
Chapter 10 Plans

Takeo: please don't use any power Rai😟

Rai: .......😔

Frankenstein: well I guess we are staying so Tao shall we get to the planing😤

Tao: ooh ya first we need to find a way to get the villagers to a safe place before the upcoming battle😅

M21: hmm why don't we just use Tao ?😕

Tao: ....😨

Frankenstein: .....😒

Takeo: ...😳

Lilly: do you mean use him as bait ?😧

M21: well yeah basically that's what I was thinking😏

Takeo: M21 how could you just sacrifice Tao like that?😵

Frankenstein: .... Your so cold I thought you were a team?😏

Tao: .... M21 did I make you mad at me? 😱 If so I'm sorry😫

M21: it's not like that you guys I'm not saying to sacrifice anyone I'm saying we should use Tao sinse we have been here Tao's name has something to do with a God here right ??😓

Lilly: that's true I think I know what you are getting at now and it might work

Takeo: .... Ooh ok😉

Frankenstein: a God hmm it might work but the thing is Tao would have to act the part?? 😒

Everyone looked at Tao and seemed to understand what Frankenstein was saying Tao would have to act like a God and they didn't know if he could

Tao: come on guys I can act like a God if that's what you want😅😅

Zarra: he will be fine😔

M21: What makes you so confident ? You don't even know him that well 😡

Zander: hey don't talk to her like that😠

Zarra: Zander stop I don't know Tao very well but your forgetting something our God Tao has been gone for a long time and when he was here he didn't mingle with us very much he just protected us and punished any wrong doings he stayed hidden away watching us from afar if someone did a wrong he would electrocute them with out even showing himself there were a few times he came in person when giving his blessings to future leaders ones who bonded with the Dragons even if someone who has seen our God Tao were here right now I can say without a doubt that they would not know the difference between Tao here and our God they look almost exactly alike and even use the same power although Tao here has a different strange darkness to his power but nevertheless it is still the same😔

Takeo: you mean this Tao God blessed me as a baby?😲 And how can you be so sure that nobody will notice ?😟

Zarra: yes as I recall correctly you were the last one to be blessed by him and I know because I have met our God in person I was the Vocaloid that was assigned to help the God with anything he needed and I believe that he could be our God so you don't need to worry about anyone in this world not believing😔

Tao: hmm Zarra I'm flattered you think I'm this God of yours but I'm not you do know that right?😳

Zarra: I know that if you were your normal self you would remember everything that happened seeing you don't remember something must have made you forget but nonetheless I believe you are our God and nothing will change my mind😔

Tao: ...😰

Lilly: well how do you think we should use Tao? I mean the villagers are not going to just fall for anything😕

Takeo: your right we are going to have to show Tao's power somehow then get them to go to where he is in order for this to work😏

Anna: well there is a alter that the villagers use to go and pray to the God if he shows his power I'm sure we can convince them to go pray to him 🙏

Lilly: Anna that may be true but how can we make sure that they stay there 😒

Anna: hmm well I guess Tao would have to be there 😔

Tao: umm even if I was there your asking me to hold the whole village in one place by myself?? 😕

Frankenstein: ooh come on Tao your good at entertainment 😈😈😈

Tao: ....😰😓

Sasha: just ask them to do something for you they should be happy to do it😉

Tao: o okay I'll try that 😅

M21: come on Tao your good at entertainment like boss said you entertain the kids back home😏

Tao: M21 I think you are mad at me for some reason😳

M21: no I'm not what makes you think that😏

Tao: .....😒

Frankenstein: M21 is right why so nervous Tao you should be able to handle what a few hundred at the most villagers keeping them busy for a little bit while we take care of this problem it's not like you won't be involved you know that don't you ... right 😊

Tao: ..... 😰

Frankenstein: ... RIGHT...😈😈😈

Tao: uh yeah that's right boss just leave it to me hehehe 😅😅😅

Takeo: ....😓

M21: ...😓

Frankenstein: good now that we are starting to get a bit of a plan Takeo have that Pet of yours open a portal to my house😒

Takeo: umm ok but why?? 😥

Taush: grr why does he have to call me your Pet I don't like it

Frankenstein: well because I think we should at least let the others know what is going on

Takeo: ( Taush I will speak with him later about this ok ) your not going to ask them to come help are you because I don't want to get them involved I feel bad getting you all involved already 😞

Frankenstein: Takeo I just want to explain everything to them and they can make their own choices ok😕

Takeo: can't we just not tell them 😣

Frankenstein: ....😟 why would you not want to tell them?

Takeo: .......😞

Rai: it's because he knows their choice 😔 ... Takeo it is their right to choose you are family to us all just like you we will help and protect our Family until our last breath put yourself in the others shoes if one of them were here you would want to be able to have the choice yourself would you not?

Takeo: ..... Your right Sir Raizel I'm sorry😞

Rai: there is nothing to be sorry for😔

Takeo: ... Taush Open a Portal to Frankenstein house now 😐

Taush: yes Master

Taush turned his head to the left he then let out a low key fire and it swirled in to a portal with everyone starring at it M21 stood up grumbling something under his breath he then went to the portal and walked through it everyone was starring at the portal with confused looks on their faces none of them understood why M21 did that Its not like anyone asked him to do that about then M21 came back through and said it's ok it didn't burn me

Everyone: .........😕

M21: What????

Frankenstein: ok I will go tell them and let them make their choice then I'll be back how long can this portal stay open ?

Takeo: um I'm not sure??

Lilly: as long as Takeo and Taush stay here it will stay open until Takeo orders Taush to close it 😒

Frankenstein: ooh good then I'll be right back

Frankenstein went through the Portal he found himself standing in his living room he look to the kitchen and there stood the 4 Nobles with confused looks he then started to explain everything to them

Meanwhile M21 said I'll be right back I'm going to go grab some of Frankenstein cookies and disappeared into the portal Tao said I should go grab a few thing I'll need he to disappeared into the portal Takeo looked at Rai they were the only ones left other then his sister's and Sasha Zarra and Zander went with Tao

Takeo: did you need anything from the house Sir Rai?

Rai: ...😔

Takeo: .....

M21 came back through the Portal he walked over to Rai and sat a tray in front of him it had a cup of tea a small plate of cookies and a bowl of Ramen Rai looked at it and picked up the tea and sipped it then M21 walked to Takeo handed him a baggy full of cookies he then ran back through the Portal a few minutes passed then he came back through with Takeo's gun case in hand he looked at Takeo and said i thought you might want this Takeo smiled about then Tao , Zarra and Zander came back through with their hands full of stuff from Tao's computer room finally Frankenstein walked back through and right behind him came Regis , Seira, and Rael

Takeo: ...😟

Frankenstein: Takeo it was their choice they know very well how dangerous thing could get Karias stayed behind to keep an eye on things there he also will be sending word to the Lord on this matter he did say if we really need him don't hesitate to open that portal of yours again and he will come help ok I really doubt we will need his help 😈

Takeo: thanks guys 😞

Seira: ...😔

Regis: don't mention it you would have come help me if I were in this situation 😏

Rael: phft Thank us after this is all over😤

Takeo: hmm.....😊

Frankenstein and Tao both started working out a plan they assigned passions to everyone Tao had Zarra and Zander go put out a few motion detectors around the outskirts of the village he also had them leave a few traps things started to come together quite fast Sasha,Anna and Lilly called for their contractors to come so everyone could meet them and they could get everyone's sent so they would not accidentally attack each other Takeo made Taush turn into his full Dragon form so everyone could see him and know what he looked like they all settled down that night planning out the last few details for the battle that they thought would start tomorrow evening Anna and Sasha with the help of Seira made a feast for everyone that night Takeo was out showing Lilly a few thing with his guns Tao was setting talking with Zarra about anything he may need to know about this God of theirs of course Rael stayed close to Seira while Regis cleaned up after dinner Frankenstein made tea for his Master and M21 napped on the couch everything seemed to be calm but there was a nervous energy in the air from everyone as they all knew soon enough they would be in a fight for their lives they didn't know how strong the enemy was so it made them nervous.

A.N. : thanks for reading everyone Takeo's story will soon wrap up but the story will continue on in another Fanfic my Niece and I are doing called

A new life A Noblesse story

I don't know if you all are up to date with Noblesse but just for those of you who are our Fanfics are more of a alternate ending because Noblesse will live on in our hearts and minds so we wanted to share our fanfics with all you big time Fans my Niece and I have so many ideas for our fanfics but if any of our Readers have any thoughts please leave a message in the comments and I will run it by my Niece and if we decide to use it we will let you know take into consideration my Niece is 13 years old so I would like to keep thing G 😁

Thanks again everyone