

The goddess froze, not because of the world of frost surrounding her, nor because of the power emanating from Eldrian. Neither could affect her.

She froze because she didn't know what to do.  Eldrian was clearly hurting, and how could he not? Two had been by his side every second of every day for the past two years. Always there to hear him out or offer his support when needed. Now? Now Eldrian was alone. 

He might still have his friends, but the connection he shared with them paled in comparison to his connection with Two. After all, Two had been a part of him since the beginning. 

This was not a loss where the weight was felt right when Two died. No, the true grief would only set in when Eldrian called to his constant friend, only to receive silence in answer.

When all the habits he had grown reared their heads, asking where Two was. Failing because Eldrian expected his friend's support.