
Chapter 9 The Truth

Takeo: What??

Lilly: you heard me Take off your shirt

Takeo: here??

Lilly: are you embarrassed??

M21: this is weird your asking your brother to strip in front of everyone?

Lilly: shut up if he is my brother he knows why I asked him to do this

Takeo: fine if that will make you believe

Takeo took his suite jacket off and handed it to Tao he then un buttoned his shirt and pulled it open showing his Crest over his left chest Lilly walked over starring at it she knew it was her family's crest she touched it and wiped it as to check if it was real she looked at Taush for a minute then Taush lowered his wing showing her his Crest she started to tear up she looked at Takeo then shoved him back he looked confused she then yelled WHY DID YOU LEAVE?? She was crying now

Takeo: I .... didn't want to

Lilly: What ..... if you didn't want to then you should have stayed

Takeo: ... Father

Lilly: ....(she looked at Takeo with a furious look) Father ..... what about him if your asking if he's ok don't bother I hate that man ... (In a low whisper) and you left us with him after you promised to protect us

Takeo: .... ( Takeo started to cry ) I know and I will never forgive myself for that and I'll make Father pay for what he has done that is a promise and one that I will keep I was not asking if he was ok he was the reason why I left he sold me to the Union while I was at the Union they wiped my memory sense I have been here Taush started sharing his memory with me that is how I know all this

Lilly: .... (She was crying even more now she then ran to Takeo grabbed him and hugged him while crying in his chest )

Takeo held her he then said don't worry I'll never break another promise to you again he hugged her tight everyone just stood there watching the whole thing

Frankenstein: ( Master)

Rai: (yes??)

Frankenstein: ( well I tried to ask politely about this Leo to some of the village people here they asked me who I was when I told them they stopped talking to me and locked themselves in their homes now I can't seem to find anyone here)

Rai: (... Hmm)

Frankenstein: ( ooh Master two girls are walking up to me I'll try again )

Rai: (ok)

Anna and Sasha heard that a new guy showed up and started asking questions the villagers were frightened and hid in their homes they decided to check it out themselves as they walked they noticed a man standing in the middle of the village he had Blonde hair and blue eyes he was tall and wearing a nice suite he was flat out gorgeous they have never seen a Man so good looking before it took their breath away as they walked up to him he looked a bit nervous about something

Anna: hello can I help you with something?

Frankenstein: ooh umm ya I'm looking for Leo??

Anna: ooh ?? You know him ??

Frankenstein: well not really

Anna: ooh then why are you looking for him?

Frankenstein: umm see my friends are with him and I'm trying to find them

Anna: ooh ok we can send word that you are here what is your name?

Frankenstein: hahaha see last time I said my name someone ran away from me so can't I just not tell you

Anna: umm ok tell us your friends names then ?

Frankenstein: ooh ok well first there is Raizel but he might be going by Rai

Anna: hmm never heard of him tell me another one ?

Frankenstein: ok umm how about Tao?

Anna: ... Tao your friends with the Tao ?

Frankenstein: umm I'm not sure what Tao you are thinking of but one of my friends names is Tao

Anna: hmm ok tell me another one?

Frankenstein: how about either Takeo or M21??

Anna: hmm are you from another Dimension?

Frankenstein: umm maybe I'm not sure

Sasha: ..... ( if this is one of their friends then we need to know his name) What's your name?

Frankenstein: huh like I said last time when I said my name someone ran away from me so I would rather not say

Sasha: just tell us we won't run away I promise

Frankenstein: ok if you promised my name is Frankenstein

Both Sasha and Anna backed up a few feet they both had a frightened look on their faces Sasha told everyone in the village about the stories she heard about this Frankenstein and that he was a Demon they wanted to run but then Frankenstein reminded them that they promised not to run away Sasha remembered them saying he's a nice guy as long as you don't make him mad so she tried to smile but it looked weird more like a frightened smile Anna tried to do the same

Frankenstein:What are you doing? Please stop your starting to scare me! it seems like you guys have heard some kind of stories about me ?? Am I correct?

Sasha: umm aa well kind of

Anna: ya y yes we have

Frankenstein: hmm ..... How about this tell me.... what are your names?

Sasha: umm m my name is Sasha and this is Anna

Frankenstein: (Master)

Rai: (yes)

Frankenstein: (ask Tao,Takeo and M21 if they know two girls named Sasha and Anna I'm with them right now)

Rai: ( ok) hmm do you know Sasha and Anna by any chance?

Everyone turned looking at Rai M21 said ya we Do well me and Takeo why ?

Rai: (Frankenstein M21 and Takeo know them )

Frankenstein: ( ooh really)

Rai: ( just stay there we will come to you soon ok)

Frankenstein: ( yes Master)

Rai: Frankenstein is with them

Takeo: ooh we should go back to the village then

Lilly: ya it will be a lot faster now with Taush

Takeo: right he can make a portal ????

Taush: ya but the thing is this will be my first time

Takeo: ooh ok well how hard can it be?

Lilly: it's his first time?? Ugh ok Takeo you have to Order Taush to open a portal to the village it has to be a Order or the portal will burn everyone who tries to go through it got it. Taush after the Order you have to breath out a low key fire don't go overboard ok and the portal should appear ok now try it

Takeo: ok here goes I really don't like giving him Orders but if that's the only way hmm Taush Open a Portal to the village now

Taush: yes Master ( Taush turned his head to the left he then let out a low key flame it's swirled around and just like that a portal appeared)

Lilly: now who's going to try it first

Everyone looked around as to see if anyone would volunteer but nobody did then Takeo and Tao both looked at M21 with that look M21 just sighed and said fine just don't say it he knew what they were thinking ( he heals fast he should try it first) he stomped over to the Portal and said hear goes nothing and stepped in to the portal

Frankenstein just starred at the two girls who were still frightened of him he sighed then said look I'm not going to do anything ok I'm just waiting for my friends to get here they told me to wait here Anna looked confused I thought you said you were trying to find them? Frankenstein looked at her he just smiled and said yes I was but now I have and they said to stay here and that they would come to me soon Sasha looked at him then said that is impossible they are hundreds of miles away that will take days to get here Frankenstein looked a little confused but just smiled and said i trust my friends so don't worry about then a Portal appeared a few feet from Frankenstein they all looked at it a few minutes passed with nobody coming out they looked confused then finally M21 walked out of it he looked around and yelled back through the Portal it works I'm not burned

Frankenstein: M21 your here ? Where's Master??

M21: Frankenstein umm ooh Rai is coming

Anna: What the.. you.. how... how did you ??

M21: ooh get this we found that Dragon who would have guessed it was that little lizard

Anna: ...

Sasha: ...

About then Rai walked out of the portal then Lilly came followed by Zarra and Zander then Tao and last Takeo and Taush in his lizard form setting on Takeo's shoulder as They came out the Portal disappeared Takeo looked confused Lilly said ooh when you come through it closes I'll have to teach you more about this she then walked over to Anna she whispered in her ear for a few minutes Anna looked confused then starring at Takeo she started to tear up she ran into him hugging him tight and started to cry Takeo hugged her back saying that he was sorry for not telling them sooner he was just trying to protect them against who ever was trying to kill him he didn't want them to get hurt again because of him Anna just put a finger to Takeo's mouth to shut him up she then said we are not as helpless as we were back then trust us we will help you defeat this war that is coming and at last we all will get our revenge on our Father for what he has done and if you think that we would ever just let you go do this alone after just getting you back your sorely mistaken nothing will keep me from helping you even if we all die here I won't just stand by she looked straight into Takeo's eyes he knew that he couldn't keep them out of this now ugh he wanted to hit Leo so hard right now it made him so mad if he would have just kept his mouth shut they would have been safe Frankenstein looked at Takeo and watched this Anna as she said this stuff he then walked over to them and asked Takeo what was going on he was confused about this all Takeo then went into detail about what has happened so far telling Frankenstein everything after that they all went to Anna and Lilly's house they sat down and started planning their next move it was mostly Tao talking he was saying that they had to get all the villagers to a safe place so nothing would happen to them after all the safety of them came first Frankenstein finally spoke up

Frankenstein: ok first off I want you (pointing at Takeo) to have your Pet open a portal to our house Master and I need to get back (he knew the others could handle things here he didn't want his Master involved with this in his current condition) I'm sure you guys can handle things here

Taush: PET ??? I don't like being called that

Takeo: ( calm down Taush he didn't mean it that way I'm sure) umm ok I'm sure we can figure things out by ourselves

Tao: ya we will be fine it won't be hard for us

M21: hmm .....

Lilly: you guys have no idea what your up against it's not just one guy he is a high powered ruler he has a army faithfully following his orders I'm not looking down on you but unless you guys can take on each at least a hundred people with powers and their contractors and on top of that not to mention that they have a Dragon as well this Fight is not going to be easy

Anna: Lilly is right we know our people and land it's not going to be easy we will need all the help we can get do not forget we are not only dealing with our people but the Union as well

Frankenstein: hmm the Union is here causing problems as well this is not good well maybe after Master and I go back we can have a chat with the others and they can make a decision wether they would like to help but I'm sorry Master and I can not

Takeo: that's alright Frankenstein I understand and I'm not asking for any help

Tao: ya you and Sir Rai should go home we will wrap things up here in no time

M21: I agree with Tao you guys should go we will be fine

Sasha: I don't get you guys you know how dangerous this is going to be and before you were telling me how strong this Frankenstein was and now your all trying to send him back without even asking for him to help?

Takeo: your right you don't understand it's not that we don't know how dangerous thing are it's because we do know

Frankenstein: hmm so Takeo and M21 told you about me ??? This is interesting I wonder what kind of stories they might have told you about me ( Frankenstein looked at Takeo and M21 with a furious glare)

Takeo: haha ..... (Takeo started to sweat)

M21: ... (M21 went black eyed and started to sweat)

Frankenstein: it's not that I don't want to help it's more of a personal matter that I need to take care of so don't get me wrong I would help but I just can't

Rai: (Rai knew they all were trying to send him back to protect him but he just couldn't stay back knowing they were fighting he knew they would need Frankensteins help so he had no other choice) Frankenstein I'm staying

Frankenstein: What .... Master you know what that means please don't they will be fine we really should go home

Rai: I know very well what it may come to if I stay and I am willing to chance that. This is Takeo's home land I believe that we owe him at least this much after all he has fought for both our homes many times and he has now become our family as well Frankenstein I want to help protect our Family

Frankenstein: Master ( it pained Frankenstein he knew his Master was right and he did feel the same as he did but he also did not want anything to happen to him ugh this is getting ridiculous he was going to have to take care of this all before his Master uses any power if he did he could die and that can't happen not yet )

Takeo: .... ( Rai thought of him as Family? Now that he thinks about it he don't know when but he started thinking of them as Family too but he can't just let Rai use up the last of his power for this ) I ... I appreciate you guys wanting to help I also have come to think of you all as my Family and that is why I must say this Rai I won't tell you to go back your welcome to stay but please Rai don't use any power.