
Chapter 11 A God

It was early in the morning after getting a few things set up Tao ,Zarra and Zander set out to their set location the alter that the villagers use to pray at it was in Takeo's Forrest M21 and Rael were both stationed at the entrance of the Forrest one on each side while the rest were stationed on the village walls Takeo took a high tower as his station he had a great view from there Taush was in the sky already scouting the area the villagers started to get up as they started doing the normal daily stuff Sasha came in yelling for everyone to come fast she had great news after the whole village came she told them that she seen the God Tao some believed her while others said no way he's been gone for so long Sasha then said no it's true he's in the Forrest by the alter I believe he wants us to pray some started to get worked up others just looked confused Sasha said look I'm telling you the truth he's here if you don't believe then just pray for him to show his power they all looked up it was a clear blue sky one lady stepped forward and prayed saying please our God Tao if you really are here and want us to go pray to you at the alter give us a sign and right then Tao using his power and laptop made a huge bolt of electricity shoot down in the middle of the village everyone froze a few minutes went by Tao whispered to Zarra maybe I should do another one? Finally Sasha yelled what are you doing don't make him mad at that everyone started rushing around and took off to the alter Sasha pushing her ear piece Tao ??

Tao: yes 😊

Sasha: it worked they are on their way to you good luck😉

Tao: hahaha thanks 😅

Frankenstein: don't worry to much Tao I'm sure you have a few back up plans things will work out 😏

Tao: hahaha ya sure boss I have back up plans don't worry😅😅😰

Zarra: you don't have any back up plans do you 😔

Zander: pft figures 😤

Tao: shhhhh I'll think of something😳

Takeo: good luck Tao it looks like they are almost there😉

Tao: thanks Takeo good luck to you too 😅😅

Lilly: Takeo your eye sight is really impressive if you can see that far away😏

Takeo: um well I guess it is quite good😕

Frankenstein: quite good??? I would say it's great after all I was the one who took care of you are you saying my efforts are just Quite Good?? 😈😈😈

Takeo: umm well no it's great ....I didn't mean anything by that..... you did a Awesome job boss ... I can't even repay what you have done for me and Tao ..... Your the best umm at what you do sooo thanks 😰😰😰

Frankenstein: ....... Well I am the best at what I do so I'll let you off the hook 😊

Takeo: ....😥

Lilly: Sasha have you checked the village to make sure everyone went?

Sasha: yes just finished everyone went so far so good

Tao: (whisper) hey guys they are here now 😅

Villagers: look there in that tree it's him it's our God Tao ooh God please come down

The villagers all fell to their knees bowing asking for their God Tao to come down and tell them what he wanted they wanted to know why he came after all this time

Zarra: (whisper) I think it would be better to just go down and talk to them or they might just leave😔

Tao: right 😥

Tao,Zarra and Zander all three jumped down all the villagers bowed down waiting for Tao to say something

Tao: umm .....

The villagers all looked up with excitement in their eyes

Tao: ......😅😅😅

Lilly: Tao just ask them to do something for you anything before they catch on and leave😣

Tao: umm right hahaha Listen to me I your God Tao am back 😅😅😳

Frankenstein: this is what I was worried about 😟

Takeo: Tao pull yourself together I thought you had a few plans 😒

Tao: ooh yes I as your God Tao want you my Faithful people to do something for me😳😳😅😅

All of the Villagers looked at Tao and started to praise him saying we would be honored to do anything for you our God Tao just say it and we shall do it they all bowed down again

Frankenstein: Tao just keep them busy understood😒

Tao: yes um hmm ...😅😅 haha

Villagers: ....😳😳😳😳😳😳😳

Tao: I Want A Feast 😁 ( Tao said this as he spread out his arms wide )

Villagers: yes our God come with us to the village we will make the best Feast ever

Tao: Wait 😅😅

Villagers: .......😳😳😳😳😳😳😳

Tao: I Want A Feast but with only ..... Stuff in the Forrest... Nothing from the Village 😁😁😁

Takeo: oh my I'm not sure if they will fall for that 😥

M21:.... 😓

Frankenstein: ......😒

Villagers: ....... Yes our God anything for you

The villagers all set out to gather stuff from the Forrest

Frankenstein: hmm I guess it worked 😒

Takeo: ya it seems so 😒

Tao: .... It worked 😲 I mean of course it would that was my plan ya 😅😅

Everyone: ........😒😒😒😒😒😒

The villagers working fast some even called for their contractors to come help they made a table and used logs for seats it took the villagers about a hour to get everything done Tao thought to himself man they did that faster than he thought the battle hasn't even began how is he going to keep them busy this is going to be harder than he thought the villagers all stood by after the feast was set they all looked at Tao waiting for him to say something

Tao: come everyone sit with me

Villagers: ooh our God Tao we can't this food was made for you and your favorites please enjoy we will wait until your done

Tao: (whisper) guys I think I need help they expect me to eat all this food by myself😰😰😰

M21: hahaha come on Tao can't you just try to eat it 😂😂

Tao: (whisper) really M21 I would explode if I ate all this I'm not like you a bottomless pit😤

M21: hey now why are you picking on me I'm not that big of a eater 😕

Frankenstein: actually I agree with Tao you do eat quite a lot 😏

M21: I do not 😡

Takeo: I agree too M21 does eat more than the rest of us😕

M21: What you to Takeo😡

Regis: ever since I met you I have noticed you do eat quite a lot 😏

M21: shut up Regis if I do eat more it's because I'm using more energy than you 😡

Regis: What .... Are you calling me weak ? 😠

M21: of course not I'm just saying I use more of my power 😏

Regis: you may use a lot of your powers but I'm stronger than you so I don't have to use my full powers 😤

M21:grrr 😡

Tao: (whisper) hey guys stop fighting and give me a idea the villagers are starring at me😅😅

Villagers: our God Tao is there something wrong with the feast ?😲😲😲😲😲

Frankenstein: come on Tao use your wonderful brain and think of something😏

Tao: No the Feast looks great hahaha 😅😅😅

M21: if it looks that great just start eating Tao 😡

Tao just then got a great idea it might get him in a bit of trouble with Frankenstein but after how M21 has been treating him he couldn't help himself he wanted to get back at M21 for being mean to him it's not like he was thinking of anything to bad hehehe

Tao: the Feast is perfect but I cannot eat until one of my favorites is here with me😇

Villagers: ...... 😲😲😲😲😲😲😲

Frankenstein: Tao what are you doing ? The battle will start here soon you better keep the villagers out of it understood 😈

Tao: (whisper) hahaha yes boss ) Hear me my Faithful people one of your Gods favorites is close by you have met him before he is yay high with gray hair ash gray eyes and a cold expression on his face 😁

M21: I'm going to kill you Tao😡

Tao: he goes by the name M21 now bring him to me😁😁😁😁

At that the villagers left some were saying I seen him by the Forrest entrance let's go hurry

M21: ......😡

Frankenstein: Tao.....😒

Tao: hahaha yes boss 😅😅😅

Frankenstein: What are you doing?😒

Tao: umm well you see M21 sounded hungry and well we all know he is a big eater so I just thought he could help me for a bit 😅😅😅

M21: Frankenstein I can keep the villagers busy 😏

Tao: really M21 you want to help me what's your plan to keep them busy😁

M21: well after killing their God right in front of them I'm sure they would be chasing after me 😏

Tao: .......😰😰😰

Frankenstein: .....M21 no killing Tao got it😒

M21: fine I won't kill him but what about hurting him 😏

Frankenstein: .......😒

Tao: umm boss you didn't say anything your not going to let him hurt me ?? Boss ?? B boss😱

M21: ooh look here comes the villagers see you soon Tao 😏

Tao: .....😱😱😱

Frankenstein: play nice you guys and Tao you better come up with something else to keep the villagers busy we are going to need M21 in this battle 😒

Tao: right boss I'll figure something out 😅

M21 looked at the villagers he was very much annoyed but he went with them the villagers were telling him he was chosen by the God Tao as a favorite they said he should be happy about this

M21: ooh I'm happy can't you tell this is my happy face😒

Villagers: right ... 😥😥😥😥

Frankenstein: M21 be nice to the villagers got it 😒

M21: ya ya 😒

About then the villagers came into view of Tao behind them came a very upset looking M21

Tao: ooh there you are my Favorite come set and let's eat hahaha 😅😅😅

Villagers: our God Tao we found your favorite now please enjoy your Feast

M21: yes please enjoy your Feast Tao 😡

Villagers: please don't call the God Tao so informal Favorite

M21: What 😒

Villagers: You called him just Tao he should be always addressed as God Tao

M21: hmm he is not my God tho 😒

Villagers: .......😲😲😵😵😲😲😵😵

The villagers all looked at Tao with shocked expression some were even angry others to shocked to speak the mad ones all started asking Tao to teach him a lesson by striking him with lightening

Tao: now now calm down I don't force people to make me their God you are all free to believe anything you want hahaha 😅😅😅

Villagers: ... Strike him down Strike him down Strike him down

Tao: please just calm down now😥😥

Villager: our true God Tao would not let a favorite of his speak like that without a punishment if your Truly our God Tao you will strike him down

Tao: .....😰😰😰

Frankenstein: well well look at the mess you made M21 they are now starting to doubt Tao because of you hmm 😒 I guess we don't have a choice now

M21: What no

Frankenstein: Tao do it 😒

M21: Wait😫

Tao: hehehe forgive me M21 😅😅😅

At that Tao snapped his fingers and sent a bolt of lightning down on M21 electricuteing him a small surge of electricity shot out from M21 straight for the villager who had doubted Tao shocking him as well not to much but it did make the man scream in pain then fall to the ground M21 gritted his teeth and growled under his breath after the shocking was over M21 looked very upset but after looking at Tao he noticed him starring at the village man who was laying on the ground he turned to see what happened he then looked straight at Tao this time with a shocked looked on his face all the villagers looking at Tao with surprised looks all bowed down

Villagers: please forgive us our God Tao for doubting you

Frankenstein: What is going on now ?😒

M21: (whisper) umm Tao shocked the villager who had doubted him along with me😟

Frankenstein:WHAT .....😡 Tao...

Tao: hahaha all is forgiven now come lets eat all together this is a order from your God😄😄

All the villagers looked in amazement but they all came some Sat down others just started dishing up and going back to sit on the ground M21 still shocked that Tao would shock that man was just starring at him Tao Sat down and motioned him to do the same he did

Frankenstein: Tao what happened?😡

Tao: (whisper) hahaha boss I have no idea what happened the electricity that shocked that man was not mine 😕

Frankenstein: then who's was it ?😡

Tao: ...😓😓

Zarra: it was me 😔

Frankenstein: hmm ok but why would you do that ?😒

Tao: Zarra??? Why 😲

Zarra: (whisper) he doubted you even after you said you didn't want to do that he doubted you and made you use your power he deserves to be punished😔

Tao: .......😱

Frankenstein: wow are you sure you don't want to stop serving Tao and come serve my Master 😏

Everyone: ........😓😓😓😓😓😓

Zarra: I'm quite sure😔

Taush: Takeo we have a problem

Takeo: What is it Taush?😕

Taush: the enemy is coming but there is more than we thought and they are coming from two different directions one the way we thought they would use but the other forces are coming through Takeo Forrest so they will run into the villagers within a hour

Takeo: what That's not good at all😟

Frankenstein: What is it Takeo?😒

Takeo: Taush says the enemy is coming but there are two different forces one is coming the way we thought but the other force is in Takeo's Forrest and they should run into the villagers within a hour 😟

Frankenstein: hmm 😒 that's not good we are going to have to evacuate the villagers now any ideas?😒

Takeo: I could send Taush to them to open a portal but where to is the question😟

Frankenstein: ..... hmm 😒

Tao: I have a idea on where to send them 😅

Takeo: What where??😕

Tao: hehehe 😅😅😅 he might get mad but at least the villagers would be safe and we can bring them back after the battle

Takeo: Tao your not suggesting him he would kill us 😰😰

Lilly: no way not Leo he would not just kill us he would torture us 😰😰

Frankenstein: hmm I've never met him before but I think I might need to now after hearing you guys talk about him 😏 we don't have much time right now let's just send them close to this guy that should be ok right😏

Takeo: hmm ... Why do I get the feeling that this is not going to end well for me😓😓 Taush go to Tao

Taush: ok but I really don't want to do this Leo already hates me

Takeo: I know😓😓