
A Shinobi on the High Seas! (One piece x Naruto)

Uzumaki Naruto after Akatsuki's attack on Gaara, the container of the sand spirit Shukaku, the village decides to hide Naruto from the Akatzuki since they cannot lose their only Jinchūriki, which Naruto is warned of the decision of Tsunade the Fifth Hokage of the village and the clan leaders along with the respected elders of the village. Naruto was about to protest but he is subjected to a trap in which he is completely immobilized and it is immediately explained to him what will happen to him and where he would go. Naruto, horrified that they are forcing him to leave his home, tries to destroy the trap in which he was but he was quickly subdued by Yamato and without further delay Naruto was prepared to take him to the place where he would probably spend the rest of his life. A plan where he is involved in hiding Naruto, Inoichi Yamanaka with his mind ability and Kakashi Hatake with his sharingan, so that Naruto does not try to return in any way, both devastated by what they did to Naruto but it was for the best. for everyone and especially for him or at least that's what they thought. What will be Naruto's fate in this new place where he is supposed to be safer. (NOTE: THE STORY IS NOT MINE, I'M ONLY TRANSLATING IT FOR ME TO READ LATER IN ENGLISH, IF YOU WANT TO SUPPORT THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR, GO TO: https://www.wattpad.com/story/193099730-%C2%A1un-shinobi-en-altos-mares-one-piece-x-naruto KEEP IN MIND THAT THE FAN-FIC WAS ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN SPANISH!!!!!)

ZackDKaizo · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter. 2 New World

A 20-year-old girl with short light purple hair, wearing a yellow top and jeans. She is covered in wave-shaped tattoos that run down her right arm and spread across her chest.

Her name is Nojiko, she was walking worried about her sister Nami, with short hair like her but orange with a thin complexion like her, she had been away from the town where they had grown up together, Cocoyasi Village, for a long time. Since she knew her secret that she works with someone horrible and despicable to save the townspeople.

Nojiko could only sigh at the wave of memories of her painful childhood days. She looked up to continue exploring the beach when in the distance she managed to see an orange spot on the coast. When she sharpened her vision and realized that it was a person. Fearing the worst, she ran in her direction, took a couple of minutes to get there and found a person face down in the sand.

Nojiko had to check if she was still alive, she turned her around to give him a better view, his clothes were strange to Nojiko.

He was wearing a thick vest with most of the front bright orange with black sleeves that reached to his neck and down the zipper and on the back had a red swirl logo, he wore matching orange pants and had a weird little backpack on his right leg with some strange thick sandals, when looking at his face he realized that it was a boy with blonde hair and strange scars on his cheeks, three small cuts on each part of his cheek similar to the whiskers of a cat or fox.

After inspecting him, Nojiko realized that fortunately the young man has a pulse, she immediately set about using RCP techniques to make him cough the water out of his lungs. After a few seconds, the young man began to spit out the water from his lungs and gasped for oxygen, he opened his eyes and looked at the person who saved his life but fell unconscious seconds later.

Although the boy opened his eyes for a moment, Nojiko managed to see his blue eyes as deep as the ocean, she considered them beautiful, but it seemed strange to her that the young man had such eyes since her late mother had explained to her that blue eyes like the ocean are quite rare.

Without further ado, Nojiko took the young man, who does not seem to be more than 16 years old, to his house secretly, since certain pirates were roaming around the island.

After 15 minutes she managed to reach his house without being detected. Her house is small with a tangerine orchard around it, Nojiko puts the young man on his bed and takes off his vest, which to his surprise weighs about 20 kg, adding the water that made the clothes weight more.

Under the vest was a strange mesh-shaped shirt, so she simply dried it as best she could. She also noticed a beautiful necklace with a luminous green stone, which she placed next to a table.

Nojiko began to check on the young man and was concerned about the fact that he was getting a fever, probably from being wet for so long. Nojiko took a cloth, wet it, and put it on her forehead.

She carefully made him consume carefully fever medicine so that he would not suffocate. Nojiko was grateful for the fact that 3 days ago the "bastard" had charged the locals, otherwise he would not be able to secure the young man.

She looked at the boy's vest and began to inspect it to see what the boy's identity was or something else, she saw that there was nothing in the two front pockets and the inner ones were strangely dry.

Only the top of his collar was wet but the rest of the inside of the vest was dry. There were two scrolls with strange writings that she could not open, curiously they also had the same symbol that was on the back of the young man's vest, that made her think that he was part of some pirate group.

Also, inside one of the pockets of his vest was a piece of paper that oddly enough, wasn't wet at all, the paper has a single sentence; "You are Uzumaki Naruto".

Nojiko wondered if that was the boy's name, but she didn't want to jump to conclusions so she left the matter at that. He placed the paper on the table and hung the vest outside to dry, then checked the strange backpack that was tied to his leg. When he opened it, he found some strange knives with a ring at the end of the handle and the blades were diamond-shaped.

It also had about 20 strange star-shaped weapons that were as sharp as knives, Nojiko inferred that they were throwing weapons and finally there were small black balls accompanied by some papers with red frames and strange letters along with an extremely thin and resistant wire.

At this point, Nojiko was really confused about the young man's identity so she simply sighed and left him on the bed to rest.

[A week later]

It had been a whole week since Nojiko brought the boy in and, frankly, he was starting to worry as the young man showed no signs of waking up, his fever had gone and he was better than before, but his condition was still far from excellent.

He would sometimes move so violently that it was Nojiko's turn to pick him up and put him back on the bed, to make matters worse, there were only a few weeks left until the next monthly payment.

She had his money but she had nothing for the boy, and if he doesn't wake up soon, she won't be able to hide him well either.

Again, she just sighed at the problem, she only wanted to worry about her and the natives of the island but, just like her late mother did with her and her sister, she couldn't abandon someone to certain death.

One day, loud screams were heard from the room where the young man was sleeping. Nojiko ran to see what was wrong with her guest.

When she entered, she saw how the boy was sitting on the bed, but instead of having an expression of confusion or fear, she had an expression of total ignorance. It was like he didn't know what was going on at all.

The young man turns to see her and begins to speak.

Unknown (Fearful and Confused): Hello ah.... Excuse me, could you tell me who you are?

Nojiko (Confused by the young man's reaction): Hello, my name is Nojiko, and I am the person who saved you from drowning when I found you on the coast.

Unknown (Totally confused): Drown? (He starts thinking) I do remember falling into the ocean, but nothing more.

Nojiko: 'Fall? Was he on a passing ship during that storm?' (Stops thinking) I found you on the shore of this humble island, we are currently in one of the towns here, Cocoyasi Village. By the way, what is your name?

Unknown (Confused): I don't know. I don't remember anything clearly.

Nojiko: Heh...? Don't you remember?

Unknown (Embarrassed): Um... I'm not sorry, I don't really remember what my name is, in fact, I don't remember anything. I don't even know what I'm doing in the ocean or what I'm doing here, I was hoping you would tell me something since I don't know anything about what's going on here.

Nojiko was left thinking about the situation of his guest. On the one hand, the person did not have any injuries that would indicate that he lost his memory due to a blow, his belongings had strange letters on them, and furthermore, she never heard anything about the navy developing a memory erasing machines.

Although it is true that there are hypnotists and devil fruits with the ability to alter or change a person's memory, Nojiko decided to rule it out, believing it to be very unlikely.

Nojiko took the paper with the boy's name and belongings and gave them to him.

Nojiko (Serious and showing the paper next to the young man's belongings): Look, in the orange vest that you were wearing there were these two scrolls, this crystal necklace and this paper with a name on it, could it be your name?

Next, she gives him the scrolls, the necklace and the paper that had the phrase "You are Uzumaki Naruto", which the young man read strangely because it made no sense that he had a written paper pointing to himself.

Then he looked at the scrolls that had a red swirl-shaped logo on the surface that looked extremely familiar but he didn't remember what it was or where it was from. He looked at the necklace and instinctively felt that he had to protect it with his life, since apparently it was something very important to him.

Nojiko (Serious and attentive): That logo is also on the back of your vest. You could belong to some type of pirate organization or group.

Naruto (Confused): I don't really know, the logo certainly looks familiar to me but I don't remember where it is from or anything related to it, besides, it looks more like the logo of a clan or family.

Nojiko (Thoughtful and nodded): And what about the note with your name? Did you write it so you don't forget it?

Naruto (Sighs totally confused): I don't think so. Although I don't know anything like where I come from, family or friends, I have not forgotten something as fundamental as writing or reading, and although I have not seen my own handwriting yet, I know that this is not mine.

Nojiko: How about this necklace? Giving an estimate based on its appearance I would say that it could cost 500 thousand berries.

Naruto (Thoughtful and analyzing it): This feels different, it gives me the feeling that it is something really important to me, as if someone I really appreciate gave it to me with all the trust in the world but it bothers me not knowing who. (Puts on the necklace and sighs) Anyway, it's not worth getting worked up over something I can't remember anyway, so I'll just accept this name as my own, I mean, it must mean something if it was on my clothes next to the scrolls, right?

Nojiko (Nods): You're probably some kind of soldier or warrior, since you had these weapons and items I don't know about in this backpack.

Nojiko goes to one of the cabinets that was in one of the furniture in the room and takes out said backpack.

Naruto (Analyzing the backpack): I remember what a weapon holder is but I don't remember where I got them or who gave them to me (He quickly takes out one of each thing) This type of knife is called a kunai, it is used both to defend yourself hand-to-hand or throwing them are really sharp and are as hard as a dough, these small cross-shaped blades are a shuriken, they are throwing weapons that with practice can take on spinning effects, that is, they can change their direction when throwing them, these small spheres are bombs. smoke is thrown to the ground and causes a screen of smoke, this paper with the seal on it, in addition to having this red frame, is a paper bomb, despite its size, they are so powerful that they could easily destroy this room and they can adhere to any surface except for water and lastly it is a special wire with which traps can be prepared to throw the aforementioned weapons and detonate paper bombs from a distance in addition to other types of trap with any other material.

Nojiko (Is amazed by the detailed explanation of the objects and now she was a little upset): incredible, but... aren't you supposed to have lost your memory?

Naruto (Tired and Confused): I really don't know, I lost my memory, but halfway, I don't remember anything about where I lived, what I liked, if I had friends or family, really nothing about it, but I identify these objects because I feel as if they were an extension of my body, as if it were a part of me.

Nojiko was somewhat confused but since sincerity was seen in the boy's gaze and since he did not hesitate when telling the truth to her and he did not change direction of his eyes, so she quickly thought that his memory loss has nothing to do with his abilities but rather with his person. That's why he couldn't remember his name despite the detailed description of the weapons, so she sighs and nods at Naruto's explanation.

Nojiko (Serious): Very good, and now what are you going to do?

Naruto (He thinks about it for a few moments and immediately He got out of bed slowly because he was still dazed and bowed in an exaggerated way): Thank you very much Nojiko-san for saving my life and taking care of me all this time I can't thank you enough but right now I don't know what to do or where to go I ask you if, as a way of gratitude, I will work for you in whatever you need.

Nojiko was gullible at the boy's way of thanking but she was surprised by the prefix of his name "san" so she wanted to ask him but she knew she couldn't answer him due to her lack of memory so she put it aside and thought about the Naruto's proposal, she thought about what could be useful but since she didn't know him, she wanted to know what things he remembered that were more reflective, like his prefix in his name, plus she had to deal with the issue of pirates on this island but for It seems the boy knows how to defend himself.

Nojiko: (thinking) Mm.... How much do you remember?

Naruto listens to the question and starts to think about what he remembers about himself and what he could do. He stayed for a couple of minutes thinking and instinctively looked at the wall and reflexively walked towards it until he was a meter away and finally pure nature put one foot on it which annoyed Nojiko a lot because it was dirtying the walls but before she could say anything Naruto put the next one on the wall and as if it were magic Naruto was walking along the wall and then the ceiling until his face is down looking Nojiko.

Nojiko (shock): You... you... you.... YOU'RE WALKING THROUGH WALLS!

Nojiko was impressed by what Naruto was doing and wondered what kind of weirdo he was or if he was human and automatically remembered the devil fruits and wondered if Naruto, due to his actions, was a user of this mythological fruit but she quickly rejected the idea since if he was an user, she would've never have found it on the coast since a devil fruit user would instantly sink to the bottom of the ocean.

Naruto (smiling): Apparently, I have the ability to adhere to any surface, I also remember how to use the Tools in the shuriken holder and also many methods of survival, camouflage and close and long-range combat, so I could perfectly be your bodyguard or hunt animals for their meat and skins (Thinking) or that I think....

He remembers something and then smiles wider, he comes down from the ceiling and falls to the ground standing up and immediately puts his hands in a strange pose in the shape of a cross.

[Shadow Clone jutsu]

And after those words in a puff of smoke another 4 Narutos came out, placing 2 on each side of the original,

Nojiko's eyes rolled back as she couldn't believe what she was seeing, however, she was looking perfectly at 5 Narutos, so she immediately approached one on the left and began to examine it to see that it was real and consequently She began to touch him and was shocked to see that she could touch him and immediately began to touch the others with the same result.


Naruto (Happy at Nojiko's reaction): Apparently yes, I am Uzumaki Naruto DATTEBAYO! (Accepting that what the piece of paper said was really his name)

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