
A ninja who is always hungry

Our protagonist meets a being named Rob after suffering the strangest truck accident in history and discovers that his abrupt death is the result of a bet, a rigged one. Rob promises him compensation for it and without much thought, he decides to grant him something else in line with his true wishes. I do not own Naruto or any other universe that will appear, except for the MC. The cover has been generated by an AI after many attempts. I read constructive ideas and suggestions because this is the first time I have written in this way, unlike my other previous books. This time I do it to entertain myself and disconnect a bit and if someone has a problem, they can read something else.

Cadenadeaventuras · Anime e quadrinhos
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124 Chs

News 2023 Clarify doubts and more

I hope you all have started the year on the right foot and end it even better! In the end we really reached a million, it's incredible.

During this year I have been reading the comments of the fanfic and I decided to clarify some things.

First of all, as many if not all of you have noticed, although the fanfic story uses Naruto's timeline, some details are not accurate, such as Lee being in the same class with Sasuke and the others at the Ninja Academy.

To explain this, he is an AU. Since I do not 100% remember the entire series, I considered it convenient to use.

Second, I have seen that many do not seem to have read Chap.0 as I suggested. Read it and you will understand some things.

Third. Some of you have asked me if I have Pa treon where to read the story before and even without constant gender changes (google translator's fault).

The initial answer was no, (I do have Patreon, but I didn't have the fanfic uploaded there) but at the insistence, I decided to post the original chapters there (I updated them today) and from now on, you can read them ahead of time before I released them here. That, along with the rest of the drafts of my stories, characters and illustrations.

You may not know it, but in reality I have already officially published five books (A trilogy and two others).

You have the link in my profile and here: https://www.patreon.com/cadenadeaventuras

Fourth and last! I'm thinking that when we're done with this Naruto fanfic, we'll start with a Harry Potter one.

Would you like a hint at the beginning of the next chapter of the fanfic?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Cadenadeaventurascreators' thoughts