
After I Died I Became A Glorified Mom

Annabelle saw what she shouldn't have laid eyes on and she paid the price dearly with her life. Time passed and she was reborn but this time, she became a mom to twin boys. Their father is an untouchable cold fish, but why does he come to her room every night? This dog food is too much for this virgin.

AriaKang · Urban
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4 Chs

The Goods Are Dropping At Midnight

Annabelle retraced her steps to the bakery store. 10 minutes later she stood in front of a building with a sign board that read, 'Marigold Bakery.'

Annabelle dug into her bag to pull out her cellphone; a swipe at the screen revealed different icons. Annabelle tapped at the flashlight on her phone. Seconds later a bright white light shone from the back of the phone.

Annabelle saw the tiny red light by the security pad and she entered the passcode to unlock the door to the bakery.

The interior of the bakery was pitch black but this soon changed when the flashlight from Annabelle's phone illuminated the arena.

"Thankfully the owner trusts me to lock up after closing hours. It's going to be awkward if I had to run into him and have to explain why I'm at the store at this time of the day."

Annabelle walked to the side entrance of the store that led to the locker room at the back. Annabelle passed by a door that was marked, 'General Manager.' Annabelle saw a faint light that filtered through the top of the door.

"The goods are dropping at midnight," came a deep resonating voice.

"Did you make sure that there is no one left behind?"

The voice that questioned held a hint of doubt in them.

Annabelle heard the voices coming from within and muttered, "Just my luck to run into the owner. I'll have to hurry into the locker room and get my umbrella before he and the person he is discussing with, notice that I'm here."

Annabelle gently turned the door that led to the locker room. On getting in, Annabelle walked straight to the locker that read, 'Annabelle Duras' and unlocked the door by entering the locker combination.


There came a click and Annabelle pulled at the handle of the locker and the door swung wide. The interior held sparse keepsakes; at the back of the locker door housed a small mirror.

Annabelle saw the petite portable pink umbrella resting against the back of the locker and she reached to pick it.

Annabelle placed the umbrella inside her bag and carefully shut the locker door. There came a sound of rumbling thunder.

"Is it 8 already?" Annabelle tapped at the phone screen and the clock read, '7:50 PM.'

Annabelle pressed the weather icon on her phone and saw the symbols that indicated thunder and light rain.

"Oof! Almost scared me there. I thought that it was starting to pour."

Annabelle's transient discomfort was easily erased when she saw that she was not in danger of getting soaked.

Annabelle shut the door behind her, Annabelle came to a halt when she saw a familiar face coming out of the door that she earlier passed by.

"Bella, what are you still doing here so late during the day?"

The voice sent a chill down Annabelle, mustering up courage Annabelle said, "I'm sorry to have intruded this late. I forgot my umbrella and I came back to get it…."

Annabelle froze on the spot when she saw a long pistol pointing towards her. The end was covered in a special casing which she could tell from watching so many action movies that it was a pistol that came with a silencer.

"I'm sorry Bella, but I can't have you ruining the business that I've worked so hard for."