
Eldrian testing his limits

Cursing ensued every time someone arrived and was informed of this new development. "Couldn't you have waited till after?" Zyviss asked quite rudely. He quickly apologized, but the words were already spoken. 

"No," Eldrian didn't take offense, rather he felt this could help him explain why he needed to rush so much. "You all know how Erik and I see the NPCs." 

This got a round of nods, Eldrian continuing, "Now... Just think of this. Since we have joined the game over 20 known kingdoms have fallen. Imagine how many we know nothing about."

Again the others nodded, this time with a heavier feeling. "I get that... Sorry, Eldrian." Zyviss said, feeling embarrassed at his outburst. He knew how invested the two were in the game, it was almost an obsession and likely unhealthy. He would not bring it up however, they were not close enough.