that was across her chest to place it on the outer kitchen countertop. Annabelle kicked the pink sneakers from her legs and bent to lay them neatly on the foot mat.

Annabelle entered the kitchen and reached for the faucet and soap to wash the day's dirt off by applying lather and rinsing the suds with the running water. Annabelle wiped her wet hands with a napkin by the kitchen stand.

Annabelle searched her small pantry and laid out the ingredients on the countertop, "I'm too tired to think straight, let's go with something simple. Maybe some spaghetti and meatballs."

Pasta sticks, a bright orange tomato, one chili pepper, a bottle of olive oil, prepackaged pasta seasoning, two strands of garlic, spinach, and a frozen bag of meatballs.

Annabelle reached for a non-stick pot that was hanging from a rail and chopping board. One by one she diced the garlic, tomato, pepper, and spinach using the knife from the dishrack.

Annabelle broke the pasta sticks in half and rinsed them under lukewarm water. Annabelle filled the pot with water, she placed the ingredients that were on the chopping board into the pot together with the pasta sticks. Annabelle added a cap of olive oil, seasoning, and some meatballs into the pot.

Annabelle turned the knob on the gas cooker and placed the pot with its lid on one of the gas burners. Annabelle set the heat to medium, and prepared to clean up.


Around 30 minutes later there was a strong fragrant smell. Annabelle opened the lid and saw that the pasta was well cooked and ready to be served. Annabelle pulled out a glass plate and pasta spatula from the dishrack.

Annabelle served the pasta and meatballs on a plate using the spatula. Annabelle reached for a fork to place it on her plate. Annabelle's stomach gave a loud growl, and she laughingly said, "Yes, yes. It's time to eat. I know!"

Annabelle reheated her coffee, she poured a kettle of dark steaming liquid into a ceramic mug. Annabelle placed the plate of pasta with meatballs and a coffee cup on a tray.

Annabelle held the tray with both hands and walked to the Tv room. On entering, Annabelle set the tray down to pick up the Tv remote to turn the screen on. The black screen came to live to reveal a meteorologist reporter.

"There will be heavy rainfall during the night starting at 8 and this will last until 10 in the morning. You are advised to take an umbrella or raincoat when going out. Thunderstorms are predicted…."

Annabelle suddenly remembered that she had left her only umbrella at the bakery store. As the memory of her leaving the umbrella appeared, Annabelle gasped, "I can't believe I left my umbrella at work? I'm so stupid!"