
Can we talk about Two?

By now, most of the damage had been repaired. Still, there remained a lingering air of desolation in the world. Two's absence was strongly felt.

Where once Eldrian had come to think of this world within him as a true world. Something that might even be capable of housing life outside of Two. He now saw it as something hallow, lacking of life and the quality to house it. 

The tea he prepared for his guest clearly reflected this change. Where before Eldrian had been on the cusp of offering something truly refreshing, what Ziraili sipped now was completely lacking. 

Still, she wasn't about to point out that the tea was lacking in substance. That it was little more than the idea of tea than the actual thing. She felt far too guilty to focus on such trivialities. That the tea was so lacking only hammered home how much Eldrian had lost.

How hurt he must be, despite the brave face he showed his friends.